The High Priestess' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
The High Priestess

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I tried to stay away, you know, just in case. I've come to realize we all have our place. Time has a way, you know, to make it clear. I have my role in this; I can't disappear or leave you here. Watching you drown, I'll follow you down. And I am here right beside you. The lights in the sky are waving goodbye. I am staying right beside you.
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I. Censored for Your Protection [
Posted by The High Priestess on December 21st, 2008 @ 8:32pm
[ mood | distracted ]
[ music | Skinny Puppy; Fritter (Stella's Home) ]

There's an old saying... kill one man, you're a murderer. Kill a million, a king. Kill 'em all... a God.
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