The Salvage of my Sanity...
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-10-24 23:28
Subject: Girl Genuis Icons!!
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:"Champange Supernova" - Oasis
Tags:girl genuis, icons

If you use, please credit [info]bar_ohki (at LJ or IJ or Scribbld).

Yay for extensions )

Yeah, Girl Genius is awesome. Go read it online.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-08-06 18:11
Subject: Karin Icons!
Security: Public
Location:Parents' Pad
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Tags:chibi vampire, icons, karin

Karin Icons! )

In case anyone was wondering, for a comedy-type romance anime, Karin is remarkably creepy at times. I liked Karin before I liked read Twilight and I still think this was a much, much better example of a high school vampire romance story. For one thing people are REALISTIC about it in ways they are not with Twilight. For a start, Karin and Unsui fall in love by spending time with each other, not by other means.

Though I kind of missed how the manga ended in comparison. Not that I didn't enjoy the anime ending, I just liked the manga's better.

Also, in Joy, Karin is holding lube. She is trying to give some to her older brother because he goes to an all boys school and according to some manga she read, it said that her brother was an Uke. Its an awesome scene. And the tiny text in Tiny Text (because I always actually write something) is 'because taking a dump in public is insanely embarrassing'. She's not actually shitting herself in that image though, but its what it looks like. Also, in element, Karin is kneeing at a lake that has been dyed blood red by vampire blood for a ceremony. So that is water, it is also blood, it is a representation of how by being a vampire she is unable to properly immerse herself into life.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-07-14 00:33
Subject: Mamori Icons! Challenge 2!
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:happy happy
Music:"She" - Abney Park

Mamori Icons of love! )

This set was particularly awesome looking to me. I'm really pleased with how they came out. It might be a bit hard to get, but Artist Choice 02 is a picture of Hiruma's locker. Faceless was taken from Chapter 333 of the manga (the last one), Mamori is shutting the picture album in this picture. I didn't make the art for these, but I did color Action, Alone, the Same Picture ones. The text in the tiny text is this:
-Youcihi, for the last time, you have a fever.
Why don't we just watch the Superbowl from the bedroom?


And yes, he is groping her in Nemesis.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-06-22 21:28
Subject: Three awesome Sena Icons
Security: Public

There are three icons I made from this fanart for this fanfic. Made with permission please credit NezkovSou.

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my journal
May 2011