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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor

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[15 Mar 2020|12:26pm]
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{ Kendall Broadmoor

Mr. Blue Eyes
Today I don't feel like doing anything

owl post♥

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[03 Jun 2014|09:06pm]
Attention. I have a very important announcement.

Tomorrow, the 4th of June, is going to be a gloriously fantastic day. With the sun shining, not a cloud suppose to grace the sky it can't be a better day for a Lake side Barbecue. Swimming, pickup quidditch, an abundance of food? Who wants to come?

Also its my birthday so, I require this to happen.

[Thomas] Heyyy best friend. [/Thomas]
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[30 Mar 2014|02:49am]
Muggle cars aren't nearly as hard to drive as one would think. Though being on the other side of the road, now that's tricky.

No cute pictures of babies, but we did find a whale along the way.

No, seriously )
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[01 Dec 2013|05:49pm]
Got invited out to lunch by the lovely captain of the Arrows, and then got stood up. How rude. I certainly hope you don't think you are too good for us now that you are Champion, Thomas Grady.

What have I told you about not showing up to places you said you'd be?
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[15 Oct 2013|10:04pm]
Thomas )

Matthew )

Rose )

Just got myself a fancy new broom. I think I'm in love.
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[21 Jun 2013|11:44pm]
Thomas )

Rose )

Matthew! What is the United feeding you? You came out of nowhere this last match. I didn't even see you until you had the Snitch in your hand.
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[21 Jan 2013|09:00pm]
Nona )

Thomas )

Rose )

I think I'm quite liking Istanbul, after all.
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[19 Nov 2012|10:06pm]
THOMAS I have a delimma! What would you do if hypothetically--- wait no I shouldn't

Rose I think you may have


What is my life.

[Thomas] Can you tell me why this time of year makes me want to bang my head against the wall? [/Thomas]

There is an unacceptable number of fake flowers in my apartment.
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[14 Oct 2012|02:15am]
Concussion, dislocated shoulder and a couple broken bones. Thank you, Rupert.

You are welcome Portree. I hope you enjoy the win that we handed you
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[14 Sep 2012|10:04pm]
Thomas )

I can make some pretty tasty french toast.
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[19 Aug 2012|10:43pm]
Felicia )

Kestrels )

Is it time for vacation yet?
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[15 Jun 2012|12:53am]
Playing seeker seems to be exceptionally harder this season. I would blame the reserve beater but that would be unfair, given more notice I'm sure he would be doing much better. And I'm pretty sure Axe just finds me dodging bludgers amusing.
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[30 Apr 2012|12:18am]
I don't know what Axe meant about my poor team dedication. What do you expect when you ruin my vacation THAT I SPENT A LONG TIME PLANNING Just because I didn't feel up to pre-preseaon practice doesn't mean anything. I mean, for a while there I could of swore I was turning green, how is that for team dedication.
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[24 Feb 2012|03:11pm]
Thomas )

Felicia )

I feel that there is something very important going on this weekend that I'm forgetting about. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with some sort of sport and a certain team from Puddlemere losing tragically, but I can't be sure.
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[06 Jan 2012|01:10pm]
Thomas )

Felicia )

Its going to be a crazy week at Kenmare Stadium. Who all is coming out for the All-Star fun?
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[11 Oct 2011|11:20pm]
You know it was a good night when the hangover potions don't even work.

Am I the only one with a tattoo?
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[12 Sep 2011|11:59pm]
Thomas )
Felicia )

I'm so happy that our fearless leader has returned. 

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[23 Aug 2011|03:11pm]
Thomas )

I think I'm getting an end of summer cold. Cough.
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[22 Jun 2011|09:03pm]
What's this?  I go on vacation during the off season and miss this smashing quidditch bash?  I feel so left out.

At least pre-season will cheer me up.
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