consider this... - January 11th, 2009

Date: 2009-01-11 20:49
Subject: today it's rain of toads
Security: Public
Tags:co-op, eating eating eating, new year's resolutions, ouch

Well, I bought the brace, and so far it's helping. We'll see how it goes for a week or so, and it if stays the same or gets worse, I'll go see a doctor about it.

I've been trying to work on my Work Term Report (it's due on Friday), but I just can't get into it. I neither did nor accomplished anything during this past work term, and I'm out of practice at making crap up for academic consumption. I WILL do it tomorrow though. Hopefully I'll have some spare time at work to get it started.

What I Ate Today:
- pizza slice x 2 (12 pts)
- can of Ginger Ale (3 pts)

- piece of chicken x 2 (6 pts)

Total: 21 pts

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my journal
January 2009