Six Times - Something that I'm playing around with somewhere else

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February 9th, 2011

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12:08 pm - Something that I'm playing around with somewhere else

Yes, it's a photo. I was having fun with adobe, decided to post some of the fun to my site at DeviantArt and share a little of it here. If you'd like to see more, the link below will take you there and yes, this does make me a deviant. Don't judge me, man.

Astor toward Dusk

Astor Toward Dusk by ~josephdunphy on deviant

Back to music, as I ponder the 2st century paradox: the scarcer money gets, the more everything costs. $24 cover at the Wild Hare a few months ago - huh? Ever been? It's a tiny little standing room only Reggae club near Wrigley Field and when I say standing room, I'm not talking about popularity. The place is so barebones that it doesn't have chairs.

A mystery until you look at the club listings in Chicago magazine and compare them to what can be seen in old issues from more prosperous times - listings that used to run for a few dozen pages now run to maybe three or four. Supply contracted well ahead of demand, and prices spiked.

And that's why G-d created ipods and sites like Napster, I guess - and why I dream of moving out of here. Part of why. You look at a situation like this and ask yourself "is there any less talent out there than there has ever been or any less interested in finding it, so why don't the downsized musicians go find places to play to their downsized fans and forget those ripoff clubs". Because the armed goons that we call a police force would end that in a hurry, practicing restraint of trade in the name of crowd control; peaceful crowds are dispersed as a matter of course. Freedom of assembly? What's that?

What I'd like to find is a place where people remember that there's nothing natural about that at all.


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