Mackenzie Sinclair

FULL NAME: Mackenzie Roselyn Sinclair.
NICKNAMES: Mostly Kenzie, but she'll answer to anything: Mac, Kenz, MacAttack -- seriously, anything you can come up with.
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 & May 5th, 1983.
RESIDENCE: North Beach.
OCCUPATION: Book Editor.
SEXUALITY: Straight.


When people first take a look at Mackenzie, they usually give her odd glances and think that she's a little on the crazy side. That's probably because one of the first things you might hear from her is her very loud, slightly obnoxious, yet very infectious laughter. It's like she is always laughing and smiling because she is constantly finding humor and amusement out of things. It's not necessarily too annoying, people have said that it grows to be a very endearing quality about her. But she has tried to tone down her laughter, and she tries to be sensitive and aware of her surroundings so that she doesn't start bursting out laughing in very inappropriate settings.

Some might think she's immature for her age, and she probably is because she would much rather be goofing off with friends than settle down and be serious. She's just very full of life, and wants to take advantage of every single moment. She's not the type who likes to sit around being bored. She wants to be active, she wants to be involved in others lives, she wants to be having fun. But at the same time, she is technically an adult, and though she sometimes thinks she's still a teenager, she does know when to calm herself down and be professional. For example, she is very good at her job and knows when not to cross the line into her crazy antics. But all the same, even at work she likes to joke around and have fun with her co-workers in moments when it is appropriate.

Though she is mostly happy, she does have her random days where life just seems to make her a little down in the dumps. When this is the case, she has to pull herself away from the rest of the world and close herself off to recharge. All she needs is a big tub of ice cream, copious amounts of coffee, a good romantic comedy and/or some serious dance music. Then she'll be back to new in no time.

Mackenzie also has her moments when her temper can get the best of her. She's never really been afraid of conflict or heated discussions, so she tries to tackle a problem head on. She can be stubborn and hard headed when she really believes in something, and it's hard for her to back down in arguments because she likes to have the last word.

In regards to the opposite sex, she can be quite a flirt but she tries not to be too over the top. She doesn't want people to get the wrong impression of her, but she's so friendly that she doesn't always realize she's flirting! It's given more than a few men the wrong signals when she had no intention of doing so whatsoever. And then, when they surprise her by asking her out, she usually feels too guilty to say no. It's caused for some very interesting dating situations in her life, but hey, at least she has some good stories to tell?

David and Linda Sinclair both originally came from Denver, Colorado. They had been high school sweethearts who managed to stay together through college, and then decided to get married after they graduated and both had stable jobs. Mackenzie came into their lives two years later, and they were thrilled at the beautiful bundle of joy. By the time they were expecting their second child, Mackenzie was three years old. She loved her brother Peter right away, and doted upon him as any older sister might. And when she was five, her little brother Bryan was born into the world. It was around this time that her parents decided to move to Southern California, Orange County specifically -- they had close relatives that lived in the area, and they had both always been interested in living in California.

So she came to town right before starting first grade, where she seemed to make a fairly smooth transition. She liked living there because of the near by beaches, and it seemed like her family was always out in the sun having fun somehow -- whether at a beach, or at Disneyland, or a park, or camping/hiking, anything! But it was clear from a young age that Mackenzie was not an easy student to have in class. Her parents would always get calls to come into class, and they'd discuss how their daughter often interrupted the teacher or misbehaved by doing something silly. It was hard for them to be too mad at her, though, because they themselves had always taught their children to find the fun and humor out of life. But despite her class clown tendencies, she was a smart girl who did well with her studies. So at least there was a bright side, right?

When she got into middle school, though, it got worse to the point where she'd be sent to the principle's office because she'd start to do rather vicious things just to get a good laugh out of her classmates. One time she had played a prank on her teacher and was sent straight to the principle's office (okay, maybe she deserved that one: the teacher had stepped out of the room for a moment, and while she was gone, Kenzie went to the woman's computer and put it on a porn site. The poor old lady was traumatized!). It was there in the waiting room she met the girl who would be her best friend throughout the rest of middle school and high school days -- Anna Arceneau. And basically? From that point on the two became partners in crime.

Once she was out of high school, Mackenzie decided to stick around SoCal and go to UC Irvine where she majored in English. As crazy and somewhat hyper as she was, she always enjoyed reading books. It's the one time she can really sit still (other than watching a movie or something). So the idea of being an editor always fascinated her. Once she graduated, she first got a job at a local magazine. And later at a small publishing company. That's how she landed her current job in San Francisco, and she's been there for the past three years. She loves it! She's always been a city girl, and NorCal has definitely won her heart over.

Living alone can get her feeling a little lonely because she loves being surrounded by people... yet she didn't want to get a roommate at the same time. But in an effort to cure any loneliness she might get, Mackenzie got herself her first dog. His name is Horatio, because she always thought that was a really funny name. Seriously, who would ever name their kid Horatio? It cracks her up every time she says it. But then, when she got her second dog, she figured she should keep with the Shakespearean theme and ended up naming this one Titania -- which also cracks her up because she usually just calls the poor thing 'Titty' for short. But she loves her babies to death, they are her life apart from work, and she spoils them rotten. The end.

« City of Hills


Basically these two were best friends back when they were in their younger years. Kept in touch in the beginning of their college years, but eventually life caught up with both of them. Now that Anna just moved to SF, it'll give them a chance to rekindle their amazing and crazy friendship.





AIM OR THREAD: Prefer threads.
CONTACT: PM/comment on journal, kenziesinclair on aim.
PLAYED BY: Katherine Heigl.