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The Book Equation

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POINT BANK [14 Mar 2010|07:40pm]


[info]61_keys_to_play : 12 points
[info]charade : 63 points
[info]create : 31 points
[info]keyblade : 148 points
[info]persephone : 0 points
[info]scholar : 71 points
[info]smellofautumn : 35 points
[info]whiskey : 80 points

Last updated on 7/21/10
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SPEND YOUR POINTS [14 Mar 2010|07:34pm]


These are things you can spend your points on. All comments are screened. You must buy your item before posting about it. (For example, you must comment here stating that you'd like to have your vote counted twice before putting x2 in your vote on the Voting Post)

1. Count your vote two times in this month's book poll ( - 150 points )
2. Suggest two books in this month's Suggestions Post ( - 50 points )
3. Suggest a book with more than 600 pages in this month's Suggestions Post ( - 75 points )

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EARNING POINTS [14 Mar 2010|07:30pm]


These are ways to earn points that can be spent here.

1. Participating in this month's Discussion Post Questionnaire ( + 20 points )
2. Take a photo of yourself with this month's book ( + 5 points per picture, limit 3 pictures )
3. Suggesting a book in this month's Suggestion Post ( + 5 points )
4. Participating in this month's Scavenger Hunt ( + 10 points )
5. Book Reviews ( + 10 points per review, + 1 point for each extra credit question answered )
6. Writing a poem, drawing or painting a picture or creating something associated with this month's book ( + 25 points )
7. Having your suggested book chosen to be Book of the Month ( + 10 points )
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REVIEWED BOOKS [14 Mar 2010|07:25pm]


The following is an alphabetized list of books that have been reviewed by our members.



Cronin, Justin - The Passage Member Rating: 3 stars




Gudenkauf, Heather - The Weight of Silence Member Rating: 5 stars




Kostova, Elizabeth - The Historian Member Rating: 4 stars

Livingston, Lesley - Wondrous Strange Member Rating: 2 stars
Lohr, Robert - The Chess Machine Member Rating: 4.5 stars
Lowry, Lois - Gathering Blue Member Rating: 4 stars
Lowry, Lois - The Giver Member Rating: 4.5 stars
Lowry, Lois - Messenger Member Rating: 3.5 stars

Mieville, China - The City & The City Member Rating: 3 stars






Smiley, Jane - A Thousand Acres Member Rating: 1.5 stars







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Book Reviews [14 Mar 2010|07:21pm]

Book Reviews

What are Book Reviews? Book Reviews are a way for the members of [info]bookworm to share the books they're reading outside of the Monthly Book. As a book club, we want to not only provide a way to interact and discuss a main book but also to give members the opportunity to share their other readings with the community. The format for Book Reviews is a simple one - the first part deals with the basics. These include ordinary questions about the book you've read such as title, summary, reader rating. The second part of the Book Review is Extra Credit. We have a list of questions to choose from and you may choose as many or as few as you like. The only part of the review that is mandatory is the first section. The rest is up to you!

Rules for Book Reviews:

1. Keep everything under a cut. The cut should be labeled with the titled of your book and the author. For example, "Emma by Jane Austen".
2. Please try to keep the spoilers to a minimum. We want the book reviews to be a way of informally suggesting books to your friends, not a way of spoiling them for the other members. If a spoiler is necessary, please post that the following Book Review contains spoilers. Do this ABOVE the lj-cut, so that someone is warned before clicking.
3. Please try to use proper grammar and spelling to the best of your ability. TypIng lyke dis doesn't exactly promote the intelligent literary reviewer vibe that we're aiming for!
4. Fill out the entire first section in its entirety. Do not skip any of the first ten questions if you want to get points.
5. As for points, the first section is worth a total of 10 points. Each Extra Credit point will be worth 1 point.
6. You may answer as many Extra Credit questions as you want, but only if you've completely the first ten of the review. You may also do as many reviews as you want.
7. The rating system will be based off of a 1 - 5 star scale.
8. You may review a book even if it has been reviewed before. We will link all reviews in our Reviewed Books post.
9. Do not suggest a previously reviewed book for a Monthly Book. We want the Monthly Books to be new for our members.
10. Have fun. If you disagree with a rating from a member, do not attack them. We're all entitled to our own opinions. If you think differently about a book, write your own review!
11. Please be sure to include a photo of the cover of your book in the beginning of the post.

Rating Scale for Book Reviews:

1 Star - Wouldn't recommend. Didn't like the book at all. Would advise against anyone wasting time or money on it.
2 Stars - Decent, but could have spent the time doing something better. Like mowing the lawn or boiling water.
3 Stars - Average. Nothing special or memorable about the book. Weak plot/characters/dialogue.
4 Stars - Good. Would recommend to friends. A good book to read on a plane, beside a pool or curled up under a blanket.
5 Stars - Amazing book. Would recommend (would even buy it for someone so they can read it), would re-read, would write a glowing 5 star review online. Definitely a favorite.

Note: You may add half points. Example, the book had very weak characters but you really liked it anyway? 3.5 stars! You cannot go over 5 stars or below 1 star.

The Book Review Post:

Copy and paste the contents of this box into a new post. Rather than leave some questions blank, please just delete them. It will be easier to read this way and more organized. Please provide proper spacing so we aren't reading everything squashed together. Be as informative, opinionated and as honest as you can!

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RULES AND THINGS [08 Mar 2010|03:05pm]


1. You must be an accepted member of [info]equations to join this community.

2. The membership here is moderated for that purpose. We have 2 full-time mods and 1 part-time mod, all in different time zones, so it won't be long before your membership is approved.

3. Immediately following the approval of your membership, it is mandatory that you post an Introductory Post.

4. After that, you may suggest / comment / discuss as you wish.

5. Rudeness will not be tolerated. Other member's opinions should be respected at all times. This community is supposed to be about fun and reading, we won't tolerate any drama.

6. The length of the books suggested must not exceed 600 pages. Because of our limited reading time, anything over 600 pages is unreasonable.

7. Do not be offended if your book is not chosen. You may submit the book for voting again next time. The limit to this rule is 3. If after 3 times of being in the running your book has not been chosen, you will not be allowed to suggest it again.

8. We will be reading on a 6 week system. We will spend 4 weeks reading each book and 2 weeks discussing it. Two weeks after a book has been started, a new Book Suggestions post will be put up. After voting, you will have roughly 2 weeks to acquire the book. Once the 4 weeks of the first book are over, we will simultaneously begin discussing it and also reading the second book. The cycle will repeat from there.

9. During each discussion period, a post will be linked in the sidebar with a few questions to be answered by the members. They will comment the Main Discussion Post with their answers and will be able to discuss them with others in the post. If you have a discussion topic that wasn't mentioned in the questionnaire, feel free to post something separately. You will not be confined to the single discussion thread, but it's important to not have several posts circulating that address the same points.

10. After the 2 weeks of discussion, the post will be sent to the "Past Reads" area of the community. Discussion posts will remain open if members are still active in the thread, but the link will be moved from the side bar to the Past Reads post.
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SUGGESTION BOX. [06 Mar 2010|10:48pm]


If you have any suggestions for the Book Club, please leave a comment.
Thank you very much for all of your ideas!
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PAST READS. [06 Mar 2010|10:46pm]


1. The End of Mr. Y - Scarlett Thomas Member Rating: 3.9 stars
2. Pygmy - Chuck Palahniuk Member Rating: -- stars
3. A Reliable Wife - Robert Goolrick Member Rating: -- stars
4. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley Member Rating: 2.75 stars
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CURRENT BOOK [06 Mar 2010|10:43pm]


We are currently reading: A Study In Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle.
From June 29 to August 10 2010.
Buy it here: BOOK or eBOOK
Read online: Here


In the debut of literature's most famous sleuth, a dead man is discovered in a bloodstained room in Brixton. The only clues are a wedding ring, a gold watch, a pocket edition of Boccaccio's Decameron, and a word scrawled in blood on the wall. With this investigation begins the partnership of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Their search for the murderer uncovers a story of love and revenge-and heralds a franchise of detective mysteries starring the formidable Holmes.
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MEMBERS' PAGE [06 Mar 2010|10:39pm]


[Members are arranged alphabetically]
Please click on a member's picture to view their introductory post.

Sarah Edna Dorice


Sinead Claire Cassie


Jolene Elizabeth


Last Updated: 7/3/10
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