17 March 2011 @ 05:49 pm
All is Fair is a role playing game for fairy tale characters and the characters of other such beloved stories.

Set in the city of Haven, a magical place where fairy tales can live outside the constrains of their stories.

Tales can learn of the place through a magical brochure that floats around, from another tale who knows of it, or by dying (in which most tales end up magically on the shore of the Sleepless Sea just outside the city).

At the main gate, the Mayor's Office serves as an intermediary to help new tales adjust to life in Haven. Each fairy tale is interviewed, placed in a job based on their skills, and offered a choice of places to live. From there they're welcomed into the city of Haven and free to do as they please.

Most plot will be player generated. At present the game is just a place to play with our fairy tale muses.