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a wild meme appears -
1. Comment to this entry saying 'There can be only one!' and I will pick 3 of your icons/userpics.
2. Make an entry in your own journal (or just reply if you prefer) and talk about the icons I picked!

[personal profile] calliopes_pen gave me these:

i made this one back in the days of all those 'my fandom...' icons going around. i must've been in a mood and there must've been a lot of stupid people irking me, b/c Van Helsing glaring at stupidity popped up and became an icon.

Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod from Highlander II just after he's been 'restored' to his immortal self. i think i made this one for an RP journal. if i were to make it today, it'd get some contrast and color balancing and a bit of lightening, b/c wow is that dark.

made by [personal profile] cleolinda based on her [livejournal.com profile] m15m post - The Prestige in 15 mins. i highly recommend her Movies in 15 Minutes (though she hasn't done any since she did one for The Avengers b/c RL n' shit).

so this is quotes from her M15M about the movie - where she's summarized one of the plot points - Michael Caine tells Hugh Jackman that he needs to steal Christian Bale's magic act and do it better. Mirrored from the original entry at Dreamwidth. Reply there using your own Dreamwidth account or OpenID!
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snowflake challenge - #07

Promote/Rec/Sing the Praises of Yourself

* I mentioned this before, but I have an almost 4-year unbroken streak posting to the challenges at [community profile] fan_flashworks.

* I dunno that anything from last year particularly stands out - all of my FFW fic (with a couple minor exceptions) is here (they're in date order). There's my Marvel-BB fic here that I actually finished wicked early (that never happens to me - I'm usually scribbling down to the wire).

* I went on two very cool trips this year - went to New Orleans and Las Vegas. 10/10 would go to both again. (I need to write up about Vegas, b/c I don't think I ever did.)

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friday five.... a little late
i was in Vancouver on Friday surrounded by SG-1/SGA/SGU actors etc, so couldn't do this then... so here we go:

1. Have you ever experienced a hurricane firsthand?

-- yup... one passed right over the house where my parents currently live a few years back - that fucker came waaaaaaaaaaaaaay on inland, the eye passed over the house. and hurricane Harvey wasn't too far away from where i currently live last year - but we got edge-rain more than anything else. (had to edit this b/c wow that sentence made no sense)

2. Have you ever experienced outside heat over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celcius)?

lol - i live in south Texas - heat over 100F happens for about 3.5 months straight every year

3. When and where was the coldest temperature you have ever experienced?

erm... up-state NY something or other below zero? i have nfi....

4. Is your household prepared for a possible power outage of two to seven days?

not really - but more b/c it gets to over 100F here for so much of the summer than anything else. it's hard to weather heat like that without fans.

5. Do you have a go bag?

no, but i probably should. though, i'm one of those ppl who can 'pack in a hurry' and i know where my things are.

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Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game - a review
I'm going to talk about playing all 3 variations - physical board game, Steam and phone app.

Once upon a time, there was a kickstarter for the DFCCG run by [twitter.com profile] fredhicks and his company Evil Hat Productions. (If you like RPGs and the like, hit them up - they are ALL about the games!) So, I pledged my $69 and waited and waited and waited and got the 1st chapter of Peace Talks as a perk for being a backer (omg book nao pls). Then the game arrives. (There are also expansion card packs available and more probably coming as new books get written.)

The box is gorgeous, the artwork is fantastic. The rules are weird - in a good way - and all of the cards have details you need so you don't have to try to remember everything. Which is good, because, like Harry's life, this game is hard. Deliberately.

But it's not unwinnable! It takes some strategy choices and a little bit of luck.

To go along with the Kickstarter, Hidden Achievement developed digital versions! So you can take your frustratingly fun game along with you wherever you go.

So, first up, the physical board game version )

Then the Steam version )

Finally, the mobile version )

So, from playing the game, some things I have learned/put to use (see the strategy write-up here for some in-depth tips and tricks):

behind the cut for spoiler potential, i guess? )

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Highlander -- It's a kind of magic....
We're talking the OG movie here.

have a little commentary while I watch the movie )

And, just because: Highlander in 30 Seconds Re-enacted by Bunnies.

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chocolateboxcomm letter
letter... )

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Snowflake challenge - day 7
Day 7

In your own space, create a fanwork. Make a drabble, a ficlet, a podfic, or an icon, art or meta or a rec list. Arts and crafts. Draft a critical essay about a particular media. Put together a picspam or a fanmix. Write a review of a Broadway show, a movie, a concert, a poetry reading, a museum trip, a you-should-be-listening-to-this-band essay. Compose some limericks, haikus, free-form poetry, 5-word stories. Document a particular bit of real person canon. Take some pictures. Draw a stick-figure comic. Create something.

I was re-watching episodes of JAG and so, have some Harmon Rabb, Jr icons:

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dear chocolate box creator...
chocolatebox letter - placeholder )

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MacGyver - The Countdown #92
#92 - The Assassin

Season: 1

Plot: A master-of-disguise assassin is going after an unknown target and Mac and Pete have to stop him.

[Frequently used Tropes are listed in the first post.]

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArchEnemy - subverted


We start off with someone ominously approaching a door. Or someone approaching an ominous door. There is lock-picking afoot. And a woman packing - clothing, not carrying a gun. The woman is attacked.

Then her sister? comes in and sees the woman laying on the floor having been stabbed. The sister is whining, but she'd be much better off CALLING AN AMBULANCE. Medical personnel would be much better at saving your sister than crying.

Mac and Pete are trying to figure out who some assassin is who is supposedly really crafty. And Pete's pretty nervous about it.

The sister (Terry) goes to get a job at the woman's old job - an escort service. Apparently she thinks that the woman's last client is the killer or something.

Anyway - Mac's posing as the watchmaker who specializes in timers for explosives and such when Piedra comes in. Things go well until Piedra decides Mac needs to die. The fight is pretty good until we get to the part where Piedra pulls out a pair of butterfly knives. I'm sorry, I can't really take an assassin seriously if he uses butterfly knives un-ironically. They are probably the WORST knives to try to use for any sort of fighting. Oh sure, they'll cut if they're sharp, but unless the person you're going after is stupidly slow at everything, they're gonna clobber you with a club or run away before you get those stupid knives open - assuming you're doing the fancy flipping action, which, why the hell else would you even HAVE butterfly knives? Sure, they look scary, but unless you know how to open them, you just look like a ninny who watches too much tv. (Mac got himself backed into a corner, so the stupid knives might've been effective.)

Knife-related rant over... back to Mac and his really destructive fight with Piedra. B/c holy shit - grandfather clocks are NOT cheap, man. And Pete saves the day.

They're talking to Piedra - though he isn't saying much - and they go through some of his arsenal and they know he uses call-girls to do the pick-ups for his payments and such. Mac is gonna go undercover as Piedra. At the pick-up site, there are some other guys - probably looking for Piedra - and Mac has to try to lose them. Which he does by slotting a board in front of a series of tire spikes designed to make sure people don't drive the wrong way into a lot. The goons following him clearly can't read, so they blow two tires.

Terry tries to kill Mac, ttly convinced that he's Piedra, but he throws some exploding toothpaste and gets her gun away from her. Then he has to convince her that he's not the bad guy and didn't kill her sister - which happens really easily. For someone so convinced that Mac killed her sister, Terry gives up and changes her mind really fast.

Meanwhile, back at chez prison, Piedra is having lunch by way of removing his fake mustache and scar - which the Feds clearly forgot to check - so that he can get out of his cuffs and make a blowgun. Though, Piedra, is it really smart to hide a poison-tipped bit of metal under your fake scar so close to your own skin? What if you move just wrong and stab yourself?

And you know those other guys who were chasing Piedra? They catch up w/ Mac and nab him and Terry and shove them into a car. Meanwhile, Piedra has turned into goddamned Spiderman and crawled up into a space near the ceiling where he has to hold himself up against hallway walls, and he managed to get there w/o making noise.

Mac and Terry convince the other guys that Mac isn't actually the assassin. Then they go to warn the archbishop, who tells them that he isn't going to kowtow to terror. He's going to make an appearance just as he planned. When Mac leaves Terry to stay on the phone, all she manages is a 'please hurry', then hangs up, making her all but useless as a character.

Mac does convince the archbishop to let him stand in the man's place for the blessing, at least until they find the assassin. Turns out, he's dressed as a nun. He attacks Mac and they roll their fight outside where Piedra tries to use his blowdart thing, but Mac ducks and Piedra misses. Terry shows up ready to shoot Piedra, but Mac stops her and there's a tussle and Piedra ends up landing on his own dart.

Then Mac's all bummed b/c he says he'll never know whether or not he could've beaten Piedra.

This is another episode that isn't bad, necessarily, just not one that grabs me and pulls me in. I think they tried to do a little too much - Terry chasing Mac, Feds chasing Piedra, the other Spanish/Mexican guys chasing Mac as Piedra, Piedra after the archbishop - there are too many moving parts, so everyone starts sort of tripping over each other.

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Suits s03e03 - Unfinished Business
Ok - I love this show and I'll watch it no matter what. Yes, even when this one character that I don't particularly care for happens to show up. She was introduced last season and I have yet to figure exactly what her purpose on the show is, other than irritating the fuck out of Mike. And really, if that's her purpose? There are like a zillion other better ideas.

Spoilers for the above listed episode beneath the cut.

let's talk about Katrina Bennett )

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