consider this... - January 12th, 2009

Date: 2009-01-12 15:48
Subject: out for a walk, bitch
Security: Public
Tags:eating eating eating, exercise, new year's resolutions, ouch

I am very tired, and can't focus on the work I need to do. I sat down and drew up a time table that will get me back on track with both work and academics.
Today I walked approximately 7km. I couldn't bring myself to do the walk home. For some reason (probably the same reason my right wrist is all messed up...yes, it's still messed up, but I think wearing the brace is helping. I've been able to write and type tonight, so I'm going to keep wearing it while I'm sleeping and walking), my right leg/hip/lower back is extremely painful. I can't even lift my leg to cross it over the left one. After tonight, I'm relocating to the living room. Also, tomorrow I'm going to power through it and do the walk home too. It should take about 2 hours, hopefully a little bit less. I don't have the proper shoes for walking that far. My boots are from Payless, and they let in the water and they squelch when they're wet. My socks are always soaked. I'll probably catch pneumonia or something. I might steal back my brown leather boots from the roommate. They are mine, after all, and at least they don't let the water in...but I can't tuck my pants into them because I have fat calves. Whatever. Also, I think my should is messed up because I carry every heavy thing of mine in a shoulder bag rather than in a backpack. So, tomorrow, I'm also going to purchase a backpack.

Fell off the diet wagon a bit today with the chocolate. I'll regroup tomorrow - slippage is allowed.

What I Ate Today:
- apple (1 pts)
- bowl of Special K (3 pts)
- 12" roasted chicken sub (12 pts)
- Mars bar x2 (10 pts)
- bottle of Ginger Ale (5 pts)
Total: 29 pts

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my journal
January 2009