♪If You Only Knew I'd Sacrifice My Beating Heart Before I Lose You♫  
10:06pm 03/11/2009
Ok so I got my classes scheduled today and starting January 19th I shall be a college student yet again. I have 14 credit hours for the semester and I got my FASFA all filled out. I just need to print something out, have my dad sign it, and mail it out.

My classes are really close together for the most part I do have a 50 minute window on all my days but mostly they are close together so I am less tempted to skip.

Ok my schedule:

10:45-12-US Formative Period(History credit which will complete my Humanities and Fine Arts part of my degree)
12:50-2:05-Introduction to Sociology(This should complete my Social Sciences Credits)
2:15-3:30-College Writing 1(Will need College Writing II Fall of 10)

10:45-12- Introduction to Justice Studies(Again. Woo.)
12:50-2:05-Core Mathematics III(For only 7 weeks though and then I'm done with that. Not sure if I will need to schedule the next core class or not)

But that is my schedule and I feel a lot better about going now that I am on my medication and in counseling. I will let them know when the time comes that, if possible, I'll need to have counseling on Fridays.

With how little jobs available around here it just seems easier to put my time into college and at least get my 2 year degree and then decide whether or not I wanna go for my 4 year degree or not. I am actually very excited to start school again; depending on how much my refund will be, minus the cost of books, I am hoping to get a new back-pack, pencils, pens, notebooks and possibly binders. And after that depending on what I have left I am getting that Star Tattoo that I've been wanting forever and then depending on how much after that I wanna see if I can convince my mom and step-dad Mike to sell me the PT Cruiser. ^_^ Hahaha.
location: Home
mood: excited excited
music: Shinedown-If You Only Knew
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