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ash murph

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[01 Oct 2011|06:15pm]

<b><u>OOC Information</b></u>

<b>Player name:</b> Mark

<b>Player age:</b> 23

<b>Time zone:</b> EST


<b><u>Character Information</b></u>


<b>Full name:</b> Ashley Ophelia Murphy

<b>Nick names:</b> Ash

<b>Hometown:</b> DC

<b>Age and birthday:</b> 17, September 7th

<b>House and year:</b> Roanoke 6th

<b>Boggart:</b> Loved one telling her she’ worthless and walking away

<b>Riddikulus:</b> Bear hugs from the person

<b>Patronus and why:</b> a large, shaggy haired Newfoundland. She had one as a young child.


<b><u>School Information:</b></u>


<b>Wand:</b> 15 inch olive tree with phoenix feather core.

<b>Electives:</b> Combative magic, advanced flying, advanced care of magical creatures, advanced transfiguration, animagus studies.

<b>Extracirriculars:</b> Quodpot, quidditch, mugle sports, dueling

<b>Strongest subject:</b> Advanced flying

<b>Weakest subject:</b> Advanced Transfiguration

<b>Animagus form, if applicable</b> None yet. Will be a Scottish terrier.


<b><u>Family and Relationships</b></u>

<b>Parents:</b> Timothy, former magical marine life researcher, switched to Muggle marine biology after marriage to better conceal magical nature. Adrianna Muggle psychologist. Became irrationally angry and abusive after children showed signs of magic. Not on speaking terms with Ashley

<b>Siblings:</b> Albert, Twin brother and voice of reason. Jane, 15 years old, distant from others but cares deeply. Cordilia and Phebe, twins age 13. Peacekeeper and troublemaker respectively. Oliver, age 8, last ditch attempt to “save the marriage’ Thinks Ashley is the coolest thing ever.

<b>Extended Family:</b> Few Aunts, Uncles and cousins, no one close.

<b>Familiar:</b> None

<b>Sexuality:</b> Hetero



<b>PB:</b> Nicki Clyne

<b>Physical Description:</b> Standing a few hairs short of 5 foot and with a round face, big blue eyes, quick movements, and a cheery disposition, Ashley is someone that gives off an impression of being a very happy and sweet person. Typically dressed in clothes that are far to large and baggy for her size she is never one to dress for appearances.


<b>Likes:</b> Animals, Sport, Flying, Eating, Comedies, Adrenaline rushes

<b>Dislikes:</b> Monotony, sitting still, girly girls, class.

<b>Quirks:</b> Hyper, talks way to fast.

<b>Secrets:</b> Mother was verbally abusive, owns a stuffed dog.

<b>Amortentia smells like:</b> Broom polish, Brownies, the beach.

<b>Strengths:</b> Stubborn, Friendly, forgiving, loving, energetic, adventurous

<b>Weaknesses:</b> Stubborn, Thin skinned, gullible, low self esteem, fidgety.

<b>Detailed personality:</b> Ash’s primary trait is her high energy level. She’s always moving and finds it hard to sit still if not concentrating. Her mind tends to wander if she isn’t doing something physical as well. As a result she’s a fan of sports of all kinds and does better at hands on classes like Herbology and Care of Magical creatures than things like Potions or History of Magic.

Ash is also very insecure, a gift from her mother, She’s always worried about hurting feelings and she tends to be easily offended since she thinks that most people are out to judge her severely for all her faults. Rather than change though she would rather deny that any given insult is a problem, seeing change as an admission of her own worthlessness She has a strong desire to be liked that coupled with her naturally friendly and helpful demeanor and thin skin makes her an easy target for bullies. She’s very defensive and will often take teasing the wrong way but at the same time tends to forgive people for just about anything after the fact.

Ash is an enormous tomboy and rejects all that “stupid girly shit” out of hand. She’d much rather play Football than worry about looks or boy’s, she prefers Dragons to Unicorns and is in general just one of the lads.

She displays a lot of stubbornness and has a very extroverted nature. Once she gets going she won’t back down come hell or high water. Her extroverted nature shows in the form of her loudly running through the halls shouting, singing off key Queen, and just generally being a friendly and forward person. If this seems in contradiction to her self-conscious and insecure aspects it should be noted that both are motivated by her desire to be liked and “worth something” to prove to herself that her father wasn’t right, so she puts herself out there to be liked and shies away from and obsesses about being hated.

<b><u>Personal History</b></u>


Timothy and Adrianna’s courtship and marriage was fairly unremarkable. They met through mutual friends, dated for a year, and were married in a small ceremony with a few family members and friends present. Timothy was a Wizard though and switched his carreer to a muggle field to keep this fact secret so when their oldest children started to show signs of magic around eight years old it was quite a shock. Adrianna didn’t take it well. There was fighting, and drinking, and more fighting. Timothy was too oblivious to see most of the abuse and too passive to do anything about what he did see.


By the time Ashley and Albert were teenagers Ashley had taken up the role of family scapegoat, butting heads with her mother constantly. When they were shipped off to school it was both a relief and a stressor, they were away but their younger siblings weren’t. They just settled in and tried their best. Ash joined as many sports teams as she could to keep busy and caused just enough trouble to get regular letters from Adrianna scolding her.

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