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→ All those either under the age of twenty-seven or not with the authority of an Official must heed the nine o'clock curfew, and are hereby required to be in their home or a designated building until five o'clock the following morning.

→ Engaging in pre-marital sexual activity is prohibited.

→ Sleepovers involving members of the opposite sex are not permitted unless the individuals in question are of relation or are over the age of twenty-seven.

→ In order to possess or drive a motor vehicle, one must work for the government.

→ Animals are required to wear a collar around their neck, specifying: the owner's name, home address, and telephone number. Vagabond animals may be claimed by the State, and a fine will be issued to the owners (if found). The State Pound is under no obligation to keep any animal that comes into its care, nor does it claim any responsibility for animals it destroys.

→ Gatherings involving fifteen or more individuals must be approved by an Official before enacted. This includes, but is not limited to: concerts, galas, performances, bazaars, sporting events, tournaments, etc.

→ Alcohol may not be given to or used by any individual under the age of twenty-seven. Tobacco products may not be given to or used by any individual under the age of twenty-five. Tobacco products may not be used within thirty feet of doorways, building or subway entrances, open ventilation airways, or aboard public transportation.

→ Any abnormal or suspicious activity must be reported to an Official as soon as possible.

→ All criminals have the right to a fair and speedy trial, under the discretion of the State government. All suspects/accused persons may be held at the Terminal for examination and pending trial.