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♥Krystle Vincent♥

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[25 Jan 2008|10:49am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

ITS SHO SAKURA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[24 Jan 2008|09:59pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

I hate the fact that everyone is judging me based on what that liar of an ex-friend [info]aerith has been saying about me. I have given her plenty of time to come clean with me and now its over. you can bash me all you want but it won't make any differance it just makes you look imature and stupid and I won't deal with it anymore

all that girl was doing was lay around and do nothing all day long!! she wasn't trying to find a job to pay off her debt to the bank, she was eating all night and all day our grocery bill doubled the moment she moved in, we paid for her bus pass and her driving lessons she had to take because of that ticket (she owes me over $170), she borrowed money from us left and right and not once put any of it in the bank to start paying off that over $500 bank debt or said thank you, she started calling my Mother "mommy" or "mom" as well as started to try to take my place in this house (she can deny it all she wants but its true), she basicly destroyed our way of life and made it seem that we had to cater to her day in and day out (I could not be alone I had to entertain her other wise she complained).

so don't say you all know her because if you did you would be telling her off for all the BS she put me and my family thru.

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[23 Jan 2008|07:55am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

I'm sorry to all who think I'm a bitch for making sure my family doesn't get a bad rep and to [info]glaceon your taking this whole thing and blowing it way out of proportion I was just letting people know that she was telling lies on my family!!

[info]aerith brought porno into my mothers house and I have an 11 year old brother that goes into my room and plunders it all the time. she also stole his Game boy DS and only returned it after mom confiscated her PSP.

you can't say you know her until you've lived with her and I mean it you all don't know her, you all only know her as how she makes herself look on the internet!! so don't go calling me names and saying shit about me just because I am telling you all the truth

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[22 Jan 2008|10:07pm]
[ mood | enraged ]

look what Patti posted on Dead Journal that a friend showed me

I moved back home last night. Frankly they kicked me out. SOmeone framed me in that house, I was blamed for stealing her brother's ds. They took my psp until it was found, when it was found in a place that was looked in many times. Her mom claimed to have seen me go into that room and well mess with stuff and go back into her room. WEll you know what I NEVER did that nor did I STEAL his DS. Especially with my psp on the line. SO Krys goes and says to me I can't beleive you would do such a thing and all. That her mother NEVER lies and that I broke they trust she had in me. THat we could never live together and so on. SO yeah she didn't stand up for me, listen to me or anything. SO I am rather glad to be home where I can feel like I am wanted, ratehr than there where it always seemed like someone wanted me gone. Oh and mind you I was the only person who really looked for that DS everyone else gave up. Krys went to her room and watched tv, her mom played sims, and her brother goofed off and watched tv. and then I am the one who is blamed. well you know what maybe I am better without her. If she and her family are goign to treat me that way and threaten to place charges against me for something I didn't do. I mean she even acused me of stealing a ring given to her from her grandmother. I have had it with her bullshit!!!

Excuse the heck out of me, but the fact of the matter is Patti took the DS.
Was going to sell it like she was selling everything else and Mom searched our room and found a bondage porno in Patti's bag while looking for the DS. When Mom said if it didn't show up within 30 minutes, she would make her pay for a new DS with money from the resell of the PSP. It miraculously reappeared in a place that had been searched by everyone. Mom was cooking dinner not playing sims, I was playing Sims 2. Mom then gave her the PSP, said thank you now call your father. There is no telling what would have gone missing next. I have an 11 year old brother who goes into my room all the time. I can't have him finding her smut while he plunders my room. He may be a pain in the ass but I love him to death. That is the truth. That girl needs real help. I hope she gets it.

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[19 Jan 2008|12:22am]
[ mood | artistic ]

here is my newest amv Angel Of Darkness-A Hotaru/Sailor Saturn Tribute

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