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[12 Dec 2010|10:29am]
I hate my husband.

end of story.
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Jealousy. [11 Nov 2010|01:33pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

It's like an illness that I can't shake
a crippling pain that I can't take
a growing fear that I can't break
a deep sadness that makes me quake
and leaves me shattered in its wake

I woke up this morning with a stone
in my stomach and a thought in my head
the day already over for me before
I stretched my arms and left my bed
the hurt used to be a passing thing
that I could shrug and lift away
but now it lives in my heart and mind
to swell with doubt every waking day

It's a gnawing ruin, this jealousy
I fight it but cannot break free
it's spreading further within me
I want the fury to leave me be
but there's no escape I can see

I drift asleep with a dampened spirit
weighing heavy inside my chest
and dream of all the little signs
that prove me lost at second best
I crave the joy that it would bring
to know your love for me is not a lie
and feel the peace of heady relief
breathe out this tension like a sigh

because... it's like an illness that I can't shake
a crippling pain that I can't take
a growing fear that I can't break
a deep sadness that makes me quake
and I am shattered in its wake.

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