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English Teaching In Japan [09 Mar 2013|10:06am]
One of the biggest reasons many applicants get turned down for jobs is because they lack experience, so why not add valuable experience to your resume while exploring the world and experiencing opportunities of a lifetime? Teach English abroad!
When you teach English abroad, you're not required to go anywhere you don't want to. You select your host country, and there are many, many countries to choose from. Some of the top countries currently in need of English teachers include: Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ecuador, Mexico, China, Prague, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Peru.
Become TESOL Certified: TESOL stands for to Speakers of Other Languages. Most schools require their ESL teacher to be TESOL certified. Adding this certification to your resume can be stress free. Some programs allow you to earn the certification in as little as one week. More extensive programs require a 100-120 hour course. Whichever program you select, becoming TESOL certified will greatly increase your chances of acquiring an ESL job, so it is worth your time.
Students who will be assigned to your class will probably be of all ages. Literally from 5 to 6 year olds up to 75 and 76 year olds. Some schools deal specifically with children or adults but because of the competitiveness of this industry, most schools cater to all ages. Student wise, you can expect a healthy dose of children and young professionals like office ladies and salary men as they're called to make up the bulk of who you teach.
I began my career first by taking classes geared towards my eventual teaching positions. It's important to complete coursework in teaching methodologies, theories of language teaching and learning, and cultural differences. Of the three, the most important class for me was my cultural differences class, in which I learned various beliefs, traditions, celebrations, and so forth, of nations around the world. Knowing this information and understand how other nations live is paramount to being an ESL teacher; at the same time, knowledge of certain cultures helps to bond with future students as well. How do you wake up in the morning? Does an alarm ring in your ear at 7am telling you to get up and get ready for work? Or do you just know that you need to be in the office by 830am and you naturally wake up at 7am? For many people this is how they start their day. However, I wake up and get out of bed when I feel ready. I am in no rush. Yes, I work and I have a job. I am an English teacher in Taiwan and that is how I start my day.
Final salary depends on nature of the work, the location required to work, and provided you meet the minimum experience, training and qualifications as set out in the placement description. i-to-i UK Limited is acting as an employment agency for the purposes of the job placement service. Costs of living are approximates only and may fluctuate depending on what city you are staying in.
Let's start with money. You should expect a wage of at least 250.000 yen per month. This is a entry level salary for those with little or no experience. Sneak a peek here
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