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Mharen, Guard at Fort Weyr - 2690.11.21 - Deflecting Attention
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2690.11.21 - Deflecting Attention
Fort Weyr - Ground Entrance - SW Bowl

The dominant feature of the southern end of the bowl is the blue lake that fills the entire southern tip and the rockslide that tumbles down into its far side. It has been many, many, turns since the slide took place, but it still stands uncleared to this day. Occasionally, smaller pebbles tumble down to splash into the waters of the lake below, but the mass seems mostly stable. Sturdy fences mark the feeding pens that the dragons may choose their meals from, located against the west face. The beasthold here is minor, small cramped buildings, used mostly to maintain the herds which feed the dragons. The major beasthold is located out in the forests, just outside the Weyr. There's a sign which warns "that beasts in this location are fair game to the dragons" and that any domestic pleasure stock should be kept in the major beasthold location.

The other feature that does not go unnoticed in this bowl is the large cavernous archway. There seems to be cobble stone laid down near the archway, which causes a clatter when the wagons and trading caravans arrive. Indeed, it seems that there's a tunnel out of the bowl here, wide enough for two trader caverns to fit through and possibly a small blue dragon. To the opposite end, the great bowl stretches away far, leading to some very interesting locations.

Snow, snow, and more snow. Luckily there's been a break in the weather that has been plauging the Fort skies for a majority of the day, and enough Time enough has passed since the last batch of flurries for paths to be shoveled out, but late enough that there is few out and about. A few hours past dinner, Kairhys is found trudging along the bowl from the direction of the living caverns. Nose and ear tips are just starting to pink up, suggesting he just came from some place warm. He'd bundled up pretty well though, as if he intended to be out and about for longer than a quick jaunt across the bowl. A tiny blue head pokes out from beneath the collar of his tweed coat, whirling green eyes taking in the silent scenery. Spotting a place to sit, the weaver makes a b-line for it, dropping down with a shiver and jamming his hands in his pockets.

Mharen crunches up the path from the direction of the guard barracks, a knitted hat pulled low over her plaited hair. Wrapped snugly in a coat and scarf, she's cutting a straight line through the snow toward the caverns, slowing her progress only to tip a bland look at Kairhys and his little friend as they take a seat. Rolling her eyes faintly, the tall woman exhales heavily before altering her trajectory so that she can pass the shivering weaver. "Trying to catch a cold to get out of your early wake-up call, I take it?" And that's Mharen's version of 'hi, how are you?'

The cold weather has more than just Kairhys bundling up. Shena is in several layers of warm clothing to shield her from the snow, grumbling a little as she returns towards the caverns after delivering yet another package to some far-flung corner of the bowl. She passes by near Kairhys and Mharen, giving each a curious look.

Kairhys isn't wearing a hat, no. Perhaps worried it would mess with his hair or something. He scrunches down though, hunching his shoulders and making some feeble attempt to keep himself warmer. Or smaller. Or both. The firelizard snuggled up against his neck tucks his head in and disappears, causing the weaver to twitch some and grimice. "That hurts Muse. Ow. Ow.....OW!" he winces, hands coming out of his pockets and half way to where his jacket seems to have a life of it's own. "Hello, to..you...to...Mharen." His voice is strained, at one point forced past clench teeth before he all but collapses in relief. Where ever the creature had settled, he had settled, and that seemed to be enough for Kai. He eyes his own torso dubiously before lifting his head and grinning at the guard. "Gunna stay and keep me warm?" he teases, giving the woman a wink.

Hazel eyes narrow a disdainful look down at the lad and an irritated puff escapes Mharen's lips. "Not even in your daydreams, weaver-boy, " is her dismissive answer, arms folding across her chest. Nice try. There's a half-glance for Shena as the girl approaches, followed by a brisk, "But maybe she will if you ask nicely enough. She's around my sister's age, far more appropriate for you."

Shena is just about to walk on by when she picks up on the snippet of conversation between the unfamiliar duo where she is being discussed. She pauses in her tracks, first eyeing Mharen, then Kairhys with a somewhat dubious and mildly suspicious expression. "Maybe I'll do what now?"

Kairhys laughs and brushes off the rejection, likely taking it no more seriously then the proposal in the first place. Though the boy's eyes do slide on over to Shena, brows lifting some before his expression shifts from appraising to not so much displeased. "Hmm not bad. Not too fat, not too thin, takes care in her appearance." he mentions to Mharen, and then a coy little smirk draws up one side of his lips. "But there is something to be said about a mature woman in full blossom that calls to me." A pause and he leans back on his hands upon the bench he'd chosen as his perch, fur-lined gloves keeping long slender digits protected from the chilly stone. "And how would you know what I've been day dreaming about." He eyes her something wicked and full out grins. "Have you been peeking at my diary?" There is not a single shread of seriousness there, even as his attention shifts off of Mharen to Shena. "Mharen here was trying to divert my playful banter off of her onto you. Apparently she believe you are age appropriate." Amused. So, very amused.

Mharen stares, not unlike an incredulous fish. "It must be your lack of maturity that causes you to seek it out. Grow up, little weaver Kairhys." A hand lifts to impatiently flick a gesture between Kairhys and Shena. "Make friends with him, would you?" asks her casual alto. "He follows me like an unnecessary trundlebug."

Shena's jaw drops. For a moment she's simply stammering before she can come up with a coherant reply. Then she narrows her eyes and stomps towards Kairhys, snow crunching under her shoes. "I'm sorry, not /too/ fat? And are you saying I'm not mature? Who do you think you are, just saying those kinds of things about women passing by that you don't even know?" She plants her hands on her hips, fuming and glaring. She glances at Mharen, incredulous. "I sure hope you're not the one who taught him his 'manners'."

Kairhys simply grins at Mharen, "I'm sixteen, how mature exactly were you expecting?" he asks of her, and then laughs again when she tells him to grow up. "There's plenty of time to grow up, I'm in no rush." The flicked gesture between himself and Shena is followed, head tilted some off to one side before returning to the guard once more. "Whoa wait. What? I follow...you?" That's when he bursts out laughing, the mirth plain to hear. "If only the thought had occured to me." That said, back to Shena he goes and he blinks a few times. "Yes, not to fat, not too thin. Just right. What is so terrible about that?" he wonders, brows lifting. "I have no idea if you're mature or not. For one you're wearing far to many clothes, and for two I don't even know you." An honest reply, from the look on his face. Completely without malice or amusement. "I wouldn't even of noticed if Mharen here wasn't trying to deflect my attention off of herself onto someone I suppose she felt was closer it my age. I do wonder what was the point of her coming over to begin with." A blink and brown eyes and chin lift back towards the gaurds woman. A brow arches.

Mharen barks out a laugh, too, but it's not very mirthful and given for very different reasons. "It's stupid to sit out in the cold when there are warm hearths up that way, " she answers defensively. "Weyrfolk welfare and safety is supposed to be my business." And she resumes her crunching stalk to the main cavern, gait brisk. Shena will have to get a proper introduction another time.

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Back October 2011
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