consider this... - oh, i'm never going to be disabled. i'm sick of being so healthy!

Date: 2009-01-10 21:24
Subject: oh, i'm never going to be disabled. i'm sick of being so healthy!
Security: Public
Tags:eating eating eating, new year's resolutions, ouch

So, I think I'm developing carpal tunnel syndrome. This is decidedly not good, since hand/wrist pain prevents me from both taking notes (necessary for school) and repetitive mouse use (necessary for work). Once I'm done posting this, I'm going to stop my computer usage for the night and pick up a book (shocking, I know). Sadly, the internet has essentially replaced books for me, which, considering how much I used to read, is probably not the good thing. Lots of computer use = the aforementioned potential carpal tunnel, and also the ongoing depletion of my eyesight. Seriously, my hand is...swollen and discoloured? Uh oh.

Also, I'm still off the diet wagon. I had to finish the cookies and Pepsi this morning - I couldn't eat them all last night, which I see as a good sign. I'm still trying to get myself ready for Monday. 11 km of walking is more than I ever ever ever do. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. I could actually count the points I used today...but my hand hurts so damn much that I don't think I will. I'll come back tomorrow and add them.

I'm using the mouse with my left hand. Maybe carpal tunnel syndrome will render me ambidextrous? Not likely. I'm going to go ice my wrist. This sucks, because I just noticed a bunch of problems with my layout that I want to fix.

eta: I called home and spoke with my Mom's sister, who had carpal tunnel syndrome. I'll be going to get a wrist brace from the pharmacy tomorrow.

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my journal
January 2009