NAME: Zsazsa.
TIMEZONE: Central Standard Time / CST(GMT-6).
BIRTHDAY: 22nd August.
MESSENGER: abeacon4hope(aim).
EMAIL ADDRESS: zsazsawithoutthegabor(yahoo).
CDJ: zsamboky.
PB: Zoë Saldana.
JOURNARL TO BE USED: calypsonian.
NAME: Calypso Serafina Zabini des Rosiers.
FORMER MARRIAGE NAMES: di Valentino, Chassériau, and Petrovskaya.
NICKNAMES: Cal. Cals. Cally. Lypsy. Madame Zabini. Chéri (by Beau).
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 25. October the 3rd, 1953.
ZODIAC: Libra.
PLACE OF BIRTH: The Zabini Villa & Vineyard in Verona, Italy.
  • a Villa on Lake Como in Lombardy, Italy.
  • a Chateau just outside of Paris in France.
  • a Castle just off of Lake Seliger in Russia.
  • a Mansion in Richmond in England.
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood.
OCCUPATION: Viticulturist. Heiress. Widow (3x).
    Calypso’s employment consists truly being a heiress of the Zabini fortune while also being a three time widow and being left with a horrific amount of money. And, yes, this is serious. Cal has been widowed three times in turning eighteen and with each of her husbands’ deaths she has grown wealthier and possibly has even more gold and such then her family or will have. On the other hand, though, Calypso has taken to her families old business as she insists on during something more with herself then just being a simple housewife as many of her friend have - though she does not fault them for such things, its just not her style to do nothing with herself. Hyperion Zabini, her grandfather, took to rehabilitating the family overgrow Roman vineyards back in the eighth century when he was eighteen and though there had always been someone there to take care of it, it had started to dwindle in the past generation or two with the presence of more muggles as they moved into the neighboring villas. Bring the local growth under control again and removing all the seasoned but mildewed grapes, Hyperion watched as his grounds flourished in the new environment that he has created. In the dawn of the nineteenth century the Zabini family vineyard was back to its high grounds and was soon producing the finest Italian wines. Notably the Zabini vineyards would become famous for a number of this and one of them being their Wrotham Pinot, a wine brand that is known cause nights of Bacchanalian fan and for taste that hasn’t been attend since the time of the Romans. The vineyard and villa would be passed to Hyperion’s son Apollinaire who now has started training his daughter, Calypso, in the ways of a viticulturist since her brother, Cesare, hasn’t taken to much interest in it as his beloved daughter has. She’s even made a few tasteful wines, however, her first couple were only acceptable. Since then though rifled through her family catacomb libraries and found many of Hyperion’s journals, diagrams, and charms that he kept and though she found him to be lascivious bookkeeper she has found that his written detailed words of work extremely helpful and since the season after her first have been wonderful. Hopefully there will be more to come as every year the wines get better, and better and her dear and closet friend can’t help but simple enjoy it. Note - Currently with her moving back to England with her fiancé Calypso has started apparating daily to the vineyard as a way of commuting back and forth between home and work.
Apollinare Vespasiano Zabini - Father (65)
Calypso adores her father more than anyone in the world. Fortunate enough to always manage to please both of her parents, in more ways then her brother could, Calypso nevertheless was able to win over the affections of her father and her without much effort. Since she was a small child she has always been a Daddy’s Girl, but not horribly so, of course but her father has always presented an very protectiveness over Cally and so she has grown to be somewhat dependent upon him over the years. Apollinare has always spoiled Calypso and continues to so even though she is a grown married woman and she doesn‘t refuse - her birthday gifts she receive from him year after year are known for being simply divine. The prominence of the relationship of the two has always made it easier for Calypso to forgive her father more than her mother, though these is for some known reason. Even when her parents married her off quickly to the next guy after her second married she was more quickly to forgive her father sooner than later. Calypso knows that her father would lover her even more if she was a boy but nevertheless she knows Apo adores her even more and will continue to dot of her incessantly until the day he dies.
PLAYBY: Morgan Freeman.

Scilla Floriana Zabini née Montague - Mother (51)
As much as Calypso would hate o admit it she is, as they say, her mother’s daughter. From her head to her toes, Calypso seems to reflect everything that her was, and everything that Scilla has ever strived to be. In looks she and her mother are nearly identical; they have the same dark brunette hair, the same brown eyes, the stature, and the same Athenian bone structure - though Calypso is far more petite whereas her mother has always been a little bit more healthier than her daughter though she now is more podgier. From the moment Calypso was born her mother knew that had potential - in terms of becoming what a proper lady is considered to be. And so her mother put every once of effort into making her become something of a beacon for high-society elegance of purity. She made her take ballet classes, etiquette classes, music classes, and everything in0between. All to make Cal what she is today: a social success. Though Calypso is grateful for her mothers time and efforts she at times resents her mother fro not giving her time motherly love that some of her friends mothers gave them or letting her have down time to herself. And her mothers snide comments don’t help their relationship at times which leads into arguments but Cill and Cally have how found ways around their battles, most of the time. All together, Calypso, has come to accept her mother for what she is: a normal Italian mother who loves overbearing just as much as tries to control the lives her children, and over feeds them.
PLAYBY:Lainie Kazan.
Cesare Zabini - Brother (28)
Cesare, well, he’s her Ces or Cessie. It’s difficult to explain their relationship. Cesare at times can be seen as the polar opposite of Calypso, in both physicality and personality, and their isn’t at time when their parents haven’t commented on it. It can even be said that Cesare is the light and Calypso is the dark; while Cally passionate and brave, Cesare is calm and docile… there nothing alike while beginning alike at the same time. Again… it’s difficult to explain. On the one hand, he is arguably the second person (the other being Narcissa Malfoy) who she had ever truly trusted with her whole life, and the a person who she has ever proved worthy of trust with certain secrets. One the other hand, however, she worries herself horribly over him without end, particularly in the dedication to and relationships with Half-bloods, Muggleborn and the whatnot. She heard the rumors when he was in school about him taking up with several Muggleborns witches in the broom closets and though Half-bloods aren’t as bad she still finds herself truly frightened at his loyalty to his blood and his family. Considering that boys will be boys and that she believes that Cesare will come to his senses and stop dating around she let her and their mother find in a suitable wife, she still considers Cessie one her the very few people she can admit to loving and feeling truly hurt by if he crossed her. Nevertheless she loves him.
PLAYBY: Mechad Brooks.

Narcissa Malfoy née Black - Surrogate Sister (24)
The closet thing she has ever had to a sister is Narcissa Black, now Malfoy, but Calypso considers her mother an just a surrogate sister. Narcissa is Calypso’s confidant, her protector, her defender, and the only person she always has been able to turn to in her times of need. For all of Cally’s indiscretions and violent pastimes, Cissy has always been gentle and understanding towards Cally which is a known characteristic of her and she has always been the one constant in her life. They grew closer together after their older sibling left school and went on their with their lives which made them the protectors of each other from then on. They’ve always watched over each other, kept each other safe, and making sure they were sheltered when growing up. They have conflicts, of course - all sisters do, even surrogate sisters. Calypso doesn’t think anything could ever break the bond they have, especially after the things they’ve been through and done. And the thought of losing her is enough to bring her to tears.
PLAYBY: Teresa Palmer.
STATUS: Closed.
    Hyperion Zabini (paternal grandfather), Thais Zabini née Carrow (paternal grandmother), Benedetto Montague (maternal grandfather), Eulalia Montague née Bliskwick (maternal grandmother), Giovanni Montague I (maternal uncle), Silvia Montague née Dolohov (maternal aunt-in-law), Mercutio Montague (cousin), Giovanni Montague II, (cousin), Remelda Montague (cousin), Romina Vane née Montague (cousin), Stefano Vane (cousin-in-law), Melchiorre Zabini (paternal great grandfather, deceased), Selvaggia Zabini née Tosi (paternal great grandmother, deceased), Margherita Zabini née Borgia (paternal step great grandmother, deceased), Alfreda Zabini (paternal great great aunt), Athanas Carrow (great uncle), Eionia Carrow (great aunt-in-law), Merlye Carrow (second cousin), Sorina Carrow (second cousin-in-law), Amycus Carrow (second cousin), Alecto Carrow (second cousin), Amaryllis Carrow (second cousin), Atalo Carrow (second cousin).
SEXUALITY: Ferociously Heteroflexiablesexual.
    Calyspo is an omnivore with it comes to sex and considers sexuality to be something that is suppose to be fluid within humans. Most of her experiences have admittedly been with those who posses a more lengthy sexual organ, as it one of the social norms and the male sex is who she finds herself dominantly attracted too, but there have been her friendships with other females have become genuinely and artistically sapphic. Besides those few choice overly friendly relationships she is no more a lesbian than the Roman women, Lucretia and Gaia, though she would marry Narcissa if wasn‘t ready taken and it was legal.
    Widowed. Currently Married, agian.

Beauregard des Rosiers - Husband (27)
Beauregard is Calypso’s forth husband and where do you being when someone is on their forth married. Well for starters, Beau has become almost everything to Cal. While she’s always loved her past husbands in her own Calypso way her lover for Beauregard was the love that she had always hoped she would fall in though this kind of love is something that she had long forgotten about because she thought it would never actually happen. She knows that it isn’t a practical desire of pureblood society; marriage is based upon political gains and connection - rightfully so. She’s not a half-wit or even vaguely dumb, and she knows that if marriages were based upon things so fleeting as love that the world would essentially fall apart on the whims of the emotions of others. But while she may never know this, still she could never help but have this ideal image of in her head what her future husband would be like and how the relationship would go. And she would have never thought such a ridiculous wish could have ever come true after three marriages. Calypso loves Beauregard, truly she does. Their marriage is different then those she participated in before. It’s happy for the most part and loving and it has yet to find itself in the stages of becoming mundane just as her pervious marriages had turned. And she loves him because he is beauty be is equally he is intelligent, charismatic as he is demure, envious as he is copious. Calypso even hopes to make themselves even more of a family by giving Beau a child of his own which because she that the sex is excellent shouldn’t prove hard at making a child.
PLAYBY: Chris Pine.
Anaïs Solange Chassériau Zabini - StepDaughter (7)
There are no word to describe how Calypso feels about Anaïs, her daughter who is to never be referred to as her stepdaughter. Anaïs is everything to Calypso and Calypso is the same to Anaïs. Anaïs for the most part even looks like a young versions of Calypso which both love. Calypso has taken care of Anaïs since being married to her second husband Théophile who had previously been taken care for Anaïs by himself since her mother has passed away giving birth to the child. Anaïs barely two has known no other mother other than Calypso and refers to her as such. Even though Calypso has plans to have a child with her current husband she still hasn’t placed her relationship with her child on the back burner. No. She spoils the girl gotten every chance she gets. Calypso is also extremely protective of An, which her parents found strange as she had only been with Théo and the child for only so long, but yet Calypso is motherly and protective and even refused to place Anaïs in an orphanage after her father died. An well always be Cal’s babe girl even after she has another child(ren).
PLAYBY: Aja Bair.
Napoleone Zabini - (15)
Napoleone is Calypso’s pet cat and magical familiar. He is half-Kneazle which one possibly can’t tell from first glance as he is cat breeding is a Persian Longhair, though, his lovely thick blue fur tends to aloud to his nature as its more bluer than the normal blue coloring of Persian cats. Napoleone like other creatures of a half-Kneazle nature is highly intelligent than normal for a species and is able to solve problems on his own without aid or teaching from Calypso. One of his notable features is his ability to open doors - though Cally still hasn’t figured out yet how be does it - and he also has taught himself how to use the bathroom though she still can’t flush the toilet himself. Napoleone is affectionate to those he likes and aggressive and mean to those he dislikes which Calypso see as omen about people if Nap doesn’t particularly like them. Napoleone was given to Calypso by her father just before going to Hogwarts and he has never been apart from her so long and possibly will be their until be passes.

Fierro Zabini - (5)
Fierro is Calypso’s pet Burrowing Owl and other magical familiar. He was a gift to Cal by her third in his attempt to please with her warranted aggravation at his not writing to her when he left on long trips though he never sent returned owl letters back to her. Even though thing went sour in their married Calypso has yet remove Fierro from her home nor does she want to. She adores Fierro and loves his flight dancing and the fact that picks fights with Napoleone who for the most part thinks he’s running the house.
WIZARDING SCHOOL: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
SCHOOL HOUSE: Alumni of the House of Slytherin.
  • the Slug Club (1967-1973).
  • the Choir (1967-1970).
  • the Charms Club (1967-1973).
  • the Herbology Club (1967-1973).
  • the Dueling Club (1967-1971).
    Astronomy (O), Ancient Runes (O), Charms (O), Defense Against the Dark Arts (O), Herbology (O), History of Magic (O), Potions: (O), Transfiguration: (O), Muggle Studies (EE), Arthimancy: (O), Care for Magical Creatures (EE), Divination (O).
    Charms (O), Defense Against the Dark Arts (O), Herbology (O), History of Magic (O), Potions (O), Care for Magical Creatures (O).
    Along with her best friend Calypso she could be been as the Death Eaters cheerleader or more so the leader of the Death Eaters 'Deathly Booster Club' and sponsor it too. Generally, Calypso is more than a capable potionist, herbologist, and duelist; she has been gifted in these arts since she was young and as found useful ways for her intelligence in plants and potions to help not only herself but the Death Eaters. Able to come up with innovative methods with potions even achieving quicker and better results that her teachers while at school which quickly made her into as master Potioner. Calypso as a master Potioneer has even created a number of new potions including one that caused a at least several deaths which hasn‘t been traced to her as the effects are seemingly untraceable and the death resulting in at tends to look like an accident. Though most don‘t aspect someone as womanly as her to be skilled at herbology she is and doesn‘t mind getting her hands dirty when it comes to her plants. She owns her own greenhouse and exotic plant filled that is located to the side of her families vineyard which also hides its location. Though, she practically isn‘t the woman to that throws herself to the center of the battle field and she knows that she‘ll never have skills of a duelist like her counterpart Bellatrix Lestrange, Calypso is still very skilled at protecting herself in battle. In or our of a battle her intelligence and memory of charms, curses, and defensive magic spells are vast and useful. Above all her talents as femme fatale and seductress are her most prolific abilities in her arsenal of damning abilities. A rare beauty among the land of the beautiful and deathly, Calypso, knows how to use her womanly wiles and intelligence to deceive, manipulate, and charm, all which is done her target even knowing their being deceived and conned. Lying and charming others has become almost a second nature of the woman and receiving no suspicion of her dastardly deeds is almost not even an added bonus as she radiates innocence. Lastly, Calypso at times if not all the time can be seen as a human Gringotts and while most of her pureblood comrades do come from money Calypso has already at young age been widowed four three times and even without the money she receives as being one of the heirs to the Zabini family fortune she has enough money that she has to hold her holdings in several banks. This fact has lead her to being a backer for when money is needed and force is not.
    Purebloods, Halfbloods, Muggleborns, etc. Since her birth her parents have preached the gospels on Pureblood supremacy so much they if they where muggles they could have been Televangelist broadcasting their words across the air waves or Jehovah Witnesses knocking on the doors of others handing out the pamphlets filled with the words of their Lord Voldemort. Blood purity always a high top level in the Zabini house hold whether it was over afternoon tea or dinner with friends, it was always a off tongue topic or joke that her parents had on the back of their forked tongues. There wasn’t even a level or leave way for the level of fullness of blood you we’re either pureblooded or not. The in-between of being a third pure was acceptable depending on who you and your family were and even the topic of half bloods was almost never a topic as they were either disliked for the shame they brought on the magical community or pitied because their descendent relative has disgraced their families name by contemptuously defiling their families genes - pity as almost the latter in the Zabini family as it not something taught their children to feel for others. These ideas are more or less the same as one would expect from Calypso as isn’t one to really defer from the known and the taught.

    Muggleborns are a somewhat complex subject for Calypso, one which also makes her feel malaise at times. The fact of what a persons magical blood status actually is if someone is new to magic. Does it not make them pureblooded or fullblooded because they fresh and untainted. Or, does the fact that they are born from muggles make them at a total of one percent pure meaning that their family would been to mate with more wizards and witches to gain fully pure status? And wouldn’t that only fuller pollute the blood status of others? More and more questions tend to pop into her when she thinks of the subject which is why she feels at time that muggleborn shouldn’t be allowed to learn the nature of magic at all if not for the they are bring in things into the wizarding world that shouldn’t be then for the fact that the veil of secrecy that protects muggles from learning about witches and wizards is being broken every time we new mudblood arises. And that’s why taking their powers away or binning them is not only for the benefit of them but for the benefit of other wizards and witches liker herself, her friends, and family.

    The Ministry of Magic. Calypso cannot say that she has a real excessively strong opinion on the British Ministry and its underlings, seeing as in Italy the Ministry more or less works for them and yet still she doesn’t care particularly about them or their politics or political standings - as along as their in her corner. The British Ministry of Magic, does, however, employ many of her family members, friends, and a number of her deathly associates and one could assume that this fact make some small part of her happy as at least some form of reputable responsible purebloods work in the establishment are working to be betterment of pureblooded witches and wizards. Nevertheless, Calypso doesn’t really have a particular opinion of the Ministry as they have not intruded into her business and nor as she as she possibly wouldn’t still have an opinion on it even if she were to marry the next Minister of Magic. Hmmm……. Calypso Zabini, First Lady of the Ministry of Magic, it does have attractive ring to it.

    The Dark Lord & Death Eaters. Pureblood supremacy and such much matters is something that Calypso was raised to believe in absolutely and she does so without a second though and uphold the ideas of her fore fathers and supports the ideals of the Dark Lord scrupulous and cold heartedly. She even jumped at the chance to join the ranks of the group that called themselves the Death Eaters of Lord Voldemort - a thing that her father proudly allowed to get with while her mother protested - but truthful she doesn’t have the temperament to crusade around cause havoc through genocide. She firmly be believes in the supremacy that all those of pureblood hold over those of unpure blood, but a muggle genocide is not something she wish to happen. Muggle enslavement, now that’s something that she could brand with her name. Muggle to her are better red and dead. Still, she happy and proud doing what she currently going though getting summoned in the middle of the night isn’t quite so much her glass of wine.

    Muggles Asking, Calypso, if she fancied Muggles would beyond doubt be a senseless question. Obviously, she don’t like them. A standpoint like that would be a complete betrayal of everything that her family has ever taught her and everything that she has built that foundation of her life on, and she’s not one to ever what to shake the foundations even more an then she already has even by the slightest bit. But to be honest, The Zabini family vineyard employs a great number of Muggle workers and yet Cal has never really interacted with them and those few that she has have either been marked in her book as their terribly naïve, ignorantly monotonous, or refreshingly charming and though she finds some the latter she doesn‘t deliberately socialize with them, she likes and respects herself a little to much to do so. Even if she found a modern Muggle as unique and thought-provoking as Shakespeare she still would label them under the mental column of bête noire in her mind as she believes them to be lower life forms and in no way should they even be ruled as equal to her. If Calypso is sure of one thing concerning Muggles it would be that their whole human existence as human beings has to be or is deplorable and though they may be inferior to her, it doesn’t totally mean that they should all be destroyed. She’s just very sure that they can be utilized in more practical ways such as working in the fields of vineyards or spell test dummies. Simply as that.
physical appearance
HEIGHT: 5'9".
WEIGHT: 125 lbs.
BUILD: Statuesque, toned and fit, with accentuated curves.
STYLE: Classic, stylish and always up beat and ahead of style trends.
APPEARANCE: Exotic, regal, unique – those are only few adjectives generally used to describe Calypso, and such words still fall short. Calypso is a visually stunning woman -- if for no other reason than her distinctive looks -- her substantial and enigmatic allurement something that draws the attention and mould the passionate fantasies of many men, admitted or not. Standing at astounding 5’9, the witchling is relatively taller of most women, and she quietly revels in the influence and power that her height provides her. With a naturally ample bosom, long, sylphlike legs and a lithe, curvaceous figure, the Italian woman has a composure that makes her simple irresistible to glance at as she passes by. Calypso is a woman to pride herself on her physical form and so she undergoes regular exercise and dieting to keep herself fit, her body is almost without an inch of fat on it, her muscles are feminine in form and honed to perfection, leaving no curve undeserving of her shaping and no eyes left unaware of her captivating presence and beauty. What marks her, however, is the way she carries herself. In spite of being no less than several inches shy of being six feet, Calypso always stands straight backed with her head rising toward the heavens, never expressing self-consciousness or any sort of ignominy in her posture. Quite the opposite she is. Bearing an uncanny similitude to a matriarch royalty, the severally widowed woman carriage is prideful, perfect and often even intimidating, every movement imbued with natural grace; her walk is like liquid, giving off a sign of supreme control and a suggestion on concealed strength, whilst not being overbearing or arrogant at the same time. In conjunction with her impressive, statuesque figure worthy of the attention she voluntarily and often-times wontedly receives, Madame Zabini exudes an aura of command resilience that easily separates her from her surroundings, yet she carries an air of sophistication and grace about her that bellies her gentle and motherly nature while hiding her vixen core.

Breathtaking, majestic, striking, full breasted, curvaceous in all the right place, and physically fit, Calypso covers her flawless mocha skin the clothing of riches. Appearing as if she had just stepped of the of the cover of Witch Weekly, Calypso has a way of posing in a way that seems as if there is no presentation, pretentiousness, no flaunting of the gifts genetic has so generously bestowed upon her, yet hose could unarguably and effortless be a power unto themselves. Never to downgrade herself Calypso dresses in clothing from a vast wardrobe that is consisted of classical yet stylish clothing, which id effectively but tastefully flatters her statuesque figure. As much as she likes leather, throughout the day Calypso can mostly be commonly seen in blouses, micro/mini.maxi length skirts, straight or flared Empire line dresses, trouser suits, Courtelle jersey’s, more anything of high fashion for the current time. Her clothing attire is generally accompanied by high-heeled footwear. All together in any outfit Calypso still manages to look unfailingly feminine and graceful whether she is being deeply sensual or fiercely passionate, her turn nature as a beauty always seems to chine through though it is unclear as it where it as the passion in her sun burned brown eyes or the ever growing smile that Calypso always seems to have or just the indefinably accented voice that maintains its commanding tone even if she rarely feels the need to raise it.
WAND: Calypso’s 13 ¾ inches Yew wood wand.
    Calypso’s wand is made of Yew wood and is thirteen and three forth inches with a twisted core of Manticore hair and Veela hair. The flexibility of her wand is generally that is inflexible and possesses an unyielding and temperamental nature to those who do not possess a meticulous and composed nature as itself and those without such a nature find using her wand to be quite useless at times because of its stubborn nature and the dedication it takes to learn to use a wand made of Yew wood plus with the temperamental natures of its core elements.
BOGGART: Faded beauty, particularly being her own.
    Ironically the one thing that Calypso is famed and noted for is the one thing in the world that she fears losing. Her boggart stems from a experience in her childhood and then grows from that scene onward. Once when Calypso was nine and her brother, Cesare, was eleven - the summer before he would live for Hogwarts - their parents went on their trip to South America to celebrate their twelfth anniversary while they stayed home with their young witchling au pairs. Smart enough and even slyer the duo slipped away from their caretakers and ran off to have their own fun. Somewhere between knocking over a magical gadget stand and their nannies finding them and chasing after them, Calypso, got lost in famous mind boggling Italian twisted side streets’ and found herself lost in what their magic market places Knockturn Alley also known Expiry Row. Lost and wondering Cal stubble a homeless hag. The woman dressed in rags and tattered clothing smiled at Calypso through cloak that hardly shaded her yellowish and missing teeth, her wart splattered face. The cloak hardly even covered up the rancid meat smell that emanated from lone woman. Still even scared of her current surroundings Calypso without caution asked the woman to help her find her way back to her brother. The hag only answered her in both broken English and Italian as she reached out with her aging wrinkled hand that grasped Calypso and told her she had once like beautiful like her. Before she could hear anything else the crone had to say to her, Cesare, appeared blasting the woman and swiped Calypso away and back onto the main magical hub. This is Calypso’s ultimate fear become like that hag. Old, worn, unbeautiful and unwanted by anyone. She fears that it true that that hag or that all hags had once been beautiful like her. At times the thought of this shakes her core strength, right at the center of her narcissism. Her narcissism coincides with the fact that Calypso believes time is everything and so, she tries not to waste time as a way to try to avoid thing about the fact that every second that does by in her life makes her older and older. Waking up one day and seeing that time has wiped his hands across her body, aging her face, thinning her hands and wrinkling her porcelain tight skin. The image of herself aging is haunting of her nightmares.
PATRONUS: The Cygnus Olor (The Mute Swan).
    Calypso’s patronus takes the form of a mute swan. The symbolic nature of the swan include the embodiment of many things including those of love, purity, chance, loyalty, grace, sincerity and above all beauty. All qualities and personality quirks that Calypso brings to the minds of others throughout her days and she seems to possess them even at her greatest moments of sadness and anger. One of the signs of the goddess Venus the swan also a bearer of the message of knowledge, love, and relationships, Calypso, seems to reinforce the them that one has with the symbol of their patronus. You see swans partners are endlessly devoted to each other, and remain together though many years and even lifetimes. If one of a pair of swans dies, the survivor usually takes a new mate, and they become a staunching pair - that is until the other dies and the cycle continues again. The swan has a heroic heart to love again and again, time after time. While the swan is also the symbolically one of the cosmic symbols of ephemeral nature of love it is also a scenic and daunting manifestation of the end of life - death. The swan is vicious and aggressive at times though even at the very end of its or its mates lifetime it is believed to sing calmly and sweetly as it is dying as representation of an ending or comfort into death’s hallow. All in all the nature of Calypso’s patronus portrays her nature and being perfectly as stoic individual that harps of the wings of both love and death with so much pose, beauty, and grace that it almost to arduous to observe but yet one makes to death defying leap inward into her pond not caring if one risks sinking to their death just to swim with her. Summoning her patronus would probably need only for her to think of one her many engagement moments or an “I do’s” moment, they were all unique and so they‘ve always kept a special place in her heart.

    herself, her family, beau, being married, power, money, fashion, rain, fine wine, business, the french countryside, romantic gestures, sunbathing, italian culture, italian cuisine, french manicures, autumn, lingerie, perfumes, kisses, sex, smoking, french cigarettes, dresses, heels, diamonds, pearls, nighttime, elegancy, granita, italian ices, gelatos, fresh linens, white orchids, black dahlias, white roses, the smell of jasmine and mandarin, breakfast in bed, green, cigarette smoke, French culture, overconfidence, her cat, beautiful people, narcissa, mixing potions, marquis de sade, cigars, burlesque shows, strip clubs, lacy underwear, getting gifts, play-fighting, cynics, being superior, sight seeing, traveling, languages, being respected, being admired, being talked to, parties, men, pretty boys, pretty girls, vodka, expensive things, red wine, sleeping in, fruit, purebloods, outlandish stories, saying inappropriate comments to cissy, jazz & swing music, classical music, black & white photos, the concept of love, tea, sugar & strawberries, shots of fire whiskey, adrenaline, shakespeare, intelligence, hard alcohol, philosophy, accomplishments, history, reading, education, mirrors, conversation, confrontation, laughing, making out, neck kisses, potions, perfumes, cold mornings, late nights, literature, the violin, being bold, thunderstorms, her brother, her father, the family vineyard, romantic gestures, corrupting people, endless flirting, trashy romantic novels.
    poverty, vanity in others, plainness, backstabbers, therapy healers (therapist), grief counselors, experimental music, indefinite integrals, modern art - particularly surrealism, mismatched outfits, disrespect, crying, stupidity, imperfection, being late, boredom, tacky jewelry, total sluts, rejection, social climbers, inarticulate people, innocence, fidelity, hags, sexism, ugliness, mudbloods, defeat, inferiority, prostitutes, whining, headaches, hospitals, healers (doctors), confusion, the word “no”, clichés, humiliation, criticism, mediocrity, bellatrix, watching other cry, pettiness, pain not cause intentionally, bad music, normality, admitting defeat, hangovers, lack of control, clownish amounts of make up, women who can’t help but be/ play the damsels in distress, cheap perfume, traitors, hypocrisy, the ideal of divorce, bad potion batches, bad wine batches, disorganization, sweating, bloodtraitors, loneliness, being single, corduroys, raw meats, red meat, humid weather, laziness, heartbreak, shame, integration of her actions, being treated as a child, disasters that can’t be rightly controlled, immaturity, werewolves - for the most part as she thinks most of them are dirty though the sex is great, rodents, being wronged, plainness, people who think their better than her, badly done makeup, abstract art, weeds, dog - terribly hideous creatures, when beau whines, carbonated drinks, males with no confidence, gin.
    tall men, handsomeness, wit, charm, ruggedness, struggle for dominance, a sense of power or control, intelligence, manners, gifts, a boyish smile filled with pearly teeth, both ruff and gentle kisses, blue eyes, seductive smiles.
    lack of a chase, lack of a challenge, ugliness, idiocy, false proclamation of love, bad taste, asininity, short men, alcoholics, unhygienic men, criticism, poverty, being objectified, cheapness, redheads, horrible teeth, bad skin, curly hair, blood traitors, mud bloods, pudginess, losing.
    dahlias, wine, strawberries, rain, expensive cologne (preferably, beau’s), sex, sweat, cigarette smoke.
    become immortal, remaining eternally young, over coming her fear of old age, having a child that would marry cissy‘s child, a perfect married.
    beautiful, carnal knowledge, manipulative, intelligent, determined, passionate, powerful, seductive, magnetic, creative, proud, loyalty, tactful, mysterious, charming, multilingual, potion manufacture, herbology, witty, complex, secretive, calculating, meticulous.
    her family, beau, cissy, jealousy, lustful, aggressive, indulgent, controlling, compulsive, demanding, vain, narcissistic, suspicious, condescending, temperamental, cunning, egotistical, harsh, blunt, emotional, haughty, aloof, prone to revenge which result in the death of others.

KNOWN INFORMATION: Unknown Member of the Death Eaters.
    Firstly, Calypso, is an Italian girl, who hails from the infamous town of Verona in Italy, and is the heiress to the Zabini family fortune along with her brother Cesare. She was raised on a vineyard where her family grows some of the top ecstatic wines on the wizard wine market though their hobby of winemaking isn’t her families only venture has they pull in money from all over the Wizarding world from business including such as investments and shipping. Calypso and her family are known for getting into trouble with the Italian Ministry for such things as the muggle workers that work on their vineyard coming up missing or even cursed and hexed, but as their families money more or less upholds many of the Italian Ministry Department’s nothing is done about it and their and her actions are more or less looked over as they near royalty in their homeland. She and her family are notorious and though they are not quite as notorious as some prominent British wizarding family in England, they are nonetheless possess a exalted position in the British pureblood chain.

    Calypso, herself, while being famously known for not only for come from an insanely rich pureblood family but for being divinely beautiful. One man has even been quoted as says that Calypso Zabini is made solely from the raw material of divinity. In Roman times she would have done more when well even without time to prepare herself. In school she was known as the mysterious stunning picturesque foreign who has the passions of a Gryffindor, intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the dependability of a Hufflepuff but over all she had the instincts and mortals of a Slytherin which made her the perfect Slytherin woman and Prefect. Now in adulthood she’s as still the mysterious girl who is now the woman that many men lust after and the woman that many women slide their arms tight around to move him away from her and make sure that she knows he’s taken. Some men think of her as a 'black veiled bride' and avoided the spell of her persona, those men she chalks up as not even good enough for her as even gay men what her, no, what to be her. Even if she is thought of as black widow many men don’t avoid her as she is sweet, kind, and the strikes the note of being the utmost lady-like being respectively as Narcissa still the socialite queen lady.

    Lastly, Calypso Zabini is suspected of many things one of them being possibly a serial killer but being a Death Eater isn’t one of them. Her status has a Death Eater would either be really thought of or not even suspected as there are fair and better rumors about her life status that other want to gossip and talk about in their over done parlour rooms amongst their busy body friends. Plus, would the best friend of Narcissa Malfoy be a Death Eater and for that fact would she even allow someone that dangerous in her home? Possibly No. She a blood purist and even as such she still respected in society as such a Zabini should be and there is nothing that other such suspect other than the fact that her husband tend to drop dead from seemingly the most mundane accidents. But that those are just rumors and everyone loves rumors just as much as they love another person having an accident. Based on her mortals and everything that life and her parents have taught her loyalty and stance with the Death Eaters is something send possibly even choose over a loved one and even if found out that she was one, well, there‘s nothing a carriage full of gold driven by the rare Pegasus’ horses couldn’t take care of by helping one to forget.
    Calypso is a very complex individual. Intelligent as she is beautiful, there is no doubt without a moment that the eloquent beauty is sinful yet angelical, quiet, as she is loud, virginal, as she is seducing and proud, as she is insecure. As a very young age, she was taught that there was nothing that came before family. Calypso was but a mere child when she first heard those words and that her family was a force to be reckoned with if anyone decided to go against them. In an Italian family in aristocratic society that was more parallel to a Italian wizarding mob family she also learned that families above all stuck together and if anyone differed they were “taken out.” Kin was everything to the Zabini family and it would be unwise to anger or even leave your family. While Calypso knows that she must obey her families wished and that one false step could or would have easily disowned her from the Zabini family she doesn’t fear these not only because she herself extremely wealth without her family but because she believes herself the definition of loyalty. She feels that without her family, her title, her wealth, and her beauty, she is nothing in this cruel and deadly world. Seemingly, Calypso is everything that you would expect a pureblooded society woman to be. How could she not be? She was bred by a notorious almost royal Zabini family and because of this, you would expect there to be no fault. Her family strives for perfection and if anyone as ever meet Calypso and her family they’d know that Calypso is defiantly a product of the families mayhem - she’s the perfect daughter, an excellent enticer, everything ones mind could possibly fathom from such a pretentious family name and she is utter perfection or how she tries to appear, anyway.

    Outwardly, Calypso appears to be the Queen she raised to be, but underneath she is a hellcat is wasn’t raised to be. Susceptible to vibrant emotions, she loves as deeply as she hates, and her icy disdain can be just as the hottest of her rages. She is sharp-tongues and quick-witted. She has a fine sense of humor - though it tends to do out the door when under great stress and when not ill - and a grand sense of mischief - which most of the time is not a rarity. She is less quick to show her temper in public in order to maintain her haughty guise though there are things that will aggravate her enough to do so and privately she and her temper in an entirely a differently story. She possesses highly passionate feelings on many subjects and about many individuals. She has little patience for those she dislikes or for those who do not respect her and her family and friends. Calypso also possesses a passion for being the center of attention without truly wanting to be the center of attention, but at the same time she can’t tolerate those she see as insufferable brats who so desire the same attention. Usually, Calypso can tolerate many types of people, but she has little patience or tolerance for people who present themselves as idiots. Calypso is considered by most of her contemporaries to be extremely intelligent, witty and charming. In addition, it appears that she has a rather droll, sometimes twisted dark sense of humor. A sense of humor like that can be easily misinterpreted, and in Calypso’s case, probably is. Most especially because Calypso is possibly more cynical and crueler then she exactly thinks she is.

    Since the dawning of her school years when Calypso first began to be regarded as a girl of high sex appeal she has learned the advantages of being a beautiful martinet. The way her slender hips sway as she walks or the way her luscious lips curve and her voice lowers to talks seductively or even the way she can move her eyes sideways with a half cocked smile and make another girl swoon with utter jealousy - these are just some of the things Calypso has perfected and with but a motion she could have a man enthralled and snatching up her from her current spot. Calypso knows that she is seen as perfection and she uses it to her advantage making her skilled at domineering others. Needless to say, Calypso is a loyal person when it comes to relationships both platonic and romantic/sexual relationships. While she has had more affectionate relationships than not, believe it or not, she has never dared or has been unfaithful to her lovers, despite spur-of-the-moment flirtations and kisses and urges that tell her too. However, despite knowing that she’s only a woman and that almost at times it seen as having no rights, she has managed to control many men and steadily keep him at her fingertips until she finds him to be useless. She has an strong attraction to men and simply loves beautiful ones. And as dependable many would like her to be she is not the type because she was also raised as a dependable woman. She possesses a strong head and only allows herself to fall in love when she deems it time for her to love and not the other way around. The only people who she could dare say she has loved just upon site are Narcissa and Beau, who she considered two of the heart strings that pump the flesh and blood throughout her veins and thus they should have rights to be loved by her conditionally and they her. It can also be said that Calypso loves passionately and hates even fiercely.

    Calypso is quite the analytical person, she’ll notice the fault of someone or something and openly say her opinion on it, though only if it suits her so. Her words are careless but in reality, she’ll sometimes have good intentions instead of cruel ones. Calypso also happens to be a very sociable person, often being the attraction of parties thrown by friends and family. She many creative bones and a flare for the drama. She is spontaneous when around her closest admirers and friends and can easily br the center of attention, slipping her mid-night black locks and laughing genuinely at a joke, telling stories of her latently trip or escapades or simply creating stories to amuse those she confides in, all of which she can draw exceptionally well with plot, cause, and description. When alone with her closet friend, Calypso is more of a chatterbox than normally, exaggerating about anything important that has happened recently. Being a very sociable person, Calypso has also been known for outstanding poise and class. Perhaps come could say that Calypso is being rather uptight because she is more likely to never dance at a party but rather hold intellectual conversations, sipping her wine and politely smiling at others. Certain men are intrigues by this phenomenon, perhaps because most woman nowadays can‘t seem to keep their legs closed both on and off the dance floor. Though no matter how compulsively her legs cross while sitting and her chest slightly sticks out in a flattering mater there will always be those that are skeptical of her morality - and they, as does everyone, have the right to be. Calypso, as unseen by the high society world around her, is manipulative, sly, deception and quite cunning - all the aspects that were taken into consideration before the Sorting Hat sorted her into the infamous house of Slytherin.

    She is, what Salazar Slytherin would have wanted her too be. She uses what she has been given by the gracious of Morgana to achieve what she wants - without being too audaciously bold and without through too much caution towards the wind. Of course she has developed her enemies over the years - a few enemies makes up for nothing when she considers half the things she achieved by her current age. She is a woman of many imperfections, but has shielded all of those simply by the way she presents herself. She is a woman that hides her emotions from the world, so much at times that she hides them from herself. She is a woman that is obedient - to an extent - to her family and their wishes but only because of the life and the lifestyle that their own lifestyle have graciously afforded her. She is a woman that in her own way loved her past husbands and hold her current one above them all. She is a woman that has perfect an act, an act that has given her the world she lives in now. And very few people will ever see this conniving snake that is Calypso Zabini and few that do for that matter simply don’t matter at all. She has sacrificed all that she could have ever been in individual worth to do for her family what she felt her brother could not do - though she loves and protects him. She is a woman forged by the Zabini family name and she name proudly and never intends on doing it any intentional harm or allow others to do so. Loyalty at the its finest degree and extent of the word this is Madame Zabini - purely as her family intended her to be.