Bio: Michiko Passos  
07:04pm 21/07/2010
Michiko Anna Passos


Full Name: Michiko Anna Passos
Nicknames: Michi, Mich, Cocoa, and Milf (only to certain close friends)
Hometown: NOLA
Age and birthday: 17 & December 27, 1993
House and Year: Rienzi & Senior
Electives & Schedule:
1. Ritual Magic I
2. Advanced Potions
3. Cultural Magic
4. Charms/Wandwork
5. Lunch
6. Latin
7. Spell Theory

Wand: 11 inch rigid Hornbeam with a chimera scale fragment core
Boggart: Herself as her mother
Patronus: A cape fox
Animagus, if applicable:
Religious Affiliation: None. Although she would like to explore an option.
Extracurricular activities:
Quodpot - Center/noseguard
Dueling club
Herbology club
Events committee


Parents: Mika Miyaki, Bastian Passos (biological), and Akio Miyaki (her mother's ex-husband)
Siblings: Yori Miyaki- half brother (10)
Children: Isamu (August 1, 2010)
Extended Family: Anna (25) and Lisa (21)
Familiar: A kneazel named Tiger
Sexuality: Bisexual
Significant Others (past and present): Michiko dated Keegan Howe in their freshman year. She also dated Hunter Sommer. Both of these relationships ended amicably and she remains close friends with both. Michiko had a rather turbulent relationship with Eli Lacey that lasted from late fall of her sophomore year to the early winter, during this relationship she became pregnant. The two are at best, on-again-off-again but they're doing their best for the baby. Ever since the late winter of her junior year though she has been keeping it steady with Gael Shaw, a sweet Sonnier who always keeps her smiling.


PB: Kuroki Meisa

Detailed description: Michiko is very stylish for a teenager and prefers to stay away from looking too bright. She likes stream line fashion that is classy and put together. Her hair is something inherited from her father's side and she usually lets it go curly. She sometimes straightens it when she feels like it. She has her ears pierced but no other piercings. She has several tattoos, all of them were magically done by herself. She has one of a dove on her right wrist and a twisting vine around her right ankle.

Michiko is almost a chameleon when it comes to her ethnicity, she has her father's exotic Brazilian look while retaining her mother's Japanese features. Her skin is a nice sun kissed tan all year round, another trait inherited from her father. She has dark eyes and a little quirk of a smile.

She is a pretty small girl but very athletic and is average height standing at about 5'7. Michiko works out a lot to stay in shape for quodpot, she has almost dropped all of her baby weight but she is still a little self conscious and insecure about her body since having the baby.

Currently Michi is sporting dark purple hair.


Likes: Izzy, skittles, spring, shopping, chapstick, swimming, magazines, traveling with her mom's credit card, home exercise videos, awesomely bad commercials, inappropriately funny situations, coffee, being right, Gael, cajun food, picnics, summer time

Dislikes: Being out of shape, her birthday, okra, lawyers, people who say that they watch the Super Bowl for the commercials, waking up early, being allergic to chocolate, greasy food, being wrong

*She is an occasional smoker, she stopped when she was pregnant with Isamu and never smokes around him but at parties or when she's really stressed she could smoke a pack
*She assumes different identities when she travels
*She is allergic to chocolate
*She is a whistler
*She can't sing for beans but that doesn't stop her when she is alone in the kitchen or her room… or at least when she thinks she's alone
*She has taken ballet since she was five
*She does magical tattoos on other students for a small fee
*She has a pygmy puff she named Leo
*She has a thing for blondes

*She resents her brother
*No one knows the details of her visit to Brazil, her father insister that her mother was a whore and a liar and that Michiko was just like her
*If she could have one thing in the world, she would want a caring father
*She is not as confident as she used to be. One of her biggest fears is that she has become less attractive because everyone knows that she's a mother. Which leads to her fear that she's never going to have another relationship for as long as she lives.

What’s in your characters pockets? A credit card, twenty bucks, Blackberry, lip gloss, skittles. Her pockets look like this

Strengths: Michiko is a natural born leader and quick at picking things up. She is determined and strong willed. She is athletic and agile.
Weaknesses: She is impatient, reckless, and thick headed. Her pride is so intense that she won't ask for help until she is so stuck there is no way out.
Strongest subject in school: Potions and herbology
Weakest subject in school: Latin
One thing he/she can't live without: Skittles.

Detailed personality:

Michiko is above all else determined. She wants to prove to her parents that she is someone to fight for and she is worth something. She works hard and is incredibly driven in everything she does. She is extremely resourceful and independent and although she puts up a tough exterior there is a soft side to Michiko. She's still just a lonely girl looking for love and affection.

She can be a little bit manic, her emotions are very rollercoaster at times and can never be too serious for too long. Her temper has been a little short lately but she blames the hormones and the stress. She can be easy to talk to on most days but ever since her return to CCI she has had trouble relating to people. Michiko has gained a sense of responsibility ever since her son was born which means fewer parties and way less binge drinking than she used to do. She is still social by all means and spends plenty of time with her friends. She and Hunter are even infamous for the parties they throw.

For the friends that she does have, she is incredibly loyal. Even if there is some fighting involved, she is very appreciative of the little things and big things they do for her and lets them know in her own way. All in all, she's quite pleasant. She is pretty goofy and full of energy. She loves to dance and be loud and forget about all the seriousness for a little while. Michiko is a hopeless flirt and tease.

Personal History:

Even though she was born a Squib in a magical family, Mika Sato was a bright girl with a bright future but all seemed lost during her Spring Break in 1993. Mika had been studying at Loyola University in New Orleans for three years and during spring break decided to go to Brazil with some of her university friends. After some bad decisions with the locals (particularly those made with a young man named Bastian Passos) she decided to go home early. Nine months later she gave birth to a daughter, Michiko.

Mika and Michiko were outright disowned by Mika's family but Mika was not alone, she had her friends and her own will. She graduated with honors and went on to the graduate program for law at Loyola. Mika was a determined woman, but she was never a warm person, giving her own daughter a cold childhoos. She married a life long friend, Akio Miyaki after she graduated from law school and the two raised Michiko. It was a pretty tumultuous childhood. Michiko spent a lot of time in the middle of fights and when there wasn't screaming going on around her, there was solitude. She was raised mainly by baby sitters, day care providers, dance teachers, and her cousins Anna and Lisa. Anna and Lisa lived in an apartment right down the street from Michiko and her parents.

She learned at a very young age that se had inherited power from her mother's side of the family which her mother had not. Mika resented her daughter for that which affected they way she treated the girl. Instead of spending time learning thngs she was supposed to learn in elementary school she was spending time learning magical skills with the assistance of her cousins. She was determined to be good at something thinking that perhaps her bitter mother would love her after all.

Early in their careers, Mika and Akio were both very goal oriented and their goals did not include raising a child. They did this last part anyways and very begrudgingly. It wasn't until Michiko was seven that her parents decided that actually wanted to try being a family. They had a son together, Yori, but even the joyful birth of the baby boy could not help. The marriage did not survive the first year of Yori's life. The divorce was messy and there was a heated custody battle but the only subject of interest was Yori while there was no contest for Michiko.

Michiko watched as the only father she knew denied her, called her a bastard freak of nature, and claimed that he never wanted to see her again. She stayed with her mother while her brother spent time drifting between their parents. Michiko put up an air that she didn't care because she was going to school at CCI but it really bother her that no one was fighting for her. She got involved in school as much as possible because she wanted to forget what was going on at home. Her favorite thing to do was play quodpot because it made her mother angry.

When Michiko was a freshman she was sorted into House Rienzi which was no real surprise to her as her determined and enthusiasm launched her to the top of her favorite classes. Michiko was involved in many clubs and she was brilliant in many ways but she was still not getting the attention she wanted from her mother or father so she turned to the students around her, namely the boys. She got pregnant in November of her sophomore year and kept it quiet as long as possible. During winter break she traveled to Brazil to find her real father and ask for help but he sent her away with a few choice words and empty handed. When she returned home her mother got her a car for her sixteenth birthday. Michiko couldn't bring herself to tell her mother about the pregnancy or what had happened in Brazil so she turned to the only people she could think to turn to, her cousins Anna and Lisa. Anna took her younger cousin in and helped her get through school while she was pregnant. Michiko's on-again-off-again boyfriend did his best to help out and be supportive.

It was hard facing everyone at school once her bump started to show but her friends were good to her. She took a leave of absence from quodpot but she didn't miss a single game or practice. She stopped smoking and drinking and she made it through the year. Michiko had a son she named Isamu on August 1, 2010. Anna and Michiko came to an agreement that Anna and her partner Elizabeth would take care of the baby while Michiko was away at school as long as she came home often to check in with the baby. This is an easy promise to keep considering how close Anna lives and how much Michiko loves spending time with her son. She spent August with Anna, Elizabeth, and Isamu and invited a few of her closest friends over to see the baby. She was sad to leave him once school started but she goes and visits him almost every day, sometimes bringing along Isamu's father, Eli.

Somewhere along the line, Michiko got very good at quodpot and what originally was something she used as passive aggressive revenge on her mother became something she loved. When she realized she was pregnant and had to take a leave of absence she was devastated and sitting out the practices and the games was almost painful. She plans on picking up right where she left off when she gets back to school. She has been doing pregnancy safe work out regimes and has been working out endlessly all August to get back into shape for quodpot. She plans on going picking up her old position as Nose guard and center.

Other Fun Things:
Amortentia smells like: Skittles, Baby powder, fresh cut grass
She smells like: Expensive perfumes usually Jasmine
Michiko's handwriting is: Honey Script semi bold which can be found here
tags: bio, ooc
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