Léon Shaw
14 January 2011 @ 01:50 am
Entry in Handwritten Journal- Private to himself  

Tonight is the third night I've been unable to sleep. I've tired everything I could think of- music, hot showers, warm milk, even reading a boring book. I should be used to this by now, given the frequency of sleepless nights. It is only that it seems worse since New Years, since I told Gael. Heh. On the upside, I've managed to finish a weeks worth of classwork in the last forty eight hours. I told Chester he should be impressed, but he seemed less than inclined to do more than attack my hand. Vicious beast.

If I haven't had sleep by morning, I doubt I'll make it to my classes. Not mentally, at least. I've considered making a sleeping drought, but the wisdom in that is questionable at the moment. I'm not sure I could tell one plant from another. Though, at this rate I'm not sure I would care if I poisoned myself.

Should remember to ring up Frost first, though, just so he knows.