

September 12th, 2011

Wanted Page @ 11:21 am


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Date: January 24th, 2012 10:07 pm (UTC)
Character Name: Abram and Katya Starikov
Student or Non-student: Students
Suggested House and Year: Abram is a University first year and Katya is a sophomore. Abram is probably a former Roanoke or Shenandoah and Katya might be Quirank or Appalachia.
Suggested PB: Steven R. McQueen for Abram and Edna Iordache for Katya.
Why: Sasha and Abram have a pretty brotherly relationship- bickering, fighting, and one upping as it were and it would be fun to play. Katya on the other hand is someone that Sasha is constantly sticking up for. He feels super protective of his little sister and it would be fun to play.
