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eraaxel ([info]eraaxel) wrote,
@ 2009-02-23 15:22:00

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Current mood: Not sure what to feel
Current music:Unbeatable

Not sure what to say
I feel like I'm a girl of "forgiving nature" which sometimes makes me angry. Actually, I'm just weak-willed. I called my boss and apparently it's just a "partial check," whatever that means. I should be getting my "real check" before the end of this week (really tomorrow or the day after but if I haven't gotten it by Saturday I call her again) *dramatic sigh* This business is messed up. I need a different job.

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2009-02-24 01:38 am UTC (link)
Partial checks actually do happen, James got something like that, now that I recall. All in all, the job isn't bad, so if they pull through with the regular check, I wouldn't quit. A day job would be good (you don't need to be spending your time gaming. Suffer like the rest of us) but don't quit the job if they fix the bookkepper problem. I wish I could stock. ):

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2009-02-24 07:40 am UTC (link)
Well, at least you'll be getting money soon. Sorry they're being such irritances about it though. Darn employers...

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