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She Practices the Dark Arts

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[04 Jan 2011|02:32pm]
S Capper at Puppet )
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[04 Jan 2011|11:25am]
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[21 Dec 2010|09:55pm]


It has been nearly a hundred years since Jesus walked the Earth, a hundred years since God took offense at the man who was to become known as his son-. He was furious when he discovered he was a fallen angel, pretending to be human. An Angel who had transplanted memories into a family and a villiage of people so he would have a backstory. An Angel who was doing what he wanted, that went against the rules and regulations that Heaven functioned with.

A hundred years since Saetan took delight in God's fury and started a war between Heaven and Hell.

Today, the war is still waging between Heaven and Hell. It has esculated in fury and has left not one Angel or Demon untouched by it. The only people who remain unaware of the war being faught around them are the Humans of Earth.

Except that is about to change.

Saetan, has cast his eyes onto the Human Race as a way to win the war against God and Heaven. A way to end this once and for all but God won't allow that to happen. Instead he sends his own people to Earth to go against the ones Saetan sent, ones to get the Humans to help him.

With the war spilling over to Earth and the Humans caught in the crossfire of the war, the question is what will happen now? Will they accept that Heaven and Hell are real? Will they participate in the war? If so which side? Will they stand united against Heaven and Hell or will they be split into sides of who to support?

Only time will tell.

Premise Rules Heaven and Hell Taken and Holds Application
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[17 Dec 2010|07:55am]
Current: [info]thedogdays [info]collectors_rpg [info]cr_seventies/[info]cr_nineties [info]ageofdarkness

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[17 Dec 2010|07:54am]
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[17 Dec 2010|07:53am]
The PSL Post )
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[17 Dec 2010|07:53am]
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[17 Dec 2010|07:52am]
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[17 Dec 2010|07:51am]
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[17 Dec 2010|07:50am]
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[17 Dec 2010|07:48am]
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