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Sera Donnelly-Rousseau

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[Private to Apple] [Jul. 1st, 2011|02:29 pm]
[Current Mood |silly]
[Current Music |LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ]

I wanna ask you something but first you have to promise you won't tell anyone?
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Private to Tatum [Jun. 1st, 2011|10:09 pm]

Don't even try to lie or rip on me... you'll like this.

I've been listening to him all night.
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[Jan. 20th, 2011|04:24 am]
[Current Mood | confused]
[Current Music |Like a G6 - Far East Movement]

Don't get me wrong I'm all for Animal Rights, but this is taking it a little too far. Don't you think?

Bed Bug Protest in NYC
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