Full Name: Leicester Tybalt Aubrey
What you're going to call him: Leicester, if you're a friend. Aubrey if you're anyone else.
Birthplace: London, England
Birthdate: 24 October 2005 at 5:11 PM
Age: 17
Zodiac: You know.
School: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Bloodline: Pure, or very close to.
Other Relevant Status: Werewolf
Languages: English, French, Latin
Sexuality: He doesn't want to place a label on himself, but if he had to, it would definitely fall somewhere around bisexual. He isn't exactly sure where he fits on the Kinsey scale, he just knows when he is and isn't attracted to someone.
Relationship Status: Blissfully single
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Light grey
Height: 6'1" (1.85 m)
Weight: Average; Leicester wouldn't say he's either really thin or overweight
First Impression: Maybe it's in the way his eyes settle intensely on whoever they're focusing on combined with his general scruffiness and his attitude, but there is something about Leicester that strikes a strong initial impression. He's the kind of guy that fathers do not want to open the door and see their daughter bringing home for dinner (not that any of them really have to worry about that considering Leicester's current state of determined singleness). He's the kind of guy who could be called a "bad boy" without ever actually doing anything just because of how he appears. That first impression usually doesn't fade quickly, because Leicester tends to be kind of mysterious also, in that he doesn't talk at great detail about himself but he never manages to fade into the background. And no matter how much he does talk, he never really loses that mysterious edge because he's very good at not giving away his secrets.
General Description: Leicester is and never will be at the center de l'haut couture. He enjoys simple clothes that he can assemble in a way that looks attractive despite its casualness. He would much rather appreciate the chic clothes on other people. That doesn't mean he doesn't get dressed up when the occasion calls for it, and coming from a very wealthy family, he certainly has a vast collection of suits and dress robes for a variety of different occasions. He just doesn't use them very often.

Although something that most people don't know of, Leicester has a few large, jagged scars that run down the bottom of his back, slightly slanted from one side to just above his pants line at the other side. He also has a deep scar, much shorter, down the side of his abdomen, flanked by a couple of similar, lighter scars. Those are the most noticeable remainders of the wounds he suffered after the werewolf attack, the ones that all the medicine and all the magic his parents could buy wouldn't fix. But the physical reminders are nothing compared to the monthly reminder, and Leicester does his best to avoid situations where someone might see the scars. Not because he is the kind of person who would feel obligated to give an explanation (he would be more likely to stare back in a way that would make most people feel like they needed to explain something), but because he knows how easy it is to burrow a seed of suspicion, even if it takes a while for it to bud into something tangible.
Played By: Robert Pattinson
Likes: the snow, muggle horror films, coffee and cigarettes in unhealthy amounts, cats, dogs, most animals, jogging, playing Quidditch, debating (or arguing, depending on how you're looking at it), nature, the mountains (especially snow-capped), skiing, confidence in other people, teasing people, ice cream, the colour blue, the smell of perfume, watching Quidditch matches
Dislikes: being told what to do (unless it's in a way he likes), rules and regulations (unless they're made by him, in which case he will promptly break them because that's how he plays), people who take themselves too seriously, mornings sans coffee (he's very grumpy without it), the non-smoking rule at Hogwarts, bats, vieux boulogne (have you smelled that?)
Strengths: loyalty, empathy (more specific than general), outgoing, determined, ambitious, confident
Faults: can be stubborn, very selfish and self-absorbed, closed-off emotionally, at times callous, first impressions mean everything to him
Overall: Leicester is very much a person with multiple layers, and even more multiple layers that you might never discover, that he might not even know exist himself. He prefers to keep people at a certain distance, understandably due to the fact that he's a werewolf. But even before that, he had been closed off and private, it's just become an excuse for him to not get deeply emotionally attached to anyone, ever.

The Leicester that most people know is not necessarily quiet, but if anyone is paying attention, they would realise quickly that he never says anything very revealing about himself. He can very easily argue any subject, but he could and would argue either side, depending on what he feels like at the moment. That's not to say he doesn't have his own opinions – he does, a plethora of them – but he is content to keep them masked along with everything else that is telling of himself. He tends to have a few non-important friends (people he plays Quidditch with, random people from classes here and there), and there seem to always be people who are willing to let themselves be used. Leicester doesn't purposefully seek out weaker people who will do what he tells them, but when they find him he will make use of them. That's not to say he does anything horrible or cruel, not really, but he certainly wouldn't call it a true friendship.

However, Leicester is the kind of person who will do whatever is necessary to accomplish his goals, and although that doesn't usually require using other people, he would if necessary. He is good at keeping other people far enough that they never become more important than his goals, because he knows better than to think that it's impossible for someone to worm their way under his skin, and he is secretly terrified of becoming attached to anyone. Part of the reason is because of the stigma against werewolves, but it's also due to an innate fear of being vulnerable, of the possibility of being hurt by someone he cares about. He would much rather never get close to someone than get close and feel that way. Unfortunately, he can't change the past, but he can keep something like that from happening again.

People who actually fall into the friends category are included in a little more of Leicester's private world than anyone else, something that has the ability to make people feel special while still not giving them anything to really use against him (unless they're especially observant). There are a few certain people he spends more time with and holds real, intelligent conversations with, people he sometimes shares some of his real thoughts and opinions with. They are people he feels a slight extent of loyalty to, although nothing even close to what he is capable of, but he doesn't expect anything more than he gives. Most people he has interacted with at some point have probably fallen victim to his teasing nature, which can sometimes be more playful and other times more biting, depending on how he's feeling and who is on the receiving end.

Contrary to what one might assume, considering he doesn't make any overt displays of emotion, Leicester is actually teeming with feelings underneath all of his carefully placed emotional shields. When he's on his own, he enjoys watching horror films, but he also enjoys watching dramas because they make him feel. He has the ability (or perhaps the misfortune) to very distinctly empathise with someone else's feelings, and although it doesn't happen in real life simply because nobody is close enough to him to share those feelings with him, he is the kind of person whose decisions would easily be driven by emotion once it became a factor. Without feeling emotionally compelled, making logic-based decisions is easy for him. Leicester's emotional reactions are never shallow and are always strong enough to completely consume him. It's difficult for him to see anything other than his own point of view when he is directly involved in the conflict, and he's never had the desire to attempt to see anything from a viewpoint other than his own in such a situation. That's very different from when his emotions are provoked in response to someone else's emotions, when he is still calm and rational enough to act with a purpose.

As far as romance and sex are concerned, Leicester hasn't had very many romantic partners, and probably not as much sex as some might assume he does. He isn't interested in being romantically involved with someone unless he feels like it would be worth the effort, so no casual flings for him, and a one-night stand is something he would only do if he were either dying of horniness or he was insanely turned on by someone and then for some reason didn't pursue them further (which he thinks would be weird and counter-productive). If he were going to invest emotionally in something, he would want to be certain that it was going to last. How long does it take him to decide? Anywhere from instantly to ten minutes after meeting someone. If there isn't some kind of instant interest, he's not going to ever be interested.

Although it may take a while, depending on the transgression and how much it hurt, Leicester can and does forgive and forget – up to a certain point. He doesn't make a habit of giving more than the one second chance, if that. He doesn't want to give anyone the opportunity to hurt him more than once. More than anything, he hates looking like a fool, he loathes the thought of looking like a tool, and making him feel like that could be harder for him to get past than just simply hurting him. He can be very selfish – it's easy when he's never cared about anything more than himself, when he's always been used to thinking of just himself. And to be honest, he doesn't really think it's a bad thing. After all, he's just looking out for his own well-being, which is better than letting himself get walked all over by trying to please other people.

It may be surprising that he doesn't hate wolves or the moon, considering the fact that he's a werewolf, but he's also far from being at the point where he loves his werewolfishness. There are definitely points where he's very bitter about what happened and what he has become, and he can get depressed and pessimistic about it, but probably thanks to his determination and ambition, he's able to push through most of that. It's definitely helped make him more brooding and better at burying sentimentalities and foolish dreams.

Considering everything, it's probably no surprise that Leicester was sorted into Slytherin, and it didn't really take the Sorting Hat long to decide. The only other option was Ravenclaw, which actually could have worked for the fact that he is intellectually motivated. But there was so much more about him that fit into Slytherin that it wasn't really an option.
Prefect/Head: He wouldn't be interested. Enforcing rules isn't exactly something he's interested in, and putting him in that position would be like asking for the job to be done badly. If he even accepted it. He'd much prefer breaking the rules and finding ways to get away with it.
Quidditch: He plays for leisure, but wasn't ever really interested in playing for the school. But you can bet he supports his house avidly and his school as well. Just like he fanboys the Puddlemere United team.
Wand: Wood: Rowan; Core: Boggart Skin; Sturdy; 10 inches
Boggart: At this point, it would probably be his little sister telling him that she hates him and doesn't want anything to do with him ever again, but that could change with time.
Patronus: African Wild Dog
Pet: a cat named Circe that his grandparents gave him before leaving for Hogwarts his first year. She stayed with him even after he was turned into a werewolf, which he's glad for because she's his baby.
Courses: Arithmancy, Potions, CoMC, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, DADA, Astronomy (schedule)
Best Subject: Transfiguration, but he also really likes DADA because he enjoys duelling and CoMC because he likes the animals (amusing, all things considered).
Worst Subject: He would say he isn't bad at any of them (why would he be still taking something he's bad at?) but if he had to choose, probably Herbology.
Father: Hayden Aubrey (43, owner of a very large chain of expensive hotels, Hogwarts: Ravenclaw)
Mother: Melinda Aubrey (nee Bobbin) (43, wife/mother, Hogwarts: Ravenclaw)
Paternal Grandfather: Bertram Aubrey
Paternal Grandmother: Eliane Aubrey, sister of Millicent Bagnold
Maternal Grandfather: Tybalt Bobbin
Maternal Grandmother: Bryna Bobbin
Brother: Sawyer (13, Hufflepuff)
Sister: Aldys (10)
Other family members: cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Very possibly other purebloods in game.
Residence: Leicester's parents own a mansion in Hampstead, London, England.
Other Notable Residence: His family owns a manor in France where they vacation at various points throughout the year. His father bought it not long after Leicester was born, sort of as a present for Melinda, but Leicester likes to think it was also like his first birthday present (it doesn't help that he loves it more than the home they have in England). The house is located just south of the city of Laon in the Aisne department of Picardy in northern France.

History: Melinda Bobbin and Hayden Aubrey didn't have much of a choice in their union – technically, they did, but they both knew their families expected them to marry well, and to marry each other would be living up to those expectations. They had known each other since they started Hogwarts and had known of each other's family before that, but it wasn't until a dinner party hosted by a common, similarly aristocratic friend the summer before their final year at Hogwarts that they started dating. They didn't necessarily have any kind of immediate spark, but they enjoyed each other's presence. In a way, not having strong emotions for each other was better for the two of them because it meant they were less likely to become a problem later on – and in the long run, that's more important than tumultuous feelings. That's what clandestine affairs are for.

They were married not long after they had finished their final year at Hogwarts. Like all other marriages of one aristocratic family to another, it was a huge affair with a guest list that went on forever and tons of expenses that nobody even batted an eye at. It was expected, and with both Melinda and Hayden's fortunes, it really wasn't anything. Their honeymoon was just as impressive, and what was lacking in romance was made up for by the luxury of the Caribbean paradise where they spent the next several weeks.

While the war had its impact on them just as it did every other witch and wizard living in Britain, the Bobbins and the Aubreys were neither directly involved. They held views common to purebloods, common to most people who have so much more than everyone else – that is, that they're better than everyone who doesn't have as much – and they might have slightly favored Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but they never proclaimed outright support. Economically, they weren't hurt too bad by it either, but the Bobbins had a massive apothecary chain as well as the fortunes of both families, so any damage that the Aubreys' hotel business might have incurred during the war and in the aftermath of it weren't big enough to cause any problems.

It wasn't long after the war that Hayden and Melinda lived up to their familial obligations and had their first child, a son they named Leicester. He was joined four years later by another son, Sawyer, and then an additional three years later by the first daughter and final child, Aldys. While it was the sort of life that would make some people be in awe, for Leicester his childhood was nothing remarkable. There were multiple tutors for various important subjects, and in addition he and his two siblings were permitted to choose extra studies according to their interests – although there wasn't really that much free choice involved. First, Melinda wanted them to learn music, so Leicester picked what he thought would be easiest (the piano), which his brother also chose, while Aldys took to the violin. Then there was language education, of which English and Latin were required, as well as a basic introduction to all of the "important" languages (by the opinion of their parents). There were many other subjects as well, but one that Leicester really took to was the study of law, and after he understood everything to wizarding law he branched outward to find out how muggles did things. Although part of his interest stemmed from the law itself, he was more interested in how the process worked, in the, as he came to see it, game of words and intellect that was played to determine the winner.

While the family's main residence was in England with a primary vacation home in France that Hayden bought for Melinda not long after Leicester's birth, they visited the other neighboring countries frequently enough to expand their children's experiences and knowledge. It would be important for later in life, when they took over the family business or took on other ventures. Although Leicester really took to France, he enjoyed even more the vacations spent far north or high in the mountains where there was lots of snow. It quickly became his favourite thing to do, and he quickly became very predictable when asked where he wanted to go during the winter holidays.

When his letter arrived from Hogwarts inviting him for the next school year, his family wasn't surprised, but that didn't mean there wasn't a party for it (there was a party for everything). Although there wasn't really any expectations for what house he would be placed in, it didn't really come as a surprise to anyone when the Sorting Hat called Slytherin for him. His first year at Hogwarts was like an adventure. He was away from his parents for months for the first time in his life, and he had a wand and could do magic. Life was pretty awesome at that point. But as much as he enjoyed being at Hogwarts, he was even more excited for the year to be over because his parents had promised to let him go into the mountains for a couple of weeks during the summer. It was a sort of camp that might as well have been only for the wealthy because only they could pay for it, so the lodging was superb and there were all kinds of activities set up that Leicester didn't actually plan on attending. He wasn't the only one who had that idea, and one night a few of them got together to go out (and like typical pre-adolescents who want to defy their parents, they had managed to get a dash of alcohol). They hadn't gotten too far (or too into the bottle) when the wolf attacked them – or they thought it was a wolf, anyway. One of the boys died immediately, the other died after a few hours in the hospital, and only Leicester made it out alive.

It wasn't long before his parents found out what exactly had attacked the boys, and it only took a few extra seconds for them to process what that meant. They didn't know for sure until the first time he changed, but they weren't going to risk it. Being rich afforded them immediate access to anything they could want or need, but it couldn't change the fact that Leicester was never going to be the same. He spent the majority of the summer recovering, but it took much longer to recover from the sudden withdrawal of his family. Only Aldys, who was much too young to understand, didn't pull away from him, which is why he is so close to and fond of her today. Although the wolfsbane potion effectively tamed him, he wasn't spared the transformation. When he woke up the next morning, he was painfully aware of the fact that nothing would ever be the same, and his parents were more aware of that as well. As they pulled away from him, he shut down, blocking them out more than he ever had before. The only person who he couldn't was Aldys, who grabbed onto his leg and asked if he would read her a story, please, and why was his face always so unhappy recently?

By the time he had to go back to Hogwarts, he was both dreading and anticipating it. Over the course of the summer, details had been worked out and explanations derived so that it was possible for him to return. Instead of just leaving one night a month on the full moon, there were several points throughout the month where he would leave and to visit a private doctor for a medical condition – fake, of course, but with enough money, the doctor was willing to pretend he saw Leicester one extra day than he did. That was the easy part. The hard part was acting like nothing had happened, which was impossible when everything felt different. And Leicester didn't really try – he did, in that he didn't make it obvious what was different about him, but he didn't hide that he was different. His second year at Hogwarts he was much quieter, very withdrawn and introverted, pretty much going to classes and then to the library or somewhere on the grounds away from everyone else. He preferred to not be around other people, not when suddenly the only thing he wanted was to just be like them, just be normal, and it was something he could never be again. It might have been odd to some people, but the fact that he was seeing a doctor for some undisclosed medical condition wasn't exactly kept hidden, and most people probably assumed it was natural for him to react in such a manner to it.

Over the course of his second year, Leicester grew accustomed, as much as he could, to the changes in his life, and by the end of the year, he was functioning more normally. When he returned to Hogwarts for his third year of school, he felt like he had better control over everything that was going on. That is, until puberty hit hard and he discovered his sexuality. It probably wouldn't have been as momentous if not for the fact that the first person he found himself really attracted to was another guy. Even though he was from a wealthy, aristocratic family, Leicester couldn't be bothered to deny himself what he wanted – and it wasn't like he wasn't already pretty much outcast from the family, anyway. Other than a few kisses, though, nothing happened. Since that point, there have been a couple of other guys, but he never officially dated anyone, and doesn't feel the need to talk to anyone about his personal life, so it's nothing anyone knows about. Quite possibly, everyone assumes him to be completely straight, just because that's normal and he doesn't have any mannerisms that make him seem gay.

Leicester became seriously involved with someone (who happened to be a guy) for the first time over the summer. The fact that he wasn't in school anymore was a blessing and a curse, because they didn't have to worry about what would happen when (more likely than if) people at school found out, but the distance put a stress on their relationship that was impossible to deny. They ended up breaking things off during winter vacation, which left Leicester feeling embittered toward relationships and love (and especially other men), but it also left him a little wiser. He'd learned firsthand how difficult it was to hide something huge about himself with someone he was involved with, and he was fairly certain the only reason he had been able to was because of the fact that he was still in school. That has just given him another reason to feel like he doesn't ever want to be involved with anyone ever again.

Even though he hasn't been in a relationship with a girl and he has with a guy, Leicester doesn't assume it means that he likes guys more. It just happened that he met a guy he was really interested in before he met a girl he was. If anything, he feels like he's more likely to become interested in a girl now, because he doesn't want to be with another guy, but he doesn't really want to be involved with anyone.
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