November 15th, 2008

sam (13)
*eyes cross* Okay, so I'm nearly 3 hours into making this post and suddenly realizing that I must be some sort of masochist to want to do this. ANYWAY. Everyone had gone to bed and I was bored. While thinking on what other characters I could possibly pick up, I got this CRAZY idea to head over to the HP Lexicon's list of Wizarding Folk and figure out who isn't in-game as of yet. The real available characters list is right here and this is no way an attempt on my part to step on toes--it's just a combination of my idle mind and my obsessive personality that dictates I must be comprehensively persistent about things. Of course, the list ended up being a bajillion times bigger than I thought it would be. It's entirely possible I've shuffled some of these characters into the wrong columns or included characters that shouldn't be included. Honestly, there are how many characters in-game (200+) and how many characters in canon (eleventy thousand?) so there are going to be mistakes. NO NEED FOR HISSY FITS AND PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE COMMENTS. If someone needs to be slashed or moved, just let me know. And again--THIS IS BY NO MEANS ANY KIND OF "OFFICIAL" AVAILABLE CHARACTER LIST FOR VALESCO. For starters, I didn't include the original characters on the OFFICIAL available character list or the filler parents that make up the current Hogwarts list since I imagine those are allowed a little wiggling. This is just my attempt at a canon list of people and no more.

ANYWAY. I HAVE PRATTLED ON WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS. IT'S REALLY NOTHING SPECTACULAR. It's just a list. Have a look at it or don't. I really don't care. If you want to learn more about a character on this list, you can do so by looking them up at the Lexicon.

My brain hurts. I'm going to go pass out now. Ta!

List of Ridiculous-ness )


Ally «my eyes are on you yeah»

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