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So - I meant to post this the other day when I got it, but I completely forgot, what with the whole being at work and stuff, so here goes:

ye old k-b card #1 )

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Current Mood: cranky

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okay, so it's been like a month...
here's what's been going on...

(1) The Stars effectively blew all chances of hitting the playoffs - even with this shortened, fucked up season. Fail Stars, really guys. Whatever.

(2) last week sucked about as much as a week could suck... fuck last week, it's fired!

(3) Apparently Harvey Specter has been rather busy helping out his client Michael Jordan since he recently got married.

(3a) backstory: it's established in a couple episodes of Suits that Harvey has some 'choice' clients and one Michael Jordan gets specifically named. It's v. cool and the fans keep hoping that, one day, Mr. Jordan will decide he'd like a brief cameo appearance. Maybe.

I ttly thought there was more to put in here, but doesn't look like it. eh...

oh -

(4) anyone have a good recipe for minestrone?


(5) Ya'll should totes be reading this: http://abigailbarnettestheboss.blogspot.com/ she's putting up one chapter a week - totally free e-book to read and it's pretty awesome. It's like what 50SoG would be if it had been written by someone competent at writing books. =) So, it's a romance, of a sort, w/ BDSM elements, but the characters are actually multi-dimensional and LIKABLE!

son of ETA:

(6) So, also about the Stars - they booted Joe Nieuwendyk as GM and got some dude from Detroit (totally don't remember his name and I ain't editing this bitch again when I find it). I dunno where Joe's going, he's been with the organization for a while. We'll see.

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Current Mood: tired

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Suits: s01e01 - Pilot
So, season 2 of Suits just wrapped and I'm looking for something in one of the episodes, so I think I might start writing some recap/review posts for some of them.

I guess you're not the best closer this city's ever seen. )

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you know what's not good?
...coming home from work to hear a weird beeping sound coming from your external harddrive. Since this apparently means 'it's dead, Jim'... I am makin' sadfaces.

So - I have a wealth of tech-oriented friends on here - anyone have suggestions for how to check if the data is recoverable at all? I've done the hard part of yanking the drive out of the case (loooooooooooooooong past the warranty period, so no issue there) - and yes, I tested a bunch of things, including plugging it into my other computer to see if it was a USB port or cable or power issue just on an off chance - no joy. So, if slapping it inside my current tower is fairly simple - directions please? Or, am I better off finding a tech guru to pay to try to get data off it?

I don't think I have anything so uber!important that if I never get it back, my life will be over - hugely inconvenient and greatly annoying, perhaps, but not over. I pulled a lot of stuff off it recently and was in the process of burning more stuff to DVD a few weeks back, but hadn't gotten around to pulling everything I wanted off, so, *sigh*, I am resigned to the fact that some things may be gone and lost forever.

Shopping list for this week:

* new xhdd

yeah - that's about it.

I'm gonna go play with my new socks now, b/c hopefully they're not depressing.

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Current Mood: disappointed

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Test for Support Request
This is a test....

yes - I'm testing the crossposting issue again b/c we're trying to narrow down just where the issue might be...

apologies for those seeing these weird things on their reading pages...

ETA: ~ Notes ~

LJ post failed initially (dbl check p/w)
IJ - only link that showed on DW entry

Notes2 -

LJ post failed with this: Failed to crosspost entry to highlander_ii@LiveJournal: Failed to connect to http://www.livejournal.com/interface/xmlrpc.
and links were gone after 2nd edit...

01.05.13 - only scribbld links shows on DW entry.
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things that are pretty fucking cool -
Brad Richards being made of more awesome than there may actually be in the world


from [personal profile] synecdochic's blog this thing about folks who wanna get rid of the debt of the 99% - aka, not those folks w/ all the money and tax loopholes.

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Current Mood: groggy

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Indianapolis Zoo -
- this time with pictures!

The full array of photos is here: Indy Zoo photos

(( all photos link to the larger versions ))

Seals and Sea Lions:

the rest through here... )

all photos © Highlander II; no hot-linking or usage w/o permission

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Test #9
One more posting to all 4 sites.

- initial post - 0 x-post links
- post edit#1 - DJ link showed
- post edit#2 - LJ link showed; DJ link gone
- post edit#3 - LJ, Scribbld links show; DJ link still gone
- post edit#4 - LJ, DJ links show; Scribbld link gone
- post edit#5 - ALL links gone
- post edit#6 - DJ, Scribbld links show
- post edit#7 - LJ link showed; DJ, Scribbld links gone
- post edit#8 - IJ, LJ links show

(( sorry for all the spam, [staff profile] denise asked me to do a flurry of posts to test this crossposting link issue ))
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Test #8
This post only going to scribbld.com

- initial post - no x-post link
- after edit: x-post link showed
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this is another test
There were no links on the previous post at all and scribbld.com didn't work b/c it said the p/w was wrong... so trying that again....

ETA: only the LJ link showed up on this entry.

after the above ETA: DJ and LJ links were present.
Name: highlander_ii
Back April 2020
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