
Holly J Santos

October 17th, 2021

(no subject) @ 12:53 pm

bio )

October 17th, 2020

(no subject) @ 12:53 pm

storylines )

October 17th, 2019

(no subject) @ 12:49 pm

October 19th, 2011

Private to Student Body @ 11:49 am

I wrestled with whether or not posting this retaliation was the classy thing to do. Those of you who know me, know that I'm all about being classy. But in the end, I can't let this slight to my honor go unpunished.

Marianne Parker likes to twist the truth and lie, and make sweeping homophobic statements that really don't apply to anyone. Furthermore, as to the business of... rendering the underarm area hairless... Marianne was the one who brought it up, and then by way of accusing Hunter of a lack of personal hygiene.

The link to the actual conversation is here and I'll thank you all to read it and see just what actually was said.

In conclusion,

Marianne Parker is the antithesis of classy and ought to be avoided.

And Hunter's grooming is beyond reproach.

That is all.


October 18th, 2011

(no subject) @ 04:16 pm

I'm in the mood to get out on the field and just get hammered. Seriously, my mind is too damn busy today, and I want the physicality of Quodpot, I want to run and catch and tackle and be tackled, and when I get done and limp into the showers, I want my mind to have SHUT THE HELL UP.

And I don't want to dream tonight either.


October 17th, 2011

(no subject) @ 12:47 pm

application )

Holly J Santos