Full Name: Alexei James Orlov
Nicknames: Alex
Memoria: Reino | Does not know it yet.
Age | Birthday: 20 | May 12, 1991
Homeland: Earth; Maryville, TN, USA
Year: Senior
Major | Minor: Language Studies | Elemental Studies (Earth) [Schedule]
Foreign Language: Latin
Religious Affiliation: Calls himself Agnostic, but he has felt a pull towards modern paganism. So in reality, more Spiritualist than anything.
Extracurricular Activities: None.
PB: Andrej Pejic

Physical description: Coming to just short of six feet, Alexei is a bit on the tall side when it comes to those of his own sex, but it leaves him looking like a rather tall female unless you know otherwise. His build is unusually slender, to a point some would go so far as to say malnourished, but that is not in fact true. He was born with an as of yet unnamed condition, inherited from his mother, that makes weight gain difficult at the best of times. So there is very little fat to his body, but there is some toned muscles, so he is not as weak as some might think him to be.

Naturally, he has medium brown hair, as seen from his eyebrows, but he steadfastly bleaches his hair to a light, almost platinum, blonde. His eyes are a changeable blue hazel, sometimes looking a dark blue (lust/attraction), sometimes more grey than blue (depression/Sadness, completely grey meaning fear), and yet other times there is shocking streaks of amber amongst the blue (anger/rage). His eyes are a barometer, if you will, for the ever changing moods of Alexei that otherwise wouldn’t be noticed thanks to his uncaring mask. When at a calm his eyes are a blue with a mixture of grey and amber within his eyes, though toned down and not really noticeable if you are not looking at his eyes specifically.

Alexei has his ears pierced, but otherwise as no piercings or tattoos on his body. He dose, sadly, sport scarring on his body. There is a thin line going from pelvis up over the curve of his right hip from a knife, and another almost as a mirror image over his left hip. His style of dress is feminine. He does not wear chest enhancements as he identifies himself as male, but he loves the more feminine looks, and as such chooses to dress as a female. He does not hold a feminine pattern of speech either, though his voice is naturally soft and somewhat musical, so it is hard to distinguish his sex by his voice. His gait is short and even, despite his long legs, and he carries himself in some kind of mixture of rigid elegance.
Likes: Reading, books, writing, being outside, nature, nighttime (back on earth), being off on his own, chocolates, sweets, fruit, romance novels (secret!)
Dislikes: Drama, cattiness, fighting, violence, abuse, bullying, intolerance, sudden major changes, pocket knives, night-terrors (suffers from them), being alone outside at night or in dark places (in Meminisse), sour tastes, carbonated drinks, sweet tea, black coffee, overly hot and spiced foods
Strengths: Patient. Reliable. Warmhearted. Loving. Persistent. Determined. Protective. Loyal. Placid and security loving
Weaknesses: Jealous. Possessive. Resentful. Inflexible. Self-indulgent. Introverted. Withdrawn. Mistrustful. His past. Pocket knives. Being grabbed by the arm from behind. Being snuck up on.

Detailed Personality: The very first, and most prevalent, impression one will receive from Alexei is that he is cold and distant, basically an Ice Queen type of person. His life was not an easy one, filled with hurtful words and actions, and more than his fair share of pain. It has shaped him into a young man who has trouble trusting people and letting them in, and because of that a tough, outer shell has risen to protect the soft, warmhearted man he actually is at his core.

When one starts to gain his trust they will get to witness the progression from cold and distant to soft and caring. He is affectionate, and he craves love and acceptance just like everyone else. And a secret he keep close to his heart is the fact he is a hopeless romantic. He loves romance in all its forms, yearns for it even. But there was once a boy he had seen as the one who could have been his knight in shining armor… only to watch him turn his back on him and leave him to the wolves, which has left him with a deep seeded fear that he is defected somewhere, though his logical mind knows this not to be true. But then with trauma, logic doesn’t always work to counteract such thoughts.

But that is not the only thing he tries to hide. There are so many other things, such as the scars on his hips, his night-terrors, the fear of being alone out in the night of his new home world for fear of what could find him, and that he wouldn’t be able to save himself from debilitating fear. There is also his fear of knives which, thankfully, as been reduced down so that the only blade capable of getting a negative reaction from him is a pocket knife, which was the type of blade used to give him the scars he bears.

Alex is also not without his quirks, though it may seem that way at first. When nervous or embarrassed he has a habit of biting the front of his thumb – between knuckle and joint, and while deep in thought he is apt to worry his bottom lip or twirl a strand of his hair. He also tends to lose himself while reading, meaning he doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings and it can be difficult to catch his attention. Additionally, his mask melts away while reading, especially when it is a good book that draws him in. As such, the emotions he feels from the book can be seen in his expression through soft smile, sad looks, and occasionally angry or outraged. There have also been rare occasions where a book has brought him to tears.
family & relationships
Father: Aleksander Orlov
Mother: Jennifer Orlov nee Clarke
Brothers: Xavier & Sasha Orlov
Sister: Lucy Orlov
Extended Family: Has various cousins, aunts and uncles.

Situation: For six years the family was fine, nothing seemed to be wrong. And then Aleksander got forced into a temporary layoff, with rumors that they wouldn’t be taking him back. That is when the drinking started, and that was when Alexei began to fear his father and pity his mother. And in the end, the only one he had something resembling a good relationship with was the youngest of the children, the daughter. As his brothers were already starting to, in his opinion, become more and more like their alcoholic, abusive father.

Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship History: Nothing that could have been called a real relationship.
When Alexei Orlov was born to Aleksander, the son of Russian Immigrants, and Jenifer, they couldn’t have been happier. They were young, in love, and had just recently married before the pregnancy, thinking that everything would be just perfectly fine, despite them having married only six months after meeting. It would take a few years, but eventually it would come out just how wrong Jenifer had been in rushing to the alter with Aleksander.

The eldest of four children, with two younger brothers and a baby sister, Alexei became their protector once the drinking started, and Aleksander turned abusive. At first, the then six year old, so calm and mature for his age, would gather the children and soothe them as their father raged on and on, occasionally hitting their mother. And as he got older, with his thin, almost frail like body and feminine features, he became a target for his father’s anger as well. Alexei wasn’t man enough, bulky enough, didn’t have muscles and was weak. It was from his father’s own mouth that he learned the meaning of the words fag, gay, queer and fairy. A father’s harsh words thrown at him before he even began to wonder about things such as attraction and sex, but it was almost like a forewarning…

Growing up, Aleksander had taken on the role of their mother’s helper, essentially being a second mother to help ease the burden on their frazzled and stressed out mother, who was always worried about what he husband would rage at her for next. And as such, he developed interests that were less manly, and more on the feminine side. Which did not help his case with his father. Especially when the two younger sons grew up to be the perfect kind of sons, with good interests as they should have, with solid builds and a liking for sports. Alexei did not blame them, of course, since it kept his little brothers out of their father’s range, but there were time when he wished the boys, two and four (or three) years younger than him respectively, stuck up for him when he had done so often in the past.

Sadly, though, as Alexei hit his teens and realized he was, in fact, gay matters did not get any better. He kept it from his family, only indulging with a close female friend, who in turn was the one to let Alexei’s love of female clothing blossom. She would dress him up, and the transformation he would see in the mirror… It was awe inspiring. He felt so comfortable, beautiful. It felt… right.

But it would be the beginning of the end of Alexei’s life on Earth. A secret like that only stays hidden for so long. Eventually someone finds out, and everything goes from worse to bad. With Alexei, it was no different. He found a guy, the quarter back, whom he liked. He was strong, nice and fair. And more than once he protected Alexei from would be hazers, as in such a small town being gay was more of a sin in their bible belt section of American than most anything else, and while Alexei did not admit to it… it wasn’t too hard for them to come to that decision. And one night Alexei got up his courage and asked Jason to meet him somewhere private, out in the vast woods that were spread all throughout Tennessee, and in particular, Maryville. He was waiting, dressed in cute clothes with the help of Christina, his only friend, and waited. Jason showed up, and the confession was made. At first, Alexei thought it would be alright, there was even a kiss… but then he was shoved away and watched as Jason left him there, saying he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t be gay.

Alexei didn’t leave that spot right away. Instead he sat there, wondering what he had done wrong, and even cried a bit. He had been looking forward to loving someone. Wanting to find that right person that would whisk him away like all those knights in the stories, but stories were just stories, and life never really worked out that way. And in Alexei’s life? It only got worse as, before he left, a group of drunk jocks from his school found him, and recognized him.

Alexei was sixteen at that time, and when they finally left him alone he was broken and significantly less than he had been before, in pride and spirit. It was Christina who found him, worried when she did not get the pick up or ok call from her friend after so many hours. And it was Christina who took him to the hospital and told them how to reach his parents.

When they arrived, they were not in the room when the doctor told them what had happened to him. But he heard their reaction. Or more importantly, his father’s reaction. Raped by boys… dressed in female clothing… and Christina’s tearful confession of why he had been there to begin with… He said that the boy lying in the hospital bed with tears, bruises and stitches was not his son and left, dragging his wife out with him. Abandoning him. As Alexei laid there, staring up at the ceiling, processing it all, everything changed. His thinking was altered… and self-preservation kicked in. She swore, just before falling asleep, he would never be caught unguarded again, and he would never let anyone close enough to hurt him the way his family had managed to do.

When he woke up, he wasn’t on Earth anymore. Meminisse was the world he woke in, laying in a hospital bed in a dilapidated building. An elderly woman whom Alexei was told to call ‘Nana’ was the one to come to him, explain things, and help him find where he should go. Since he was sixteen still, he entered into the deCarte House, staying there until he could enter the college and learn about his new abilities. And still, to this day, when not living within the dorms, he stays at the deCarte House. It is the only place he would willingly call home, and he really is not wanting to ever leave it, even when he is graduated. It is his norm, what he is comfortable with. And nowadays… Alexei does not do well with major changes in his life.
out of character
Name: Rose
Age: 25
AIM: lieandpretend
E-mail: notyourparade@gmail.com
Timezone: US EST (GM-5)