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dead journal

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friends only. [30 May 2019|01:48pm]
[ mood | bored ]

don't even bother.

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credits [09 Jun 2018|12:35pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | fight the blues | utada hikaru ]

a lot of this stuff isn't mine. O: )

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[13 Jul 2008|01:18pm]

That's my new journal. I already revealed it, and most of you should have known that was me, so hey. Not a big secret. But whatever, there it is. Most of you are invited to it, just comment on the Invite Only post.

Yes, I said most. Take note of that little bit, please.
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lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off [25 Jun 2008|10:39pm]
[ mood | blank ]

I'm not sure what I'm going to accomplish with this. But I want everyone who's interested in me to get the chance to follow me.

I'm deleting this journal. I just can't take it anymore. It's driving me insane, and hopefully, a fresh start on Scrib will cure it. Yes, it's related to personal life problems, and no, I don't care how this makes me look.

This isn't about me and the other two, this is about me. I need to do what I have to do, and if that's cutting people out of my life for sometime, then so be it. Lynch me if you will, but I'm human. I need time to heal. It's my fault for thinking I could do it in the first place, I know, but hopefully you understand when I say I just cared about them enough to risk it.

...I guess I should say sorry. Especially to my newer friends. I'm not this emotional, but, I guess I need to tend to my wounds rather than rip the band-aid off right after I put it on. I do care about everyone on my friends' list, you're special to me. It's just that I don't want to go through this pain anymore. I want to get it over with so I can be normal again. It's what I want, and it's what I feel is best for me.

There's no secret message here. There's no link, there's nothing here but text. All of you know my email, you can contact me there... though a few of you know me well enough to know what username I chose, and you're free to add me on it.

Provided, of course, that you don't leak it to others.

Again, I apologize. But these are my feelings, and if you can't accept that, then perhaps we should be friends.

My email is This defeats the purpose of course, however, I know a few of you might not know my contacts, so here'ss fair game. Please be courteous to me, however, and not leak my username once I give it t you. Thanks.

edit;This journal is still inactive. However, I just remembered the anon love meme, and it seems unfair that people should lose something they probably looked at in moments of depression to cheer them up, so this journal is activated once more. It is not going to be used, however. Enjoy ur dead journal, and defriend it.

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the devil tips his hat to me [16 Jun 2008|03:38am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | when you're evil | voltaire ]

I wasn't going to say this, but honestly? [info]mei's post made me think, mostly because they're my own thoughts-- er, kind of. I might be echoing her, but I hope that by me saying something this time, people will try and listen. Maybe, just maybe, more than one person saying it will make people think.

Perhaps I am overstepping my boundaries, because I am not sure what happened tonight. I don't know most of the people involved and all I know is what a friend told me. I don't know what was said and I do not know why it became the shitstorm it became. Because, to me, as an outsider, it was something that could have been resolved had more than one person had enough balls to IM each other and apologize. I don't know who was wrong, but in situations like these, I believe everyone is wrong. A snide comment hurts, but sometimes it's not worth a friendship. No, let me rephrase that, it's never worth a friendship. The good comes with the bad, period. End of story. We as people are going to butt heads. It's natural, it's normal. It's not unusual. But it's nothing to throw a friendship away over.

When you hurt someone, you can't really make it better. Because what's done is done, and the words have already been said or the actions have already happened. All you can do is apologize and move on. That's the ideal goal, what's right in my mind, but a lot of people disagree. I apologize, perhaps my ideals are immature, or unrealistic, maybe even childish. But you know, I wouldn't be above assuming I'm not the only one who thinks this.

I'm not saying one person was wrong -- I think everyone involved made a mistake here tonight that is more than forgiveable, it's something that you can grow past. Because it was just a mistake, right? A misunderstanding that went too far. Or at least, that's what it seems to be.

I know that a lot of people think I'm stupid for saying all this. But I'm just sick of seeing people I care about hurt... and seeing people I don't even know hurt. It breaks my heart because this is all resolveable. It always is. You can be stubborn and hold it over your pal's head or you can forgive them and keep them as a friend. Or maybe I'm the only person in the world who views everyone I'm friends with as special and important... I don't know. It feels that way, what with all the drama and such.

I'm not... mad or anything. I'm just really tired and pained over all this that keeps happening. Every week it's something new, something that could be nothing.

Recently, my ex-girlfriend, who is still a friend, broke up with me. We had our little spat, between myself, her and her girlfriend, but we all resolved it. I forgave her for things she said, and she forgave me for being a jealous bitch, and Sis forgave me for... well, being so rude to her. We've resolved it, and we're as close as ever.

See? It's avoidable. We didn't lynch each other. We didn't drag it out. Liz and I resolved it within, literally, 48 hours. And on top of that, we kept our dirty laundry covered as best we could. I kept most of, if not all of it, to myself.

I'm babbling, I know. But I want to get my point across: you can talk about it, you don't have to kill each other over it, you know?

I also want to say that I love each and every one of you on my flist. If you've ever doubted why you're on my flist... don't. I love you all, and you're all special to me in some way. You might piss me off sometimes, but you also amaze me with your strengths! So please do not ever doubt yourself or give up. Always fight to the death, got it? I'll kick your ass if you don't.

I'm done. Flame me, praise me, do as you will. I said my piece... my uninvited piece, I suppose. But I hope I got my point across. Make love, not war, my tree-hugging friends. :D~

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Go for it. [15 Jun 2008|12:50am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | wake up call | maroon 5 ]

Leave me an anonymous comment pouring your heart out. Say anything. Tell me your stories, your secrets, those things no one ever asks but you wish to tell. Tell me about your love, your hate, your indifference, your joy. Tell me about what's inside of you when you're reading through these entries on your friends list, and tell me why you continue to come back here. Tell me anything. Tell me what you really think of me or yourself. Anything.

Post anonymously. Speak honestly. Post as many times as you like.

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how's my driving. [07 Jun 2008|10:54pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | four minutes | madonna ft. justin timberlake & timabland ]

It's floating around, so why not.

Comment with your honest thoughts on me. Be as harsh as you need to, or as encouraging as you want to be. If you've got a beef with me, shout it out. If you've got a confession, say it loud and proud.

- anon comments on.
- ip logging off.
- not limited to just friends, if you've got something you want to say? go ahead. say it. whether i just added you or we've never talked, it doesn't matter as long as your comment isn't spam or a troll.
- comments are screened, so it may or may not show up later.
- signed in or anon, I don't care. Your call.
- be as honest as you can.

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public: 2008 scribbld anonymous love meme [06 Jun 2008|08:50pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | under my umbrella | rihanna ]

Lately, I've noticed my friends and quite a few others have been hurt and angry. The bad comes with the good always, but instead sitting by and doing nothing, wouldn't it be cool if we tried to make it better? That's what this meme is for. To put a little sunshine in someone's day. You can't change what happened in the past, but you can make the present a little more cheery, right?

how it works
- comment anonmyously to this entry with your's or a friend's user name. (<*lj user="USERNAMEHERE"> without the asterisk [*])
- respond to others' saying why you like the person who they listed, or just give them a big "♥". gifts and such are also fine, as long as it makes that person happy.
- do not start wank or anything of the sort. i'll delete it as i see it. this is a positive meme, let's keep it as such.
- that's all! simple, huh?

- try to keep repeat threads to a dull roar, please?
- no drama/wank/anything rude. positive, people, poitive.
- you can make threads for as many people as you like!
- you don't have to know the person in question to respond. even a "i like their username" is permitted!

Enjoy, have fun, and pimp it! It won't work otherwise!

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