Eva Sparda ([info]eva_sparda) wrote on January 19th, 2008 at 12:10 am
First post
This will be brief, as I'm getting progressively more tired and I want to read a little before I go to sleep. I just wanted to make a post to let it be known that I'm active~! ^^

It's supposed to snow a lot tonight, so I'm looking forward to that! Here's hoping that it actually sticks. I really love snow, believe it or not. It's so peaceful and quiet...

Unlike a couple of nameless children...>> 

At least they've calmed down since the chocolate fiasco. I'll really miss the downstairs bathroom. That's where I kept all the soaps for company  :/

Alright, I'm going to go to sleep. My attention span is waning and my eyes are starting to get tired. Hopefully soon I'll get a nice layout up and running. Not sure when I'll have time for that, but I can deal with the default layout for now ^^

Have a nice day!!

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