Eóin Ennis

Basic Information
FULL NAME: Coren Eóin Ennis


DATE OF BIRTH: May 30th 1603

PLACE OF BIRTH: Asheville, North Carolina

AGE: 407 | Appears 32


OCCUPATION: Second in Command of Rebel Faerie Forces/Bird Rehabilitation Specialist and Ranger for Pisgah National Forest

ABILITIES: Coren has the ability to communicate with avian animals and has been gifted with the companionship of a certain falcon he calls Rosie. When he sings, he can lure humans into the confines of a faerie ring. He has the power to bestow good or bad luck on those he comes into contact with and he can use glamour to change the appearance of objects and himself.

PLAYED BY: Channing Tatum

JOURNAL: Who Is Coren Collins?

AIM: n/a


Coren was 6 years old when the Queen his mother attended to gave birth to her first child. He didn't quite understand what the fuss was about and when he saw the squalling infant, he turned up his nose. In time, however, the baby became a child who was much more fun to be around than she had been as a baby. Princess Rhoswen and the maid's son were fast friends and playmates throughout their youth. They ran through the forest, played games near the river and hid from their parents in the faerie mounds they dug together. There was nothing to separate them.

Their relationship continued thus until they were young adults. Coren first realized that his feelings extended beyond friendship when he saw Rhos run through a field of flowers near the commune. In those days, when the world had only just been colonized by barbaric humans, they could run without fear. With the sun streaming down through thunderhead clouds, insects buzzing about and a soft wind blowing in off the sea, Coren really saw how beautiful the princess was for the first time. Her blond hair was golden in the sunlight, her cheeks bright and rosy, her laugh enchanting. He was smitten.

There was never an opportunity to tell her how he felt. The time just never seemed right. He continued to spend time with her, even after he was inducted as a page into the King's faerie army, but he had changed from a playful youth to a sober young man who couldn't help but feel his stomach lurch each time her delicate fingers touched his skin. In time, Coren proved himself worthy enough to be a Knight. He was honored by the position and took his role very seriously. He never wanted to give the King or Queen reason to doubt him, and to have Rhoswen know his loyalty to the kingdom that would one day be hers meant the world to him.

But there came a day where his loyalty was tested. Out on duty in the evening hours, Coren stood at the edge of the commune, watching for signs of danger. All seemed right, but he could not help the feeling of unease that had settled in his gut. His keen eyes scoured the nearby woods and foliage for signs of trouble, but he could see nothing. Not until it was too late. He took a step into a small patch of saplings when a band of Unseelie faeries fell upon him. They took his weapon and bound his hands. Their intent was to kill him once they got him far enough away, but before they could gag him he began to talk.

With some falsehoods, a little finesse and quick thinking, he was taken back to the leader of the rebel army. He told them how unhappy he was with the King and his politics and the asset he would be to the enemy forces. He knew his way around the commune, he could arrange invasions and breach the walls with ease. He was trusted in the community and if they would only give him a chance he could prove it.

They were satisfied enough with his explanation to let him live. He spent many years further gaining their trust. He had to break a lot of his King's rules to get there, but they were ones he knew would be forgiven if he ever had the chance to plead his case. He has since become their second in command, biding his time until the current leader resigns or is killed. He has plans to take down the rebel forces and reunite himself with his family and best friend.

Living with the Unseelie, Coren has taken on the name Eóin Ennis. He has had a hard life and the wear shows on his face and in the occasional stubble on his chin. His eyes are not as bright as they once were and those who knew him before his kidnapping may not recognize him at all.

Although he has lived in Asheville his whole life, he has never lived inside the hub of the city. It will be a new adventure and hopefully bring about a way for him to bring down the Unseelie court.


Coren is intelligent. He thinks on his feet and is very witty. He has a comeback for just about everything and follows his instinct and intuition. He is curious and likes to be in the know, he wants to know as much as he can about a person or situation he might encounter. He's very concerned with learning and collecting facts and has great attention to detail. He's able to easily adapt and change to fit the situation. Although not aspects of his personality per se, he is graceful, nimble and dexterous, even in mind. He is charming and believable, being able to quickly judge a situation and turn it to his advantage. He is restless and bores easily which usually finds him out in nature doing something. He can be impatient if kept waiting which usually makes him irritable. He can also be impulsive and unpredictable, which leads some people to find him flighty and unstable. Deep down, he has a desire to find his soul mate. He is sure he's already found her, the trouble is going to be keeping her. Sometimes on his bad days he feels alone and lost. He has a need to talk to people, being alone is much too boring.


Rhroswen Aes Sidhe
Rhoswen is the first daughter of the King and Queen of the Seelie faerie commune. As such she is next in line to rule if she marries before her brothers are of age to take the throne. Coren and Rhoswen were the best of friends in their youth and Coren fell in love with her shortly before he was kidnapped. He has not seen her since.

PB: Rachel McAdams

Mary Collins
Coren's mother and lady in waiting to Queen Niamh. She has the patience of a saint and the appearance of an angel. She brought Coren up to be a bright young man with strength of will and an honorable heart. It tore her up when her only child disappeared and she hasn't quite been the same since.

Suggested PB: Miranda Otto

Unseelie Knight Leader
This guy has more or less taken Coren under his wing. He knows him as Eóin Ennis and trusts him to be his right hand man. He's a pretty ruthless guy who really dislikes the way things are run in the commune. He doesn't know that Coren really isn't as loyal as he thinks.

Suggested PB: None