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Elspeth Bell

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Four [14 Jan 2012|10:19pm]
I changed my hair again.
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New journal - three [21 Aug 2011|09:16pm]
Just wanted to let everyone know I wasn't disappearing again or anything.

I guess I should probably start looking for a proper job.
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New journal - two [25 Jun 2011|08:09pm]
[Roxanne] Look, uh. You seemed pretty cool, and I wanted to know if you'd come to this thing I've got this weekend. [/Roxanne]

Other new things: I learned to play the guitar.
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Owl to Davy Gudgeon [06 Apr 2011|02:39pm]
A card attached to a stuffed donkey.

Inside the card:


We need to talk. Can you meet me at the park by my parents' old house if you don't completely hate me forever? Tonight at six.

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Superboy and the Invisible Girl [05 Apr 2011|04:29pm]
Take a look at the Invisible Girl
Here she is, clear as the day
Please look closely and find her before she fades away
He's a hero, a lover, a prince
She's not there, she's not there, she's not there

####### )
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New journal - one [05 Apr 2011|04:16pm]
So, I cut my hair.

Big news for everyone, I know. Hopefully they still have time to stop the presses before print tomorrow.

[Liz Not-Bell] So, I hear you dumped my brother. [/Liz Not-Bell]
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