FULL NAME: Lynnore Marie Fair.
AGE: 17.
DATE OF BIRTH: November 25, 1993.
WESTERN ZODIAC: Sagittarius.
BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood | ½ Werewolf.
Found out her being part werewolf through testing.
LOCATION: Gatlinburg, TN.

GRADE: 12.
CLASSES: Comp 1, Spanish, DADA, Transfiguation, CoMC, Magical Computer Science, Study Hall.
CLUBS: Rainbow Under the Sun & Mix It Up.
WAND: Ten inch Cypress wand with werewolf hair core. Stained very dark (almost black) with wolf paw prints spiraling up from where the hilt ends to the tip. Slightly bendy.
ABILITY: As someone who is half werewolf, Lynn has some attributes from them. She is naturally more nocturnal, and is at her most active around the Full Moon (fidgety and restless, and actually will not get any sleep on the night of the Full Moon). She also has a heightened sex drive, which is more prominent around the Full Moon. She is slightly stronger, slightly faster, has excellent night vision and has a heightened sense of smell. She also exhibits more aggressive tendencies, and gets territorial regarding her room, her friends, and anyone she happens to be interested in at that time. Does not need blood transfusions, but she likes blood candies and takes her meat raw.
BOGGART: Her Uncle.
Scarier than the boogeyman in her opinion, and with great reason too.
Unknowingly, it is the same height and build as her father when he is transformed.


FATHER: Sean McKinley | Pureblood, Turned Werewolf, Irish, Location Unknown.
MOTHER: Christine Fair | Muggle, Deceased.
FOSTER FATHER: Daniel Crohn | Halfblood, Teaches Magical Computer Science at AMI.
FOSTER MOTHER: Michelle Crohn | Muggleborn, Librarian at the Gatlinburg Public Library.
FOSTER BROTHER: Samuel Larkin | Halfblood, 15 years old, Attends AMI (High School).
FOSTER SISTER: Chasity Crohn | Halfblood, 12 years old, attends AMI (Middle School).
EXTENDED FAMILY: Michael Fair | Muggle, Uncle, Incarcerated.

FRIENDS: She doesn't look for friends, they look for here. She really is such a lone wolf.
SEXUALITY: Homosexual.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None currently, but her eyes are on Mac.

If there is one term to describe Lynn Fair, it would definitely be Lone Wolf, as cliché as that might be. Scar left on her physically and mentally have, simply, molded her into the young woman she is. Just looking at her, one will get the feeling she is a hard-ass, and largely unapproachable. She gives off this aura that, simply, makes people turn and go in another direction. She is not very approachable. This comes from some trust issues, and as sexist as it is, is mostly geared toward males. But we will get more into that later.

On the outside, along with the feel of being unapproachable, is an air of confidence. As if she is utterly and completely sure of who and what she is. She would lead people to believe she is unshakable, that nothing and no one can touch her deeply enough to shake her from her well rooted spot. Her voice is filled with snark, and sarcasm is a well honed and natural tool for her.

Beneath that, though, is someone much more complex, and less sure of herself than she would ever like people to know. She is haunted by the shadow of her uncle, the scariest man she has ever known. His words hunt her and shake her confidence, usually when she needs it the most.

In a more cut and dry sense, there are a few other terms that can easily sum up the changeable nature that is Lynn. Freedom loving is a large part in there. She hates being chained up, and maybe this has something in large part to do with being half-werewolf. Honest and straightforward, she is one of the least likely to lie… which can be a double edged sword considering she can also be blunt and a bit tactless at times. It comes off as she doesn’t care about the situation when she does this, but really it is because she will, at times, not really consider the kind of situation she is in when she talks.

And though she can show a philosophical side from time to time, she is largely careless about her own safety and well being, as she is a very protective person in regard to the few she has actually connected to. She is also territorial and possessive, though this is in large part due to being half-werewolf. It runs at an intensity that not few can really handle, which she knows and which is why she tries her best to keep away from people as a whole. Well, most of the time.

Lynn also has a ‘suffers no fools’ attitude toward stupidity. She’s not about to stick to someone who gives her nothing but headaches. Lynn also suffers from an almost constant feeling of restlessness. She has to be on the move, doing something. And it always has to involve the mind as well as physical motion. As such, she is usually seen pacing back and forth while reading. This side of her gets worse the closer the Full Moon comes, as does her territorial and possessive traits.

I should also take the time to mention now that Lynn is, while largely uncaring of those around her, easy to anger. And her anger is, sadly, on the violent side. Another reason she keeps herself away from others. She doesn’t wish to hurt them, which she can and will likely try to do if any of those precious to her are harmed or threatened.

As for why she is so touchy with males? It is, simply, because of abuse she received at the hands fo her Uncle. She has come a long way, though, and is not as afraid of males as she once was. All thanks to her foster father and Darren, her best friend.

Christine Fair was a normal girl, newly graduated from High School and entering into College in her hometown of Knoxville, TN. Attending the University of Tennessee in Knoxville as a Freshman, it was little wonder she met and easily fell for the older Irishman, attending UT as he satisfied his urge to experience life over in the states and escape the home he had known for most of his life, a home that shunned him for having been bitten by a werewolf in his youth. One could say that Sean McKinley has an insatiable wanderlust.

Sean was in his final year when they met, and in the young woman he found had a wonderful mind filled with passion, and he was easily taken by her. But he never revealed his secret to her, that he was a wizard, and a bitten werewolf. That he could never share with her, for he feared it would be the end of them. And in a way, it was. Since, at the end of his last year, he decided to leave her and head off where he could not harm her, and so that she will never learn the true nature of the man she had fallen in love with. Sadly, it mean he would never know that he left behind not only Christine, but an unborn child, a girl who could have used her father, no matter how damaged he saw himself being.

Being pregnant and alone, with a mother too sick to help her care for a baby, and a father who had passed years before, Christine was left with only one option. So she dropped out of college and started life as a hard working single mother. And she was all Lynn thought she’d ever need growing up. Strong and capable, Lynn’s memories of her mother have ever been fond. For while she worked often, she always made time for Lynn and never let her daughter wonder as to if she loved her or not.

And throughout all this hard time on Christine, there was one man who stepped up to help in the small capacities Christine’s pride would allow, and that was her older, still single, brother. Ever the bachelor, he seemed to love and dote on his little niece. Christine was grateful for his help, as he relieved her worry often. However, she never knew that her brother’s love for his niece was… not the proper kind. It started with little things, looks and uncomfortable moments for the little girl confused as to what these warning signs actually meant.

Lynn was eight years old when her mother fell ill. It was cancer, leukemia. She did not have much time to live, so she made arrangements for the only person capable of doing so to take charge of her daughter, not knowing that would be the worst decision. Christine died six months later, and Lynn went into the care of Michael Fair, her uncle.

There was now no reason for Michael to hold back, and so his sadism became Lynn’s waking nightmares from then on. His attentions quickly morphed from uncomfortable to molestation and on to rape by the age of nine. But that wasn’t the worst of it. No, he also left marks on her that would, sadly, never go away.

This caused a normally open and cheerful girl to become withdrawn and anti-social. Threats on her safety keeping her quiet. This is not to say that she took it meekly, even with the threats. She was not only a budding witch (evident by occasional magic in attempt to get him away from her), but also a half-werewolf. She fought, but the more she fought the more he ended up hurting her. It wasn’t until the end of the year trip to the YMCA, and therefore use of a pool, brought her abuse to light. She wore a t-shirt over her swimsuit, which covered her marks. However, when she went to do a cannon ball in the pool, her shirt moved up just enough to give one teacher a good look at her back.

The rest of the trip was spent with Lynn in the presence of two of the staff chaperones which ended in a tearful and terrified confession. She wouldn’t see her uncle again until months later when she testified against him, sending him to prison for the maximum time, no parole.

And luck stayed with her. Not only was she liberated from her uncle, but the magical side of Children Services stepped in. Her signs of magic had been documented, though they never knew the cause for them until now. At that time she was sent through a battery of tests, since Lynn was never told the name of her father. It was in that testing that they found out she was half-werewolf. Since her mother was a muggle, they came to the conclusion it came from her unknown father.

She was placed in a magical family who fostered children in Gatlinburg, and she was magically hidden, as protocol demanded, from her Uncle being able to track her down should he ever manage to be free. And since her foster father was a teacher at AMI, when the time came that was the school she went to.

She had a difficult time that first year, as she had struggled since coming into the Crohn household. She had trust issues, and flinched away from physical contact. However, that first year one boy managed to weasel into her life. Darren was an annoying boy in that he didn’t leave her alone. It was him, her foster father (who kept a keen eye on her at school), and the brother she would find in Samuel Larkin, a foster kid like herself, that would help save her from herself.

Samuel entered the family in the summer before Lynn’s second year at AMI. He was more quiet and geeky than Lynn was, as temperamental and angry as she could tend to be, but they bonded in only the way two children without any other family could.

Lynn has now been with the Crohn’s for over eight years, and has settled into a good life. She can socialize properly… when she feels like it. And she has her friends, with Darren being first among them. And while she had always known that, since her Uncle, she could never stomach the intimate touch of a male again, she never questioned the pull she felt toward other females. There had even been a couple, muggle and witches alike that had attempted relationships with her. They never lasted long, though, as for Lynn, the true connection was never there. A connection she didn’t feel until recently. With Mac now in her sights, in large part thanks to Darren, Lynn feels more alive and human like than she has in a long time. And yet, there is a part of her that fears getting close, because she is unsure if the redhead can handle her intensity.

« American Magical Institute


Coming to five feet and nine inches of height, with only an inch or so more to go, Lynn is on the tall side of average. She has an athletic build with the slight curves of her gender, accentuated by clothing if she so chooses (which is not often). She has long dark brown hair that is thick and wavy, with maybe just a touch of curl to it, though they usually disappear with liberal brushing. Her hair frames a rather distinctive yet pretty face, which is a fair color that doesn’t really take to tanning. And to just set off all her unique looks are a pair of light grey eyes that are really striking when one takes notice of them. Striking and expressive.

As for how she dresses… It is, well, rocker tomboy. She’s a metalhead, and it shows in her clothing choices. She definitely wouldn’t have looked out of place at an 80’s rock show. All jeans and tight t-shirts, artfully ripped and destroyed, an excess of jewelry of various types, arm band and cuffs. Hell, she’ll even done leather when she feels like it and the weather permits it.

Also, Lynn is scarred. From the not so tender mercy of her uncle, she has three small circular burn scars on her stomach from a cigarette, and long and thin lines on her back (four) from a knife. These are now very pale and only noticeable when close up due to liberal application of Vitamin E and potions meant to help scaring fade to nothing through time.


Macayla Cremin
The Interest. She's a fiery redhead, what more could you ask for?

Darren Warner
The Annoyance. She will tell you he annoys the crap out of her until she's blue, but she still lets him hang around. In reality, he's like a brother, or maybe even a Best Friend.

Samuel Larkin
The Foster Brother. Up For Adoption. Like Lynn, he was left in the system and placed with a magical foster family. They have bonded through the loneliness of no longer having a 'real' family.

Text goes here.


NAME: Rose.
TIMEZONE: US Eastern (GM-5).
CONTACT: notyourparade @
JOURNAL | AIM: damagedrose | notyourparade
PLAYED BY: Kristen Stewart.