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User:dandi (11256)
Name:eh, wot?
Website:myspace [dot] com
Location:Denville, New Jersey, United States
AOL IM:AIM status violetxteardrop (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status faux_punk_fatigues (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
dandi chuuu
[under construction]

Miss Watson is Dead.

Long live Danielle. ♥

[myspace] » [model mayhem] » [lj]

"If you aren't remembered, you never existed."
-- Arisu

[info]justice_league && [info]equations

subflavor :: alt.scribbld
NSF Anyone. Anytime. Anywhere.
Memories3 entries
Interests:28: , adult swim, anime, asian food, black and white photos, bubble tea, chobits, circus tricks, contortionism, djing, electronic music, greatestjournal, hello kitty, livejournal, modeling, nintendo, playstation, pocky, pokemon, ramen, rating communities, robot chicken, tamagotchi, trevor brown, triple triad, tta, video games, vinyls
Schools:None listed
People120:61_keys_to_play, 6385, aerith, alienfetus, alliebon1415, ashwee, athens, atma, baser, behindthesea, beliefs, besani, blueyeswhtdragn, bodysuit, brains, brena, bubblegum, cherryboomstick, cincinnati, compassion, cranium, detroitrockcity, diaf, diaochan, dirtyjersey, doe, drug, eevee, eld, etudes, fallenscarlet, freebird, gaybars, goldensnitch, headspin, heartbeats, heathere, highfidelity, higinia, himemiya, hitler, hollywoods, how, hummingbirds, ibmxcrazy, infatuate, inspire, jimmy, jove, keyblade, kiokushitaka, kjamboree, krankheit, liable, luvotomy, magickcauldron, mei, midnight, morgue, natalieclaire, octopus, oopsies, painted, paperbackwriter, party, peace_, photojunk, pirouette, playdate, popbottles, prettyxpet, pristinechanges, pyr0m4n14c, rambo, realhorrorshow, ricia, risky, roadie, roark, roniah, rumors, rushmore, scilence, serotonin, sex_pancake, sexuality, sexy, shattering, shinimegami, shoreline, skye, smellofautumn, smoke, snapple, sounditout, sparks, spliff, subflavor, sugartits, suggestive, takemeaway, tangy, tankgirl, tennessee, tentacleattack, thatsillogical_, thesecondperson, tinkerbell_, tinyteeth, tragus, twisted, urgent, wanderlust, wasabi, whiskey, worldateallie, xiggy, xom, zellywellywoowo, zombeh
Communities37:addme, answersondrugs, artists, badtattoos, bitchbook, bluesky, cocktail_hour, donut, dyke_riot, equations, evony, godsgirls, iam, iamthe, inkbook, jagerbombers, legit, madeofwin, model_mayhem, modifications, necroholic, nudity, original, post_secret, rantbook, rants, scribbld_top5, scribbldsuggest, shag_or_gag, sq, stupidfucks, suicidegirls, thin, thrashground, truefax, twonotebooks, vinylshock
Mutual Friends:91: 61_keys_to_play, aerith, alienfetus, ashwee, athens, atma, baser, behindthesea, beliefs, besani, blueyeswhtdragn, bodysuit, brains, brena, bubblegum, cherryboomstick, cranium, detroitrockcity, diaf, diaochan, drug, eevee, etudes, fallenscarlet, freebird, gaybars, goldensnitch, heartbeats, highfidelity, higinia, himemiya, hitler, hollywoods, how, hummingbirds, infatuate, inspire, jimmy, jove, keyblade, kjamboree, krankheit, liable, luvotomy, magickcauldron, midnight, natalieclaire, octopus, oopsies, painted, party, photojunk, pirouette, playdate, popbottles, prettyxpet, pristinechanges, pyr0m4n14c, realhorrorshow, ricia, roadie, roniah, rushmore, scilence, serotonin, sex_pancake, sexuality, shoreline, skye, smellofautumn, smoke, snapple, sounditout, sparks, subflavor, sugartits, suggestive, takemeaway, tangy, tankgirl, tennessee, tentacleattack, thatsillogical_, thesecondperson, tinkerbell_, tragus, twisted, wanderlust, xom, zellywellywoowo, zombeh
Also Friend of:1: vee
Member of:38: addme, answersondrugs, artists, badtattoos, bitchbook, bluesky, cocktail_hour, donut, dyke_riot, evony, godsgirls, heart_broken, iam, iamthe, inkbook, jagerbombers, legit, madeofwin, model_mayhem, modifications, necroholic, nudity, original, post_secret, rantbook, rants, scribbld_top5, scribbldsuggest, shag_or_gag, sq, stupidfucks, suicidegirls, superlative, thin, thrashground, truefax, twonotebooks, vinylshock
Account type:Early Adopter

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