basic info.

birth name: Sondra Beth Jacobson
goes by: Beth, Buttercup, Sunny, Ms. Jacobson
age & dob: 27, April 19th, 1984
zodiac: aries

marital status: single
sexuality: Straight, though there was that one time in college...
birthplace: Omaha, Nebraska
hometown: San Antonio, Texas
current residence:Boerne, Texas
family: Mac Jacobson (father; 51), Marlene Jacobson [nee Robertson] (mother; 49), Elena Jacobson (sister; 23)

education: UT: M.Ed with a specialization in language and literacy studies; North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)
occupation: English teacher, Boerne Middle School; part-time midwife
religion: Agnostic
political affiliation: Liberal


• Tends to do her lesson plans while soaking outside in an old beaten-tin bathtub.

• Prefers whiskey to wine, especially when doing lesson plans in said beaten-tin bathtub.

• Does a mean Catherine Hepburn impersonation.

• Puts on fire-engine red lipstick when she's feeling self-conscious. It makes her feel better.

• Adores horseback riding, and prefers to ride bareback, though she can ride Western and side-saddle.

• Loves playing Rockband on Friday nights. Usually takes the mic, or the drums.

• Will play guitar for her kids while teaching them sonnets. She sets them to music.

• Has always wanted to go to Rome, but hasn't been able to save up yet.

• Is constantly updating her house either due to necessity (brass pipes in the winter), or esthetic decisions (TONS of flowers)

• Refuses to let kids bring gadgets into her classroom. Pen and paper are de rigueur.

• Has a two-year old Boston Terrier named Governor Hargreaves. They have nightly conversations that consist of a whole lot of howling and barking. But not like that.

• Cleans the house while dancing and singing in her panties and a button-down shirt, with the volume blasting as loud as she dares. It makes the work go by quicker.

• Uses her bicycle to go everywhere, even the longer trips into town. It's her way of sneaking in exercise without really thinking about it.

• Can be a klutz when she's frustrated. It usually ends in scraped knees and a bruised ego.

• Wouldn't move back to the city if her life depended on it.

• Meditates every morning before getting out of bed, and every night to fall asleep. It's her ode to Burning Man Hippie Dorks the world over.

• Is a firm believer in natural child-rearing. She's pro-home birth, pro-breast feeding, pro-cloth diapers. The more natural the better and while she doesn't shove her beliefs down her clients throats, she has her own birth plan set in stone (with multiple back-up plans in case of emergency).

• Has a few tattoos, all in very secret and discreet places only her lovers get to see.

• Broke her ring finger while catching a football during a family picnic. Has a tiny scar from the surgery to repair it.

• Is a firm believer in happily-ever-after.


• Sondra's parents set the bar ultra-high when it came to relationships. Having been together since high school, they've given their girls a shining example of what it means to be soulmates, and in so doing, have created (at times) unrealistic expectations of how a husband and wife should act towards one another and their families. This in turn has made Sondra very picky when choosing potential boyfriends.

• Stopped actively searching for Mr. Right two years ago. Now, she lives her life content in that she's doing what she loves to do. If he happens along, all the better, but she's not sitting there waiting for him to stroll on by.
• Went through a phase--right after moving to Boerne--where she slept with anything that had a penis and was of the homo sapien variety. It was more of an act of rebellion against the blue-haired ladies that resided at the old bingo hall, and once word spread, she quit doing it because it wasn't fun any more. She was always safe with her partners, and most times ended things on a really high note with them.



played by:Emma Stone
journal/aim: ~sondraj/buttercupprof
info: EST. Adult scenes are A-Okay. Threads, spam, customs, AIM, are all great.
contact:OOC post


1984. The first Mac is introduced. Beverly Lynn Burns becomes the first female 747 captain in the world. "Do They Know It's Christmas" is recorded. Ethel Merman dies. Sondra Jacobson is born into the waiting hands of her father in a little farmhouse in Omaha. No, there wasn't a power outage, a raging tornado, or a winter blizzard. The couple, long believers in natural living (and everything that came with it) welcomed their first child into the world with only the help of a blow-up pool, some soothing Celtic music, and a whole lot of making out.

From the get-go, Sondra was as alive as the flowers outside, or the fruit flies inside. Her family and teachers all nick-named her Sunny, not only because it sounded like her name, but because it matched her personality through and through. Sunny could always be counted on to bring a smile, a kind word, a joke, or a shoulder to cry on, for any who needed it. Far from being shy, she was outgoing, a little loud, and always ready for an adventure.

Like her father before her, Sondra was something of a child prodigy (or an evil mastermind as she liked to joke with her mom), skipping two grades in elementary and an additional year in high school. Languages being her forte, she was fluent in Spanish and French by the time she had left middle school, Sunny staying after school to get extra lessons much to the delight of her teachers. Being the youngest kid in high school did little to phase Sunny's outlook on the world and instead of feeling ostracized, she used it as an opportunity to make new friends and create new experiences for herself. Always musical, this was also the time in her life when she began playing the drums, singing, and even strumming a guitar (though she always felt her fingers were too short to play properly). Sunny went through a punk rock phase like all the rest of her class, and that was when she got her first tattoo, a little anarchy symbol just below her bikini line. Over the following years, she'd get more, but always keep them tiny and discreet.

Upon graduating high school (Magna Cum Laud), Sondra enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, deciding on a whim to become a teacher, after remembering how great it had felt on those rare occasions when she was asked to teach the class a particular passage in Spanish or break down an equation in Math. College broadened Sondra's horizons, and brought her more experiences than she could have ever dreamed of, including losing her virginity to her classmate. While college could throw a lot of people off course with all the partying, drinking, and debauchery, Sondra managed to juggle both sides of UT life with expertise and a smile. Her undergraduate work completed, she went on to get her Masters in Language and Literacy Studies, which she completely earlier than any of her peers. The lack of something to do gave way to a new curiosity when one of her friends became pregnant and without hesitation, Sondra signed up to take midwifery classes and get her certification through the North American Registry of Midwives. It was just another notch on her belt in terms of learning, but it would hold the most esteem of any of her schooling, since she was now able to have a direct impact on bringing life into the world.

Once school was complete, Sondra felt herself craving a quieter environment, one where she would have more control over what she taught and how many kids she taught it to. After searching and applying at numerous small schools in the state, Sondra settled on Boerne, where she'd have the opportunity to not only teach elementary school-aged children, but their middle school counterparts as well. Word quickly spread about the teacher who could deliver babies and before she knew it, Sondra had carved out a little niche for herself as the hippie-esque, rambunctious English teacher who routinely did cartwheels naked in her backyard.


loves: making paper snowflakes, baking cookies for her classes, music time, using her label maker for random notes, hanging her clothes to dry on the line (especially her lingerie), singing at the top of her lungs, rainstorms on a hot summer night, skinny dipping in the river and/or the pool

hates: the old ladies who like to gossip about her, guys who won't hold the door open, uber-feminists who put their cause before their own happiness, dirty bathrooms, the smell of nail polish remover, racism, bigotry, and hate in general


COLOR: taffy blue
FOOD: chicken-fried chicken
ICE CREAM: phish food
SCENT: fresh lavender in the field
hobby: horseback riding
place: her backyard
season: summer
movie: 500 Days of Summer
actor: Catherine Hepburn