consider this...

Date: 2009-01-09 16:19
Subject: for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person
Security: Public
Tags:crazytime, eating eating eating, new year's resolutions

Well, I had a bit of a breakdown while I was on the phone with my mom last night. It sucked, but after I had a good cry I felt a lot better.

Also, as a result of my crazy mental state, I am off the diet wagon for today. Way to go me, two whole days! Once I am finished the bag of cookies, I will be back on the wagon, I swear.

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Date: 2009-01-08 16:58
Subject: why with the crazy?
Security: Public
Tags:crazytime, eating eating eating, new year's resolutions

Nothing much to report today. I didn't go to work or class today. Lately, I just haven't wanted to get out of bed. The ongoing transit strike, and the fact that I'd have to walk for a couple of hours just to get anywhere, probably contributes to it, but I'm concerned I may be slipping into a minor depression again. Oh well.

What I Ate Today:
- pasta (12 pts)
- salmon(9 pts)

Total: 21 pts

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my journal
January 2009