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Beta Ray Bill App [23 Apr 2011|02:08am]
Character Application:
Player (nickname/handle): Paul E
Email: You guys have it.
AIM (if you have one): Same as above.
How did you hear about the game? (optional) : Recommended to me by another member.

Character Info
Character Name: Beta Ray Bill
Character LJ (if applicable): iamnotahorse
Character location/Base of Operations: Mobile, currently looking for a steady home.

What are your plans for the character? Bill will be trying to get used to living on an alien world while

attempting to ahdere to his own code of honor. Desire to do tangible good may result in him joing a more pro-

active hero group.

How are you planning on working them into the game? Comes to Earth after his battle with Galactus. He runs

into old friends Thor and Sif and asks for advice on how to leave amongst humans.

Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? Yes. Rather than create a mate

for Bill, Galactus grants Bill a favor that he can cash in an any time.

What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character? Please be as detailed as you wish: Bill still

maintains a desire to do good, but is more fatalistic due to his belief that he failed his species. He still

wishes to help people, but he's having an increasingly hard time trying to care. Also, along the line, it's

discovered that somehow, Surtur has escaped from his battle with Odin and maybe on the road to ressurection.

A confrontaion that would pit Bill against the monster that began the fall of the Korbinite people.
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