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Greetings! [Sep. 9th, 2007|02:57 pm]
[mood |working]
[music |// Mae - "Summertime" //]

Hello all,

Before we begin let's have a bit of an introduction. I've already done this, I've taken notes, tests, quizzes and all that for CCNA. That was about 4 years ago. Now I am going to run through all the semester again and do it all over. Why, you ask? Well for one networking and computers interests me very much, second, I am doing this for me. I am not in a class, I have no teacher but only my online resources. I am not under pressure to get grades, only to learn as much as I can. I don't have a specific amount of time in which I must complete these semesters.

This is mainly for my learning purposes but if you all can get something out of my notes, great. I would recommend that you note just read this notes as-is. I will be setting up a better system using this journal software's "memories" system. That way I can put notes in the correct categories and it will be easy for anyone to find a specific thing (hopefully). Each semester will be orangized into modules and it'll all be orangized on one post from which you can click to visit which ever section you want.


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