Raigan Corvinus
birth name: Raigan
roman name: Raigan Corvinus
age: 19
date of birth: Winter (December)
race: Human
rank: Slave
nationality: Gaul/Brittania
Coming to about five feet and seven inches, Raigan is tall for his sex among his countrymen of that time. Tall and slender, seen as a sickly child but gained some toned muscle since his enslavement. He has fair skin on the pale side, since it has been years since he spent any substantial time out in the sun. He has dark brown hair that is close to black, but still obviously brown. He is also in possession of a pair of brown hazel eyes, set in a face with strong yet boyish features. Definitely of the striking variety.

His body tone is slender and toned, and seemingly made for what he had been bought to do, pleasure. Gentle slight curves at his hips, a small yet perfectly round bottom, and full lips that make it entirely too easy fro him to play up a pouty expression. Slim, but not frail, not at all.

As for fashion… if he had it his way, he’d wear the clothing of his birth, the leather and rough cloth, crudely put together outfits meant for the cold, harsh northern lands he had roamed as a child. However, he wears hardly anything since he entered slavery. Thin material draped over his body, impractical especially when the weather did cool off, but meant to showcase his body for his masters pleasure. And occasionally, sandals which wrapped up his calf, just barely keeping the scar on his left leg from mid-thigh down to mid-calf from an attack in his early years obscured from view. It has left him with a limp that he has worked on and made less noticeable in the years since. He stubbornly refuses to use a cane as a walking aid when it acts up during long rainy periods.
Family & Relations
Mother: Anwen (Priestess, Healer)
Father: Unknown. Was conceived at Bealtaine and the man was wearing a mask.
Brother: Cadfan (18, middle child, warrior training began before Raigan was taken; potential PB: Kellan Lutz)
Sister: Blodwen (17, very fair Celtic, seer; pb: Imogen Poots)

First Master: Lucius Novius Dominicus
Current Master: Marcus Novius Dominicus
Past Lovers: Gaius, a fellow slave Raigan felt affection for, was the first lover he chose, was sold off to be a Gladiator and died in the Arena when Lucius found out about him and Raigan, which Raigan does not know about and thinks he was just sold off to another house.
Current Lovers: None.
strengths: Optimistic. Freedom-loving. Good-humored. Honest. Straightforward. Intellectual. Philosophical. Realistic. Loyal.
weaknesses: Blindly optimistic. Careless. Irresponsible. Superficial. Tactless. Restless. Blindly loyal. Self-conscious. Introverted tendencies. Weak left leg.

If there is one thing apparent about Raigan, it is that he is strong-willed and intelligent. One only has to look into his eyes to see the intelligence in them, watchful and discerning. He has a defiant streak in him at times, born from a mixture of his need to be free and his blunt, straightforward nature. It can lead him to being hard to handle in social situations, since he is liable to forget himself and his place in crucial moments and speak up. But despite this? He is also adaptable.

His adaptability is largely due to the fact he wants to survive. He was only a boy on the verge of becoming a man in his tribe when he was taken, and his need to return home eventually to his family has kept him going, kept him strong. So when he was meant to be a pleasure slave he adapted and now it is the only thing he knows how to do, and he will use it so that he is not put aside or resold. He knows his lam leg makes him a next to useless slave for menial tasks, so this is all he had to offer.

Along with his adaptability comes a realistic outlook in life. He knows how the world works, and he does not delude himself. Despite that… he can be quite loyal. Sure, he’ll acknowledge faults in himself and others, but he will choose to be loyal to them despite those faults. Which in and of itself makes him keep the best type of loyalty. For it is an unblended loyalty.

Alternatively, he can have an optimistic side to him that comes up in high stress situations, which puts him at war with his realistic outlook. He wants to believe in the best despite what he knows to be true, and from time to time? He succumbs to that optimism, because he is not perfect. He also has a superficial outlook on people. Seeing their outer beauty before their inner beauty, or lack thereof. He knows he does this, but it is not something he can help. His good part with this? Is that eventually the inner beauty will win out.

Raigan is also a restless boy. Not liking being cooped up, and for a while after he was confined as a slave he went a bit stir crazy, but Lucius saw to it he had enough to keep his mind occupied, which made the confinement more bearable. He is very self-conscious, especially when it comes to his leg. And he is stubborn when it comes to his leg, ignoring the warning signs before his leg gives out in supporting him. He hates the weakness in himself, and pushes himself too hard in order to over-come it. A good example of his tenacity. And while he may seem largely extroverted, he is in fact rather introverted. He internalizes a lot of things, and keeps more to himself than what one would seem to think he does. More like… he is more apt to let people think him less intelligent than he is, so he will willingly hold back his opinions, not wanting to draw unwanted attention to himself. It was why for the years in the house after learning to speak the Roman tongue he feigned ignorance, as if he was never educated.
Anwen was a smart, brave woman who stood out among her people with her raven hair and flashing blue eyes, a beauty they said, just as her name suggested. But more than that, she was touched by the Goddess, one of her chosen. A woman as wild and untamable as the very wild land they called their home. Many loved her, many tried to tame her, but all failed.

It was the summer rite of Bealtaine (Beltane) that saw Raigan’s conception, Anwen, still a maiden, was chosen to portray the Maiden Goddess as she laid with the Young Cernunnos . And as such she took to bed a man masked, proven the strongest young man from the nearest villages and tribes that gathered to celebrate. She never knew who he was, just he never knew her. All she saw was his dark brown hair and his piercing green eyes. Traits that proved to prevail over her own startling looks as Raigan entered the world a mere seven months later in the dead of winter, a labor brought on early from a fall she took on snow covered ice. He was small, too small they said. But his will to live gave him the tenacity needed to survive and grow.

As many expected of a boy conceived in a holy rite, Raigan displayed a sharp mind rivaling his mothers, and an innate talent in learning the religion of their people. He was an easy choice to prepare for training among the Priests of their surrounding area. He learned at his mother’s knee, large green eyes watching and taking everything in, questions asked in a blunt and innocent way which would never stop even as he grew. He had a head start, being as his mother was one of the favored Priestesses.
He was a year old when his brother, Cadfan, was born, and he took to the loud, boisterous babe. The perfect elder brother some said, patient and reliable. And about a year later… Blodwen, the youngest and only girl, was born. She was a treasure to both brothers. Loved and special. Very fair from birth, with clear blue eyes – the eyes of a seer, they said – she was a novelty in the dark haired family that was Anwen’s brood. But then, each child had a different father. Born for a specific purpose in like. Raigan was fortold to enter onto the spiritual path, Cadfan the path of the warrior, and little Blodwen… she was fortold to be a seer.

Growing up, their lives were ever changing and eventful. They ran the woods of their land, learned all they could from those older than them, and got into youthful troubles. Raigan was the reliable one, smart and yet still curious and adventurous. Cadfan was a more head-strong and fiery version of his brother, with a head for strategies, but not much in the way of learning. And then Blodwen, the calm to the storms that tended to brew in her brothers. No one touched Blodwen for fear of retribution from the two boys who guarded her fiercely.

Then, when Raigan was thirteen, tragedy struck their part of the area Rome would call Brittania. They heard rumors of strange men taking over the homes and lands of others… but they thought nothing of it, despite impending signs from the Priests and Priestesses of danger. Even little Blodwen spoke of danger, though her warning was more specific and for Raigan’s ears only. She saw him being taken and did not want him to leave the safety of the village, but Raigan, being young and on the verge of becoming a man did not listen. He would be with Cadfan, all would be well. Only it wasn’t. Roman outriders found them, two young boys out alone. Raigan knew what he had to do, and that was save his brother. If Cadfan could make it to their people and give warning… his sacrifice would be worth it, and so he made his brother run as he stayed behind to give him time to get away. He fought back, though he was no warrior, and he lost, becoming injured in the process. A cut from mid-thigh to mid-calf, deep. He was patched up and taken from his home.

The traveling from Brittania to Rome was a long one, spanning months and months, subjecting Raigan to an ever changing landscape and new sights, though most of it was lost on a fever ridden boy healing from a wound that had become infect shortly after the journey began. But he survived and the wound healed, though he would never be the same. They said he was a lame slave, worthless and should just be put down. But no, he’d be kept. Someone would take him for their pleasure, or for Gladiator bait. A quick death in the arena, fed to a hungry beast. And as predicted, once in Rome he was not among the immediately chosen. Put up for auction multiple times, occasionally bought but returned upon finding out he is lame and useless for manual labor. False advertisement according to them, as nothing of the injury was ever mentioned to them. And then, after Raigan passed fifteen winters, he was bought by Novius Dominicus.

Novius, or Lucius as Raigan would one day be allowed to call him, took pity on the tall, thin boy. Exotic to his eyes, with eyes still shining with defiance. He thought he would do nicely and felt compelled to purchase him, even though the many time before he went to the auctions he had passed the same boy up for useless. Since he was so pleasing to the eyes he decided to take him as a pleasure slave, and so cleaned him up and fed him, tending him back to health. At first, Raigan was able to freely roam from the rooms for Lucius’ use alone as well as the small room off of his meant for Raigan’s use, however that would end. Since Lucius encouraged Raigan’s sharp mind and was amused by how outspoken and opinionated he was, it lead to Raigan making enemies with the Mistress of the house, a wicked woman out for her own pleasure and advancement. When she made an attempt on his life, Lucius secluded him further by locking him in the room off his own, guarded at all times.

Two guards, one an older man, and the other younger, both trusted by Lucius to not succumb to the Mistresses threats. The young one, though, succumbed easily to the charms of the slave he watched over. He was Raigan’s first love. And while Lucius was the first man he had ever laid with, Gaius was the one he chose to occupy his bed. Their affair went on for two years, and ended when Lucius found out, though Raigan would never know the older man found out, and never knew how Lucius sold him as a Gladiator after stripping him of his freedom, and how he died in the arena. All Raigan was told was that he had moved on to better employment with Lucius’ recommendations. Raigan mourned the loss, and instead turned his full attention to Lucius, whom he truly was fond of. The man was kind and thoughtful, even if he never allowed Raigan to venture from his room, as stir crazy as it tended to drive Raigan. But at least Lucius always kept his mind occupied with new things to learn.

Six years after he was taken from his home, Raigan is still a slave, and is still in the House of Dominicus. Though his life is now in the process of changing. With the news of Lucius’ death, ownership of the villa and the slaves has shifted into the hands of his son, a man unknown to Raigan, only ever briefly spoken of from Lucius to Raigan. The change in Masters as Raigan unsettled, as he now does not feel secure in his position. But Raigan is a survivor and has long since decided he will do what he can to stay secure, as well as work toward being granted his freedom. And as soon as he has that freedom? He will return home. He has no idea that his siblings are in the process of searching for him, also wanting to bring their elder brother home.
Out of Character
name: Rose
age: 18+
aim: lieandpretend
email: notyourparade @ gmail.com