Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
The game will open once we have at least 10 members.

main community • random community • storylines • ooc community

[] claims and holds. [] member directory. [] application.

       hanamachi literally means "flower town." It is usually used in refrence to the geisha districts in Japan. The reason I chose it for the title of this game is because it is set in Kyoto, Japan. No knowledge of Japan, or Kyoto is required to join this roleplay. It would be nice, but really, how often do we go into these things when we actually write? The only thing you'll need this sort of information for will probably be your first post or if your muses decide to do any traveling around.
       Present day Kyoto: Geisha have become popular again, Yakuza have more power than the government, and something is haunting the streets of Kyoto. People are disappearing, being found wounded, and limping back battered and talking nonsense of bloodsuckers and demons.
This game may seem complicated but it is actually rather simple. Your character can be one of the following, a faerie, a geisha, a yakuza, a vampire, a vampire hunter, a werewolf, an involved person, or a regular person. More information on the character types can be found here.

一。 we will accept muses of any ethnicity. just because the game is set in Japan does not mean that everyone has to be Japanese. we will also accept muses of any sexuality.
二。 we will keep occ seperate from ic.
三。 everyone will be treated equally. we all like to come into games with storylines already set up and all that jazz, but don't be so fixated on what you already have to leave others out.
四。 do not be afraid to message people. we are all here to play.
五。 activity is a big thing, as the mod, I can't play with all of you but if you are inactive for more than two weeks you will be removed from the community. this will be based on the following criteria; AIM play/threading, posting in </a></b></a>[info]kabuki_theater & your characters own personal journal. journal updates should be made at least twice a month. more if you can swing it. if not, as previously stated, scening activity and activity in the random/lyric community will also be taken into account. if you need to take a hiatus, it will be granted and you will be exempt from this rule for as long as you needed, as long as you let me know.
七。 you can have up to two muses. if you have two and you really need another, you can contact me and i may make an exception but it will depend on how active you are with your other two already, so good luck with that.
Tuesday, February 19th, 2008
leave a comment if you add me, ok? I'll add you back. ^^
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