Crescent City: OOC -
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Hey all, it is B once more and I bring you PACOOO.

Paco is a punk, an anarchist, and all around shenanigans-puller. He likes to pretend he's the next Sam Adams. Beer + Revolution + ??? = Profit!

Sooo yes. He's Filipino, he's loud, he has an older sister someone should pick up, and he's terrified of driving. Lala. His proper bio is in his journallll and yes. I need friends, enemies, whatever! <3


howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: September 9th, 2010 01:20 am (UTC) (Link)
Yay Paco! Awesome :D

He and Keegan probably get along. Keegs isn't a stereotypical jock, so that shouldn't be an issue. Has a love for punk music (especially the oldschool), loud music, shenanigans, etc. Both in Dueling club He'd probably be amused by Paco's "DAMN THE MAN" attitude at times XD

Casey and Quinn would both know him as that loud kid with the weird hair. He and Casey are in the same year, and Case would have no problem with him but hey. Quinn... I have no idea. She might either be highly amused by Paco, or annoyed to high hell.
mohawkbiatch From: [info]mohawkbiatch Date: September 9th, 2010 01:35 am (UTC) (Link)
Oh man Paco is endlessly amusing with his DOWN WITH THE MAN attitude. He's probably pretty ok with Keegan.

He can get pretty annoying!
meandmyuke From: [info]meandmyuke Date: September 9th, 2010 01:46 am (UTC) (Link)

Apple and Paco. Total besties. BEST ROOM MATES EVER. Smokin, pudding cups, doritos, and snuggle times. So cute.

Sunny probably thinks he's an adorable pint size anarchist. Michi would know him from around Bishop and SQUARSH HIM INTO HUGS often. Mekaface: o.O But they should hang at some point and see what happens. She does love to break rules. And Sam! Sam is totally open for whateveskis!
mohawkbiatch From: [info]mohawkbiatch Date: September 9th, 2010 01:52 am (UTC) (Link)

Paco adores Apple. SO MUUUUUCH. besties for lyyyyyyfe <3 <3

All of that sounds awesome to me!
From: [info]legaux Date: September 9th, 2010 04:45 am (UTC) (Link)
Addy is like WTF THIS BISH

Bobby thinks he's awesome.
londonloves From: [info]londonloves Date: September 9th, 2010 05:16 pm (UTC) (Link)

Mari is smitten with him secretley. he's like, younger than her!!

my boys would probably get along with him fine, sim more so but i can see them having had some angry exchanges!
willingtocheat From: [info]willingtocheat Date: September 9th, 2010 11:10 pm (UTC) (Link)

It's kind of hard not to miss the kid with the ZOMG red mohawk. Will has undoubtedly pointed and snickered and said something horrible to Paco about said hair. Not a mortal enemy but Paco and Will probably don't get along. A shame I say. A shame.
anastas From: [info]anastas Date: September 10th, 2010 05:14 am (UTC) (Link)
Stas likes that he's an anarchist and a smoker. They both have a problem with authority. Though Stas is a senior and Paco's 10th grade. I don't know if they'd have much occasion to run into each other and chat, unless it was at a party or they both happened to get into some kind of trouble.

AB would probably know him dueling club and that he's a fellow Rienzi. She's also kind of a trouble maker, though not so much with the goal of "damning the man." I think she'd like him.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: September 12th, 2010 12:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
Hunter probably think he's a pretty cool dude, even if she probably doesn't know him that well, being a bit older. Like Keegs, she is a jock but not quite stereotypical [not completely anyway], and she loves shenanigans, so.

Tatum thinks he has awesome hair, but probably doesn't know him well outside of that. Jenny & Erica I don't think would really know him, unless you wanted something specific.

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