basics Name: Harley Quinn Kingston.
nicknames: Har, Quinn, King, Quinnie
Age & date of birth: 28 & February 14, 1984.
hometown: Myrtle Beach, SC.
current residence: Myrtle Beach, SC
relationship status: single.
sexuality: heterosexual.
occupation: Hairdresser and owner of Curl Up & Dye Salon.

personality Sarcastic. Goofy. Witty. Playful. Loyal. These are words to describe Quinn to a T. She's a quirky little person with a heart of gold. She loves going out and having fun with her friends. Loyal to a fault, Quinn tries to see the good in everyone. She also is very optimistic and sees the glass as half full. Quinn loves going out and doing things especially if it's involving the beach.

favorite things music, dancing, reading, Madonna, 80's music, food, naptime, cuddling, cooking, books, writing, laughing, learning new things, kisses, eating, chinese food, disney movies, mexican food, Will Smith, batman, pop music and cheesy love songs, making new friends, talking, friends, puppies, kittens, penguins, dolphins, turtles, Taco Bell, the smell of hair color, late night text messages, singing along to the radio, singing, dancing in the rain, learning songs on the piano, Netflix, shoes, vintage sunglasses, scented lotions, the beach...

ooc PLAYED BY: Victoria Asher.
JOURNAL & AIM: ~yelrah & king of quinns.
WRITING: Third person, storybook. Threading and/or AIM. Random IMs and customs are welcomed and loved. Mature scenes are generally a no no unless they are specific to the line. Will fade to black or write it out.
coding credit: ~allistair.

biography Harley Quinn Kingston never got the chance to know her parents, she never knew if she had brothers or sisters. Born on a Valentine's Day to Colby and Greta Kingston, she didn't get much time at all with her them. Her parents loved her a lot according to her Aunt Mimi. They died when she was a year old in a plane accident while they were coming home from Hawaii, they were taking a second honeymoon. Aunt Mimi was taking care of Quinn while they were away. Aunt Mimi was Greta's older sister, her only sister, who was married to Uncle Robby. They never were able to have kids so she babied little Quinnie like she was her own. Quinn's father's side of the family didn't approve of her mother. When her parents got married, her father's side cut all ties with him. They don't even know she exists.

Aunt Mimi was Quinn's caregiver until she died shortly after the child turned 5; Uncle Robby couldn't take care of her because of the expenses. As Quinn got older she suspected that he was just too heartbroken after Mimi died. So she got passed to the only living relative left, her grandmother. Granny Z, whose real name was Zelda but if you were Quinn you knew better than to call her that, was one of those self-proclaimed "cool grannies". She was as cool as a granny could be in the 80's. She always wore the latest fashions and listened to the cool music. She showed Quinn her cassette tapes and she had U2's "The Joshua Tree" tape. Granny Z was little Quinn's best friend. Attached to the hip, complete with matching clothes and the same hip attitude, they would go to the park, the pool, the zoo, the movies, and wherever Granny Z thought was fun. This lasted until Quinn was 8.

The day would be burned into Quinn's mind for the rest of her life. She came home from school expecting to play video games or go to the ice cream shop, but instead she found ambulances and cop cars surrounding the outside of our house. Mrs. Mildred "Millie" Andrews, or Miss Millie as the neighbor kids called her, Granny Z's next door neighbor came up to the little girl and said that Granny Z had passed. A heart attack. Quinn's little world crumbled and she was dumbfounded. She didn't know what a heart attack was at that point, so the little girl with her big imagination proclaimed that he was a super villan who broke into their house and try to steal their things. Granny Z fought him to the death. Quinn ran to the policeman and said that they needed to catch that evil heart attack man. The policeman just snickered. Miss Millie helped the crying girl pack and told her she was going away.

The orphanage was a different place. It wasn't warm and loving like Granny Z's house. It didn't smell of cookies or have the sounds of Mario jumping around. It was a box with a revolving door of people coming and going. Quinn was scared. Granny Z was killed by an evil super villan and she was trapped in his evil fortress where he kept other kids. One of the girls would soon become my sidekick. The little girl played with Quinn and kept her spirits up. They shared secrets and Quinn told her of the evil heart attack man. Her friend assured her that Granny Z had died of a heart attack not by someone named Heartattack. That was when Quinn learned that humans were fragile.

When Quinn was 12, she was sent to a new home. The new caregivers were nice. Roger and Janice Patterson. Quinn was afraid they were going to die on her so every night until she was 15, the girl would check on them while they were sleeping. School for Quinn was easy and she got good grades. Quinn was artistic and loved being creative. She also developed a love of changing her hair and makeup like she changed her clothes. When she graduated high school, she decided to go to beauty school. Working her way through beauty school, Quinn got a job at Sam Ash after she impressed them with her knowledge of pianos. Then she decided to learn guitar because Granny Z played. After finishing beauty school, Quinn decided to take the money that she had saved and had left over from paying off her student loans, as well as with help of her parents, and open a salon. The salon started slow but soon clientele started coming through her doors. The business still thrives and Quinn loves what she does. She loves to kick back after a long week at the office and watch football even though her team, the Raiders, can't ever seem to make it to the super bowl.

- drives a 2009 Honda FiT called Clyde. He's a cool cat.
- is a devout Oakland Raiders fan, she's been one for as long as she can remember.
- is addicted to spicy foods; amongst her favorites are Indian, Mexican, and Thai.
- musical archive is all over the place ranging from oldies to country to hip hop; loves to sing/rap along with the music.
- has a bad obsession with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, especially the soundtrack and the colors.
- has tried to do NaNoWriMo before and came close to 45,000 words before getting writer's block and stopping.
- had to wear a back brace in high school for scoliosis.
- is afraid that eventually that Skynet will take over and that the Terminators will be real.
- all time favorite color is pink.
