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highlander_ii - September 18th, 2018
friday five.... a little late
i was in Vancouver on Friday surrounded by SG-1/SGA/SGU actors etc, so couldn't do this then... so here we go:

1. Have you ever experienced a hurricane firsthand?

-- yup... one passed right over the house where my parents currently live a few years back - that fucker came waaaaaaaaaaaaaay on inland, the eye passed over the house. and hurricane Harvey wasn't too far away from where i currently live last year - but we got edge-rain more than anything else. (had to edit this b/c wow that sentence made no sense)

2. Have you ever experienced outside heat over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celcius)?

lol - i live in south Texas - heat over 100F happens for about 3.5 months straight every year

3. When and where was the coldest temperature you have ever experienced?

erm... up-state NY something or other below zero? i have nfi....

4. Is your household prepared for a possible power outage of two to seven days?

not really - but more b/c it gets to over 100F here for so much of the summer than anything else. it's hard to weather heat like that without fans.

5. Do you have a go bag?

no, but i probably should. though, i'm one of those ppl who can 'pack in a hurry' and i know where my things are.

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Name: highlander_ii
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