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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau

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[Aug. 29th, 2010|09:45 pm]
[Current Mood |nerdy]
[Current Music |Unthinkable- Alicia Keys featuring Drake]

Wow I can't believe the first week of school is over already, and the first weekend too. Time has just flown by since vacation ended or for me anyway? It really does feel good to be back at school though.

I know I'm a little late on this but how was everyone's summer? Mine went well, pretty uneventful I guess. It was nice to spend some time down at the lake, read a few books, worked on my tan that sort of thing. OHHH And Tatum and I went to Lilith Fair, how cool is that? I have to say it was pretty inspiring:))!! Thanks sis

Here's a picture I took (Tatum has some really good ones but I doubt she'll ever remember to post them!)

Going to bed now, need my rest for class in the morning.

[Private to Jenny]
How was the rest of your summer? I've been trying to get a hold of you sorry about what happened. Maybe we could get together to talk hang out or study together sometime some?

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