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[14 May 2012|10:43pm]
 Fred found himself in an unusual situation: he actually didn't want to work today. Instead he found himself roaming the institute, until he picked up a familiar scent. "Sasha," he whispered to himself. Perhaps she would like to do something.
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A Friendly Picnic [12 Feb 2012|08:30pm]
 Fred dressed in one of the few changes of clothes he had. No standard jeans could fit him, but Sylvie had fixed up a pair for him to accomadate his legs. He went barefoot as always. The soles of his feet were toughened so he felt no discomfort.. He eyed a mirror briefly. He looked adequate. Wait..why did he care? He shook his head. Best not t think overmuch on it. He took a moment to eye his hands, legs and feet, and his newly pointed ears and wished..he didn't look like a monster out of a fairytale.
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Progeny of the Dark McCoy [05 Aug 2011|09:44pm]
 Friedrich was currently in his father's laboratory. Well not his father really. Friedrich was a clone of Henry McCoy, the Dark Beast. He was aware he was a living test subject, albeit better treated, of his progenitor to test and experiment his own mutation without risking himself. While Friedrich didn't have his father's fur or dark-furred appearance, he had significantly different mutations. Knees that bent backward, rather than forward like a human. They reminded him somewhat of the style common to those used in new age werewolf movies. His hand ended in claws rather than nails. He could retract them somewhat, but not completely. When unsheathed they were significantly sharp, log, and durable. His torso was segmented, allowing him to twist and turn his bodies in ways unheard of to those of genetics.

Currently he was in the middle of an experiment to see if he could create a functioning dual lung-gill system in a rat.
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[05 Aug 2011|09:26pm]
 Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Paul E
Email:Got it.
AIM (if you have one): same as email
Character Name: Friedrich "Fred" McCoy
Character LJ (if applicable): dark-scion
Physical description (face, build, weight): When in disguise Fred looks like a skinny, nonthreatening youth of average height. When revealed, his more animalistic features become apparent. His knees bend backward like many animals and his feet only have three toes with sharpened claws on each toe. His hands are have retractable claws that can extend to about 3 inches. At rest they can easily be hidden by gloves. His torso is segmented, allowing him to twist and turn at angles no human can. This mutation is easily hidden by shirts. His ears have a slight hint of points at the top, which he dismisses as a deformity to those who ask. He has fangs which he can extend. Unextended it simply looks like he has sharper than average incisors.
Birthday: September 24
PB: (If using one.) Wyatt Smith
Abilities: His senses are more akin to an animal than a human, allowing a slightly greater line of sight, hearing, and smell. He can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet. His legs allow him a strong leaping ability. He can make a straight jump to close to the size of a two floor house. He is not as strong as his progenitor, but he is quicker, able to run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Despite this, he is stronger than the average human, but only a little over the superhuman level. His legs are significantly stronger than his arms, able to kill in a car door with a single kick. He is a genius in the field of genetics, though with no formal training. He is also a decent medic.
Weaknesses and flaws: His time spent as his "father's" guinea pig has left there mark on Fred as he is at least half-mad. Sometimes he can carry on deep conversation, while on other occasions he may suddenly babble about nonsensical topics. This instability makes him weak to telepathic intrusion, though said telepath may have a hard time finding what they want due to the chaos in his mind. Despite his brilliance, his studies have been narrow. Like his parent, his studies have been mostly genetics. He has significant trouble with other sciences. He genuinely cares for his people, but has a hard time  distinguishing what science is ethical and what is not, which can sometimes alienate him from those who'd otherwise be his allies.
Character location/Home:  Undisclosed, soon to be Xavier's
Alignment (villain, hero etc): anti-hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Hank McCoy-Dark Beast  ("father"-alive), Hank McCoy-Beast ("uncle"-alive), Nicholas McCoy-brother, Slyvie McCoy-cousin

Friedrich "Fred" McCoy is a clone of the Dark Beast, Hank McCoy's alternate self from the Age of Apocalypse. Named after Friedrich Nietzsche, he was created for the purpose of genetic experimentation on adapting the Dark Beast's own mutant genome. As such Fred has significant mutational differences from his parent. Taught in the same manner as McCoy's biological son, Nicholas, Friedrich was raised in his father's views and unlike his brother, he shared his father's love of science, in particular genetics.After awhile his father's experiments on him took a toll on Friedrich's mind, causing him a degree of mental instability. While taught to see his "uncle's" philosophy as weak and flawed, Friedrich so far has reserved judgement, preferring to come to his own conclusions. He does not share his father's sadistic side, and does what he feels is necessary for the experiment, not sick enjoyment. Lately he has become increasingly disillusioned with the effectiveness of his family's path to mutant supremacy. He is becoming increasingly certain they are wrong, and intends to discover if there is a more effective way to ensure mutant survival. 

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Friedrich will be discreetly researching other mutant figures in an attempt to find a path he feels will work to his people's benefit.
What are you planning to do with this character?  He eventually come across his cousin,. Slyvie, who will encourage those at Xavier's to aid her wayward family member.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Eventually Friedrich has his mind at least partially healed, learns more about morality, and eventually becomes a close associate and perhaps even member of the X-Men.
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