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Internet Design Focus 2013 [14 Mar 2013|05:52pm]

Can beautiful designs make your resume stand out? Like a web designers portfolio it can make or break you. Mobile phone browsing on the internt has exploded on the net over the last 2 years but the technology is playing catchup in design and compatability terms for website. See the work on this in the second article. Lastly, a website building tutorial in dreamweaver.

Can Beautiful Design Make Your Resume Stand Out?


The amount of time a recruiter spends looking at your resume is roughly six seconds — the length of a Vine video.

For people who are unemployed or underemployed, figuring out how to stand out in the job search is crucial. Despite discovering job openings that fit your experience, you send your resume out to the ether — and feel you're continuously overlooked in favor of someone with equal qualifications. Many job seekers have taken to desperate measures.

"Visual design is a great way to differentiate yourself from other job candidates," says Dodd Caldwell, cofounder of Loft Resumes. "Design in general is increasingly important in the business world."

Companies are always looking for candidates who will go the extra mile, and your resume is literally your first point of contact — your first chance to put yourself in the "yes" bucket. And what recruiters are looking for can mostly be narrowed down to science, as The Ladders found last year in an eye-tracking study on resumes.

Recruiters spent 80% of their time looking at six data points:

  • Name

  • Current title and company

  • Previous title and company

  • Current start and end dates

  • Previous start and end dates

  • Education

The key is to keep these important data points clear. Loft Resumes recommends a hierarchy that presents information in a way that is easy to find and digest. Its service relies on graphic design principles, and clients can select from various formats or color palettes, but no two resumes will be exactly the same.

While presenting information visually is a plus, especially in a time when Pinterest, Instagram and other visual experiences are winning our time and attention — it's still not a good idea to put a photo on your resume (unless your industry requires it). Research from The Ladders on online profiles found the human eye is naturally drawn to photos, in this case the profile photo, which prevented recruiters from looking at more relevant data such as experience.

While a resume from Loft Resumes is not cheap ($99), it is an investment. The price includes two rounds of revisions. Additional revisions later — perhaps after you've acquired additional skills or experience — are only $5.

Have you tried using a service for professionally designed resumes? Did it make a difference in your job search? Let us know in the comments.

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Mobile CSS compatibility tables released

Mobile CSS compatibility tables released

Late in 2012, mobile platform strategist Peter-Paul Koch received sponsorship for, which he said would enable him to spend more time researching web standards and working on compatibility tables that would be shared with

Over the weekend, CSS selectors for mobile tables went live. Koch has also been further exploring CSS columns and discovering there’s some way to go regarding implementation.

We spoke to Koch about his work, how his tests are written and why developers should be more cautious regarding testing on a per-engine basis.

.net: You’re putting a lot of effort into your mobile tables. Is this something that wasn't being done to this extent elsewhere?

PPK: No, it's not really being done. The tables that come closest to mine are those by Max Firtman and they focus on HTML5 APIs.

I don’t believe in automating browser testing or scores, and so I don’t really count tests such as The HTML5 test. Then we have Can I Use…, which is useful but sometimes doesn’t give correct browser information.

As far as I know, I'm still the one that does the most detailed tests — and the only one to publish test pages as well as results.

.net: How do you go about writing the tests?

PPK: Slowly! Sometimes it's not easy to figure out what is meant in a specification, especially when there are only two implementations that are subtly (or wildly) different. Fortunately, I have a lot of experience in browser-test writing, and so I know how to prevent common pitfalls.

For example, at first it looked as if Opera Mini did not support CSS classes, but that is obviously nonsense. The problem turned out to be that I test for the support of classes by giving a test element font-style: italic. Many Opera Minis don’t support that style. Because I’d encountered this before, I knew I had to change test styles. And the MeeGo browser does not support font-variant: small-caps. Same story.

Incidentally, JavaScript still gives italic when you ask Opera Mini for the font-style value. That proves that you cannot automate these tests: you must look at the page and determine if it uses an italic font.

.net: In your recent article about selectors and columns, you state browsers using the same WebKit build have varying compatibility. Does this further highlight how devs should be careful regarding cutting-edge techniques and more rigorously test across devices?

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Online Dreamweaver introduction to html css web design techniques How to make a website 123


Find further reading at website design firms.

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Trends 2013 for Design on the Web [13 Mar 2013|02:59pm]

In 2013 responsive web design is a growing trend that designers and developers and businesses need to take more notice of. See the article below that highlights this. Webkit, what it is and what it isn't, why opera is ditching its own browser. Finally, want to know what the design trends for 2013 will be from Adobe?

Find further reading at click to the web site.

Keep an Eye on These Web Design Trends in 2013


Brian Casel is a Web designer and the founder of Restaurant Engine, a web design service made for restaurants. Connect with Brian on Twitter @CasJam.

As we roll into 2013, our world of web design and development is changing more rapidly than ever before.

For web creators everywhere, living and working on the bleeding edge of design innovation is as exciting as ever.

To kick off the new year, now seems like a good time to highlight the important trends and developments in the world of design and dev during 2013. Without further ado, here's what you need to know about web design for the year to come.

The Craft

Let's start with trends in the way we will create websites.

Responsive Design: It's Not Just For Handhelds Anymore


Responsive Design

Responsive web design has been around for several years now, but it really came alive in 2012, and we've seen more widespread adoption of this adaptive, fluid approach to designing web layouts.

Since you're on the site, you may have noticed that Mashable recently launched a major website redesign, which takes full advantage of responsive design. Several other popular news media companies, including TIME and USA Today, are also taking advantage of the feature, which helps to neatly distribute content across a wide variety of devices, from desktop computer to smartphone and everything in beween.

It's not just news outlets that have taken a responsive approach. In the ever-popular WordPress market, nearly all newly released themes come fully mobile-optimized, bearing the mark "responsive" on their download pages.

In 2013, it's obvious that we'll continue to see responsive web design flourish. It won't only be about folding down the design from desktop to tablet to handheld. We will also need to plan for how websites will expand upward, adapting to larger and different types of displays.

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Paul Irish explains what WebKit is and isn’t

Ever since Opera announced it would ditch the company’s own Presto browser engine in favour of WebKit, there’s been a certain amount of disquiet within the web industry.

Opera is joining Chrome, Safari and others in using WebKit with Chrome in particular making major in-roads on the desktop. The WebKit-powered Android Browser, Chrome and Mobile Safari are hugely dominant on mobile. Concerns exist that the web could be heading towards a WebKit monoculture, which would be detrimental to innovation and standards.

Such concerns were dismissed by Opera web evangelist Bruce Lawson, who told .net that “it's hard to claim a WebKit monoculture when IE's Trident and Mozilla's Gecko are going strong,” and added: “It’s also untrue that there is one monolithic WebKit; there are many. WebKit has many diverse and competing organisations working for it.”

That last point has been addressed at length in WebKit for Developers by frontend developer and standards expert Paul Irish. In the article, he explored what is and isn’t WebKit, how WebKit is used and why all WebKits are not identical.

Importantly, Irish noted that of the primary components of any modern-day browser, relatively few are shared across different flavours of WebKit — parsing and layout. (And even there, issues exist, as evidenced by Peter-Paul Koch’s selectors and columns post on QuirksBlog.) Elsewhere, text and graphics rendering, image decoding, GPU interaction, network access and hardware acceleration are often handled by individual WebKit ‘ports’, such as Safari, Mobile Safari, Chrome, Android Browser, Amazon Silk and Dolphin.

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Web Design: 2012 & 2013 Web Design Trends


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