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Choose one of the two proposed options, A or B. Each question points to the maximum score. [26 Jul 2017|05:16pm]
General considerations

The main objective of the test is to evaluate students' abilities in the analysis and characterization of a text in Spanish language, as well as their knowledge of authors and significant texts of 20th century Spanish literature. It should allow judging the student's ability to understand the text: summarize its content and discover its most relevant linguistic and stylistic characteristics (questions 1 and 2); It should also allow the student to evaluate the preparation for the student's analysis and syntactic comment (question 3). On the other hand, the test must reflect the historical-literary understanding and contextualization that the student has reached from the readings programmed in the subject (questions 4 and 5).

In relation to these questions on literature, it should not be forgotten that the first one (question 4) aims to assess the degree of comprehension of the readings, and as such should be punctuated. Thus, questions are proposed that students can answer if they know the texts, even those that deal with readings that have been worked in class in the distant dates of the beginning of the course. In any case, the corrector will bear this last circumstance in mind when assessing the possible inaccuracies and gaps that the response may present. As for the second question (question 5), it is advisable that the corrector be comprehensive with the time that the student has to develop it, and consider the synthesis ability, rigor and coherence of the response. The positive evaluation of textual, contextual, biographical, etc. aspects, which can enrich the schematism of some responses, is also left to its good judgment.

To all this we must add, from the linguistic point of view, that all questions must also be judged on the correct use of language, both from the point of view of lexical accuracy and from the point of view of consistency, Logical ordering and the orderly expression of ideas.

The exercise should be scored as homogeneously as possible: please correct each question individually according to the scale of points that corresponds to it (from 0 to 1.5, in questions 4 and 5, from 0 to 2, In questions 1 and 2 and 0 to 3 points, in question 3) without forgetting that the correction affects the contents, but also the linguistic expression. For spelling mistakes, lack of cleanliness in presentation and defective wording can lower the rating to a point. In the same way, a well presented exercise with good linguistic expression - good structure of ideas, precision in vocabulary, good punctuation, etc. - could be subsidized with a +1 point in the final grade. Always justify any penalty or bonus, with express indication in the exercise, at the time of correction.

Specific considerations


Question 1. A brief and concise summary of the text in which all essential ideas are collected and secondary arguments, reiterations, exemplifications, etc., will be discarded. The telegraphic style should not be admitted; Nor should a paraphrase of the text come to be as extensive as this. There are important ideas in the text under consideration: 1) The word motivation is part of the business lexicon. 2) It is necessary to differentiate between motivating in the school environment and motivating in the business environment. Two complicated and very different issues. 3) What motivates is justice in valuing work and what discourages injustice from the triumph of the worst. 4) One can not be optimistic in a situation, to which no temporal limit is seen, in which mediocrity triumphs.

Question 2. The student is expected to offer an overall characterization of the text, based on the linguistic and stylistic resources used. The important thing is that the student justifies what he poses. It is also expected to be able to assess the levels and registers in which the author of the text moves.

Simply as an orientation (do not forget that each text is unique, different from any other, and, likewise, possible interpretations are as many as readers, all equally valid if justified by the reality of the text), we highlight some aspects that Seem relevant to us in the commentary on the proposed text.

The text of the examination is expository-argumentative with the characteristics of the opinion article. The metalinguistic function around the word motivation and the use of lexically related terms (motivation, motivation, demotivation) that serve to support the text are among the elements highlighted in the text. The use of grammar people (look where you look, we can not ignore, what I'm going to tell you), the use of adjectives and metaphors that serve to evaluate, that of enumerations, that of colloquial terms and usage Of the present.

Question 3. The student is expected to recognize the categories (unit distinction) and (syntactic) functions of the fragment; That has a coherent terminology, and that is capable of evaluating problems that do not have a single solution. Only in this case would the syntactic comment be necessary, so that, in order to achieve a uniformity in the correction, it is advisable to take into account that a syntactic analysis without comment can have the maximum score.

In the proposed segment, the student must recognize the existence of a construction or conditional period, in whose protasis appears a final construction (if the lights are on so they can not sleep). It may be accepted that there is a main sentence (The hens lay more eggs) and an improper adverbial subordinate or that there is a relationship of interdependence. Also, sometimes the term inter-coordination is used to designate the syntactic relation of interdependence in the structures Si X, Y. The authors who use this terminology understand that it is not appropriate to speak of subordination in this type of constructions. Sometimes it is also spoken of bipolarity.

In the conditional protasis, the lights are a direct complement or implement and ignited an attribute of the direct complement.

It is also important that the student recognize the verbal periphrasis to be able to sleep in the final construction.

The different terminologies that are usually handled and the different ways of analyzing elements such as determinants, prepositions or conjunctions must be accepted.

Question 4. For the question about the metric in the gypsy Romancero, the student will write about the verse and rhyme in this lorquian poemario, focusing on the use of traditional romance (models, structure, verse, rhyme, extension), but Also in the innovations that Lorca brings (non-octosyllabic verses and metric licenses, several assonances in the same romance, infrequent rhymes, new themes). An epic-lyric-dramatic romance, reminiscent of its generic diversity works of literary history as El Diablo Mundo de Espronceda, in which, by the way, the use of sharp rhyme (as in "Death of Antoñito el Camborio") It is very frequent. It is not necessary that the student refers in a very detailed way to all these extremes, but at least to note the character, both traditional and novel, of the novels written by Lorca.

Question 5. To the question about the avant-gardes in Spain the student will have to answer by reviewing the European avant-garde movements that were consolidated in Spain; Will highlight and characterize those of greater relevance (futurism, ultraism and creationism, surrealism), pointing out its stages of introduction, as well as the authors (Gómez de la Serna, Guillermo de Torre, Vicente Huidobro, Juan Larrea), magazines , Genres (prose, theater, poetry) and most representative literary works (propellers, European Literature avant-garde, Celestial Version). It will also be To value the role of Ramón Gómez de la Serna as a precursor of the avant-garde through his tertulias, magazines and his own literary work, as well as the invention of greguería.


Question 1. A brief and concise summary of the text in which all essential ideas are collected and secondary arguments, reiterations, exemplifications, etc., will be discarded. The telegraphic style should not be admitted; Nor should a paraphrase of the text come to be as extensive as this. There are important ideas in the text under consideration: 1) Women over 50 do not have it easy to get dressed. 2) Although they are cared for and can acquire small sizes, clothing of these sizes is not suitable for them. 3) The issue of how you dress is important from a personal and social point of view. 4) In the absence of adequate clothing, working women have opted for the jacket suit imitating men. 5) You should think about these women when designing clothes.

Question 2. The student is expected to offer an overall characterization of the text, based on the linguistic and stylistic resources used. The important thing is that the student justifies what he poses. It is also expected to be able to assess the levels and registers in which the author of the text moves.

Simply as an orientation (do not forget that each text is unique, different from any other, and, likewise, possible interpretations are as many as readers, all equally valid if justified by the reality of the text), we highlight some aspects that Seem relevant to us in the commentary on the proposed text.

The text of the examination is expository-argumentative with the characteristics of the opinion article. It can be emphasized the presentation in a single paragraph that tries to reflect the flow of the thought of the author. The use of value elements (it is difficult, it is true, is not strange ...), expressive terms such as fifty, grandmother, encase, and the final exclamation.

It is also worth noting the feminine point of view that reflects the text, with the use of the second person with impersonal value that includes the sender and the receiver and the opposition between the women and them. In general in the text it is interesting the use of the grammatical people, the use of concrete nouns and the one of the verbal tenses.

Question 3. The student is expected to recognize the categories (unit distinction) and (syntactic) functions of the fragment; That has a coherent terminology, and that is capable of evaluating problems that do not have a single solution. Only in this case would the syntactic comment be necessary, so that, in order to achieve a uniformity in the correction, it is advisable to take into account that a syntactic analysis without comment can have the maximum score.

In the proposed segment, the student must recognize the existence of a complex sentence in which a woman of 50 has a size that allows her to buy the latest in fashion works as a subject. It is not strange. In this substantive subordinate sentence, the direct additive or implement includes a relative sentence (which allows you to buy the latest in fashion), in which the one acts as a subject and buy the latest in fashion as a direct complement or implement.

The different terminologies that are usually handled and the different ways of analyzing elements such as determinants, prepositions or conjunctions must be accepted.

Question 4. For the question about space and time in Puppies, the pupil will have to make special reference to the spaces of social relation in which the characters of the story move, and in the evolution that these follow in time. As far as space is concerned, it is important to point out the importance of enclaves such as the school, place of children's sociability, space of games and studies, Cuéllar's first and only triumphs, but also where his personal tragedy takes place and where he is going To change Cuéllar's relations with the group and its position within it; with the Adolescence are becoming more relevant other spaces, many of them outdoors, which are also centers of social gathering: the street, dancing, cafes, parks, the beach; All these spaces are opening an insurmountable gap between the protagonist and his friends.

As for time, the student will point out that the narrative narrates by summary, because it summarizes the life of Cuéllar and those who surround him from childhood to adulthood, so that ellipsis is a habitual narrative procedure and speech alone It stops at those periods of the life of the personage especially significant in its process of maturation; Time runs fast to represent the drowning of the vital consciousness in Cuellar after his personal tragedy, time marked, during much of the novel, by the course of school courses. It is not a precise time because what matters is the process experienced by the protagonist, which leads to a tragic end.

Question 5. In the question about the evolution of the story since 1940, the student will have to refer to the renovation of the short story by the great Spanish-American storytellers such as Julio Cortázar and Jorge Luis Borges, masters of the fantastic story although in very different ways. Both writers are mainly authors of stories, which they cultivated throughout their literary career; Cortázar's books such as Bestiario, Stories of cronopios and famas or Deshoras, and of Borges like Fictions or the Aleph give testimony of this. Cortázar, a good connoisseur of the narrative of Edgar Alan Poe, whose work in prose made a magnificent translation to Castilian, installs the fantastic in the daily, thus showing the complexity of the real; Her practice of the story is accompanied by a reflection on gender in texts such as "Some aspects of the story" or "Current state of narrative in Spanish America." Borges discusses universal themes (human identity, man's destiny, time, World as a labyrinth) in a strongly literaturized narrative, of a notoriously original construction and a very solid narrative structure.It can also comment the student, although it is not essential, the influence of Spanish-American storytellers on the Spaniards from the 80s: José María Merino, Pedro Zarraluki, Ignacio Martínez de Pisón and others.
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Steam boiler parts most susceptible to corrosion of four [15 May 2014|02:00pm]
At the end of the work , after the steam boiler is switched off, the oxygen may not have closed the place got from steam boiler water system , and then blend into the boiler , if the pressure and temperature in the fall , then these become water vapor will condense oxygen , then allowed to wet the metal surface of the boiler , resulting in the generation of a water film . If , after the steam boiler is disabled , some parts still say the words soak in , then water vapor through continuous evaporation will cause a large amount of moisture water system , so that the boiler corrosion. So for steam boilers , the most susceptible to corrosion which parts of it ?
1 , parts of the boiler economizer , in operation, where its entrance are very susceptible to corrosion , not to say more after the shutdown of the economizer .
2 , when the water wall runs , its oxygen ineffective , so it's drum and fall pipe is very easy to corrosion. At runtime on perishable after shutdown Wall sides of the drum is particularly serious .
3 , the vertical steam boiler superheater elbow place, because long-term on the water, in addition to water is not clean, it also led to its rapid corrosion .
4, the reheater and superheater vertical , thermal oil boiler are immersed in water the elbow corrosion .
After the above description , as long as the attention of the four parts of the maintenance and repair, then the life of steam boilers can be extended.
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Structure of the boiler [25 Apr 2014|05:12pm]
The overall structure of the boiler and boiler auxiliary equipment includes two parts . Boiler furnace , drum , burners, water wall superheater, economizer, air preheater, architecture and the furnace walls and other major components of the production of Dust removerthe core part of the steam , known as boiler . Two main boiler furnace and drum parts are .
Known combustion furnace , the combustion space for the fuel . The solid fuel on the grate , for the fire bed combustion furnace burners called layers , known as the fire -bed furnace ; furnace the liquid, gas or pulverized solid fuel injected into the combustion chamber is called the fire chamber burning stove , also known as the fire chamber furnace ; air will hold the coal particles burn it was boiling and low-grade fuel for the combustion chamber called fluidized bed furnace , also known as fluidized bed furnace ; using air flow so that high-speed rotation of coal particles , and intense burning furnace called a cylindrical cyclone furnace .
The cross section of the furnace is generally square or rectangular . Fuel combustion in the furnace to form a flame and high temperature flue gas , so the furnace hearth surrounded by a wall of high temperature materials and thermal insulation material. On the inner surface of the furnace wall is often laying water wall tube ,biomass boiler both to protect the furnace wall will not burn , but also absorb a lot of radiant heat flame and high temperature flue gas .
Furnace design needs to fully consider the characteristics of the fuel . Each boiler should be the original design of the fuel burning . Characteristics vary greatly when burning fuel economy and reliability of the boiler are likely to decrease.
Drum is repeatedly forced circulation and natural circulation boiler , the feedwater to the economizer receiving coupling loop circuit , to saturated steam superheater conveyor cylindrical vessel . Simplified drum made ​​from high quality steel plate , is one of the most important parts of the boiler .
The main feature is the storage drum , carried separator , excluding salt water and mud pot residue in operation, avoid pot of water containing high concentrations of salt and impurities with the steam entering the superheater and turbine .
Drum separator device includes internal and steam cleaning equipment, water distribution pipes , sewage and dosing equipment. Wherein the separator device to the role of saturated steam from the water wall and the water separated, and to minimize the steam carries fine droplets. Medium and low pressure boiler used as coarse baffle and baffle gap separating element ; medium pressure boilers in addition to widely used over many types of rough cyclone separation , but also with one hundred windows, steel mesh or both steam boards , etc. further separation. The water table is also equipped with drum , safety and other monitoring and protection facilities.
In order to assess the performance and improve the design, boilers often have to go through the thermal balance test . Efficient use of energy from the direct method to calculate the thermal efficiency of the boiler is called positive balance , from a variety of heat loss to the efficiency of the method is called inverse counter balance . When considering the boiler room of the actual benefits , not only to look at the boiler thermal efficiency , but also taking into account the energy consumed by the auxiliary boiler .
Per unit mass or volume of the fuel is burnt, according to the chemical reaction called air requirement calculated theoretical air quantity . The fuel in the furnace to have more opportunities to contact with oxygen combustion , the actual amount of air into the furnace always greater than the theoretical air amount . Although the multi- fed incomplete combustion air can reduce heat loss , but heat loss will increase , but also exacerbate corrosion of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides generated . So should seek to improve combustion technology , id fanstrive to maximize small excess air ratio within the combustion chamber completely .
Boiler flue gas contained in the dust ( including fly ash and carbon black ) , oxides of sulfur and nitrogen substances are polluting the atmosphere when its emissions targets without purification to reach environmental targets specified number of times to ten times . These substances have pre-combustion emission control processing , improved combustion technology, dust removal , desulfurization and denitrification . With high chimney stack can reduce the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere surrounding areas .
Flue dust used force gravity , centrifugal force, inertia force and acoustic adhesion , electrostatic , etc. Generally used for the separation of coarse particles and the inertial force of gravity settling , often used at high capacity centrifugal separation electrostatic dust precipitators and bag filters have a high collection efficiency. Wet and Venturi - water film precipitator ash droplets of water film can adhere , high removal efficiency can absorb gaseous pollutants .
Since the 1950s , people strive to develop ash utilization, harm into . As with ash manufacture of cement, brick and concrete aggregates and other construction materials . Extracts from the 1970s and from the fly ash cenospheres , as fire-resistant insulation and other materials.
Future developments will further improve boiler and boiler power plant thermal efficiency ; reduce unit power boilers and power plant equipment cost ; improve operational flexibility and automation of boiler ; develop more varieties to suit different boiler fuel ; improve its boiler unit operation of auxiliary equipment reliability ; reduce pollution to the environment.
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These and many more concerns were thrown at Alarmel Valli [24 Aug 2012|04:03pm]
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almost certainly lower than Microsoft’s own price [15 Aug 2012|11:10am]
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Xtreamer SideWinder3 Review
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