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Edwin Colvin

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[30 Jan 2012|11:45am]
OOC Information
Player name: Amie.
Player age: 22.
Time zone: AST.

Character Information
Full name: Edwin James Colvin.
Nick names: He answers to Eddie or Ed. His former school peers always enjoyed titles like Bedwetter, Piddles, Tinkles, Wetnap, Piss Pants, etc.
Hometown and Current Residence: Bluebell Town, Georgia.
Age and Birthday: Twenty-six; June 30th, 1985.
Year Graduated: Graduated Blue Ridge School in 2003.
Alma Mater: Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Appalachia House]. He attended BRU for about a month before giving up.
Boggart: Samir/Angel/Shiloh killing Gemma from behind. He doesn't trust them.
Riddikulus: They were actually sneaking up to give her a high five, not slit her throat at all!
Patronus and why: Blackbird, the same as his sister, who has always been his protector. Even when he's irritating her.

Occupation Information:

Wand: Springy hawthorn with a core of thestral tail hair, ten and a quarter inches.
Occupation: His sister's housewife. None. He tends to earn his keep by looking after the cabin and cooks/cleans/etc for Gemma while she's busy doing other things.
Extra Responsibilities: He doesn't really have to do much unless he wants to, but he's an ace at getting bloodstains out of clothing. He's also not bad with his stitch-work.
Animagus form, if applicable: N/A.

Family and Relationships
Parents: Harvey & Diane Colvin.
Siblings: Gemma & Ellie Colvin [Older Sisters].
Extended Family: Open.
Familiar: None. He had a toad while he was in high school, but some of his housemates left it free and he never saw it again. He doesn't feel he has time to take care of animals when he's got his sister and her whole brood.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, despite what people might say/assume. He's never really found a man attractive, perhaps because they were always bullying him the worst.

PB: Darren Criss.
Physical Description: Eddie has always looked a lot tougher than he has felt. He's a good sized man, topping off at just about six feet and a couple of inches, and he's got surprisingly built muscle tone for someone who spent his entire life being bullied. He knows he can thank all of the running for his life for giving him the good body, if nothing else. He can still be a pushover, but he isn't truly physically weak. If one didn't know better, the slightly broad-shouldered guy wouldn't even look like someone you'd want to mess with. He's tall, dark, and relatively handsome. Tough looking too, well, until you got to know him, and realize that the gentle nature doesn't really match the buff body.

He has a scuffy face, usually with a few days worth to stubble still attached, and thick eyebrows and sideburns that he chooses to go out. Eddie's hair itself is dark brown and unruly, it can be quite curly and mostly does as it pleases. He keeps it cut shorter now and tamer, compared to the borderline afro that he let his hair puff into during his days attending Blue Ridge as a teenager. He has soft hazel eyes, and a bigger nose than he'd like, but he gets by.

His fashion sense was something that never helped him along in school. Eddie loves blazers, bow-ties, perfectly creased slacks, and generally looking dapper. He was almost always seen wearing this sort of posh clothing, when he wasn't dressed in his uniform, which he also kept pretty much to the letter on the appropriate scale. He very rarely mixed things up or stirred the pot when it came to his dress code. Living with Gemma now, his choice in clothing is a lot more limited and he rarely gets to dress the way that he would prefer. These days he's clad in a lot of flannel fabric and plaid patterns, along with worn in jeans and shorts. It's easier to navigate the woods this way, and he worries less about messing up his wardrobe since most of it has seen better days anyway. Normally opposed to wearing open-toed shoes, he has actually developed a love for wearing sandals since moving in with his sister.

Likes: Cleaning, learning, his family, Quidditch, dressing up, baking bread, the smell of the outdoors, organizing, keeping to himself, working hard, scouring charms, lemon dish detergent, bow-ties and pressed collars, pears, having his hair cut and kept shorter, Divination, swimming, dedication, being the youngest child, and loyalty.
Dislikes: Making hard decisions, bullies, hang-nails, needlessly rude people, Gemma's followers, being sick, names people called him during school, looking shabby, when Gemma and Ellie fight, being separated from his parents, his hair getting out of control, extreme violence, how far Gemma will go/how she's changed, dirty frying pans with old food burnt onto them, dirty mops, being in the middle, speaking up for himself, and cleaning bathrooms without magic.

- He was bullied and picked on near mercilessly while he attended to Blue Ridge. Despite taking a growth spurt around sixteen, he remained a punching bag. He was picked on especially hard for his bed-wetting problem, which he really only out grew in his junior year.
- Enjoy doing housework. He likes cleaning, scrubbing, dusting, laundry, and cooking. He isn't the best chef, mind you, but he mostly makes up for it with enthusiasm.
- He only played Quidditch to impress his dad, and try to get some of the jocks off of his back. It didn't really work, but he developed a personal enjoyment of the game. Flying was a chance to have a free head and just think for a while.
- He likes to look good. It isn't easy, leaving basically on the run, but he does enjoy dressing up.
- Eddie only had two girlfriends in his whole life; both of which were quickly put off the idea of wanting to be with him once they began getting heckled and mocked by association for dating him.
- He doesn't trust Gemma's little band of followers for a second, and he hates what his sister is becoming. Gemma is more radical than ever without Nora, and it scares him a bit. He doesn't. exactly support the bright idea of recruiting from the student body at BRS either. Still though Eddie could never turn his back on his sister, especially not now, so he doesn't dare speak up about his views. He likes to think he gets his opinion across with bland looks and apprehension in his actions.
- He feels bad about over-hearing awful things sometimes while Gemma and company make plans, and then having to keep most of it from Ellie. He knows that Aaron Ellis is looking for Gemma, and sometimes he thinks it'd just be easier if he just caught her already and was done with it.
- He misses his parents immensely.

Amortentia Smells Like:

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